The Death Knell

Chapter 1969 Despicable Aliens

Vulkan's decision was essentially correct. As long as the scandal was not spread, it never happened. As long as all the witnesses are killed, no one will know.

But will he get through it so easily?

His poor IQ did not immediately think of why the official who sent him these storage devices was so scared? Who collected this information and sent it to the palace?

A few hours later.

When Scott returned to the throne room with a small box of earthworms and his face covered with water, and saw the way he wiped his face, Vulcan realized the problem.

However, by the time he discovered it, it was already too late. A similar problem that had occurred before the explosion of the ancestral tomb occurred again in the streets and alleys of Mengyu Star, that is, all kinds of screens or projections were invaded, and two A royal scandal with the princess and the captain of the guard.

When many people walking on the road saw it, their first reaction was fear, because they didn't know who shot these films. They can be said to be art.

But then someone reacted. The royal guards followed the eldest princess and there was no judge on Feather Star.

This is so scary, but it’s fun to watch.

So people at home use various terminals to watch the Internet, and people outside simply find a roadside restaurant or something, buy some food inside, watch it leisurely, and even strangers exchange ideas with each other.

"I didn't expect the second princess to play so wildly." A birdman tilted his head and looked at the screen. He really didn't expect that this kind of posture could be done by humans: "Put your own feet on your head and do it again. It's really that... Cool?"

A foreigner at the next table who was also watching a movie under the guise of eating heard this and whispered: "I don't know, but the guard captain is also strong enough. It makes me feel itchy to watch."

"Ahem, aren't you a male?" The former choked on his drink.

The sturdy foreigner smiled slightly and raised his hand to wipe his beard. A trace of complacency flashed across his gray face: "We Kravas are relatively small in number. You may not understand that we can actually change gender at any time."

"I admire it, I admire it." The birdman from before showed a respectful look on his face, and moved a little further away without leaving a trace. Then he took a wary look out the window, only to find that the soldiers were also watching these videos on the street: "But I see Now that I know this, I don’t understand, since Dujian and the second princess are so close, why did he side with the eldest princess this time?”

The gray man nodded with deep understanding: "Yes, I think there must be something fishy about this matter, but I have to study the royal family's scandal carefully. This is not something you see every day."

"Well, we can just look at it with a critical eye. It's really sad. I didn't expect that the royal family's life would be so rotten." The Shia man from before had a serious face, as if he was sighing with great pain, but his eyes He was so wide-open that he wished he could go in instead of fighting swords and criticize the princess's actions.

What happened in this small shop was just a microcosm of countless similar scenes. In fact, before Vulkan saw these, hundreds of magic-modified movies had already spread to the entire planet.

Now a few hours have passed, and the commotion has become known to everyone. Everyone knows that the man in the palace has been raped by the sword fight.

Someone may want to ask, judging from these video records, it should have happened earlier. It was also the sword fight that was defeated and Vulcan took over, right?

But the Xi'ans didn't think so. In the previous encounters between these two figures, they were both better than Vulcan in sword fighting, so the princess must be serving the strong man secretly now and just using the mutant.

Let's think a little more. This civil war is said to be about grabbing the king's power, but in essence, isn't it a sword fight between two princesses?

Hiss, when you say that, everything makes sense!

It’s not that there aren’t smart people in Xi’a. Gradually, a conspiracy theory began to spread.

In a safe house in the center of the city, Su Ming patted the shoulder of Du Jian next to him and said appreciatively:

"Your sacrifice was not in vain. Vulkan and the Death Bird had a falling out. It was all thanks to your sacrifice. Isn't Vulkan too stupid? Haven't you ever thought about taking a look at the situation outside the palace?"

Sword Fighter was not happy to be praised. He looked completely ruined, even his mohawk hair was drooped.

He thought about countless possibilities, but never thought that the Supreme Mage would use such a dirty and shameless method.

Moreover, he is called a mage, but he also possesses technology that Xiadou cannot understand. He perfectly replaced the original actors in the movie and prepared hundreds of different videos in such a short period of time.

In fact, when Deathstroke first proposed this ghost plan, Kallak refused. After all, he was the captain of the Shi'ar Empire's guard. There was no way that he could agree to it if the Supreme Mage asked him to show his face like this.

But when he refused, Deathstroke just tilted his head.

The devilish little boy immediately started dancing. If he didn't obey, he would make various taunting moves one after another to undermine his self-confidence.

Sword fighting relies on self-confidence. Without self-confidence, there will be no fighting power and you will not be able to defeat Vulcan, which will lead to the failure of the eldest princess.

He could only succumb to the earth's golden songs one after another, not to mention that Star-Lord also mastered countless dance steps, and just by looking at them, he knew that he couldn't keep up.

The helpless Karlak could only compromise, allowing the Supreme Mage to use his identity and image, and relying on his familiarity with the terrain, he led Deathstroke and his party to lurk underground in the palace along the sewers.

Then he saw an astonishing scene.

Not many people know that there is a symbiote in Deathstroke, but seeing it eat people with your own eyes is another matter.

The black tentacles flowed along the pipes to the bathroom of Vulkan and the Death Bird's palace. They deliberately broke the water pipes and attracted the maid who usually took the princess's bath to check. Then the black bean sprouts suddenly burst out of the floor drain and turned into a giant sheet. He swallowed her whole mouth and digested her instantly.

After a few seconds, all the information about the second princess, including various characteristics of her body, daily behavior and habits, the tone of voice when speaking in various tones, etc., were all known to Deathstroke.

Then Deathstroke patted his arm, and suddenly disappeared in front of everyone, and when he came back, he brought many data carriers with him. After returning to the safe house, all these horrific, demonic videos were made public through the backdoor of the planet's network known to the captain of the guard.

He also turned himself invisible and dropped a copy outside the palace gate for Vulkan to see.

This was the beginning and end of everything, and everyone saw that not long after the ‘movie bomb’ was dropped, the Death Bird limped out of the palace and left crying.

"Well, how can I explain this to Her Royal Highness the Princess? Although the two Highnesses are now fighting each other, our actions will undoubtedly ruin the reputation of the royal family. Even if we can defeat Vulcan, what should I do later?"

Dou Jian vomited his bitterness, but he was surrounded by Deathstroke, Thor, Phoenix, and Gigolo. He had no room for protest and could only lament like a resentful woman.

"Don't worry, it's only because Charles is here that I can use this tactic. Isn't it easy for him to erase the memories of everyone on the planet?"

Su Ming had a plan early in the morning. He looked at the big screen facing the window and raised his hand to hook Dou Jian's neck:

"Next, it's time for you to appear in person, challenge Vulcan to a duel of honor on the grounds that your lover has been stolen, and lead him to the battlefield I prepared three hundred light years away. When the time comes, you will break the cup as a sign of honor, We swarmed him and hacked him to death."

Dou Jian didn't know what expression to make or what answer to give. He just felt that the whole plan was dark from beginning to end, too dark.

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