The Death Knell

Chapter 1970 Big things are reduced to trivial matters

Civilizations where the strong are respected often favor the glory of warriors, and Shi'a is no exception.

If the previous battle between the royalists and the rebels was for the ownership of the royal power, and everyone had a reason to participate, then the next battle was a sword fight and a duel between Vulcan and a woman, and everyone else lost. Reasons to intervene.

It's not that you can't intervene, but it just doesn't respect tradition, because in Xi'a, any member of the opposite sex you like can be robbed, and only the one you rob is the best.

As long as Vulkan still wants to be emperor of the empire, it is impossible not to act in accordance with tradition.

What's more, with his brain capacity, after learning that he was cheated on by everyone, his IQ should have been burned out long ago.

Jealousy, suspicion, anger, and shame are all human weaknesses that are easily exploited. Things involving privacy and emotions will always have a strong mental impact after being exposed.

Young people still want to use a borrowed knife to kill Deathstroke?

I'm afraid he knows too little about the earth and doesn't know which civilization created the Thirty-Six Strategies?

Driving a wedge between Death Bird and Vulkan was like cutting off one of his wings. Without that woman, Vulkan and Du Jian would definitely lose in a duel.

Anyone who has been defeated by a swordfight once will have a natural psychological advantage when facing the captain of the guard again. That is the winner's margin and the source of self-confidence.

Choosing the battlefield in a cosmic space far away from the Feather Star means that Scott can't help at all, because he can't enter the universe with his own body, and he doesn't have that ability.

At the same time, the scale of Axeman's ambush battles is always smaller than that of fleet battles, so it will not attract the attention of other empires and attract those who fight against the autumn wind.

This is the big head in the glass jar. That guy is so good at seizing opportunities.

The air in the room became quiet, except for the sounds of gasping and moaning that continued to come from outside the window, echoing in the streets.

Dou Jian remained silent, analyzing how credible Deathstroke's words were. After all, in his eyes, he didn't think the male human in the wheelchair was that powerful.

But he had to admit that the man named Charles was probably the most handsome being in the universe.

Even a cosmic powerhouse like him must admire Charles' bald head. It is so perfect. The luster, the curvature, the shape of the bones, and even the sound after being slapped on it are like a perfect egg. ah!

In Shi'ar's legend, the Cosmic Egg was born from two gods, representing the birth of the universe and the origin of all life.

So Charles, who was born with a perfect egg-shaped bald head, is simply the person chosen by Shia.

As the captain of the Royal Guards, Doujian was very familiar with the kings and princesses, so he naturally understood why Princess Lilandra was so embarrassed when she saw the man in the wheelchair. It was love at first sight.

Lilandra is not as good at fighting as Death Bird, nor is she as young and beautiful as her, but the eldest princess used to be more proud than the second princess. She has not married for decades because she feels that there is no one in Shia who is worthy of her.

But it's different now.

If an Earthling becomes an Imperial Prince in the future, then Shi'ar will inevitably cooperate more comprehensively with Earth.

As for whether Charles would become a prince, Karlak never doubted that he was very confident in the charm of the princess.

After thinking about a lot of things, Dou Jian nodded: "I'm ready. I will return to the universe to lure Vulcan to join the battle. But please, master, don't embarrass the second princess. In fact, she was just blinded by love. , everything in the empire belongs to the royal family, and all losses in the civil war are unimportant in the face of love."

"I understand. I have learned some information about Calisie. She is actually similar to her sister in all aspects. Moreover, she is also a rare earth culture expert in Shia. She can speak English, French, and Latin, which is very impressive." Su Ming He smiled and patted Doujian on the shoulder to reassure him: "If it were me, I wouldn't learn a language that I consider to be a primitive civilization."

I really don’t know how to learn it, just let Strangler eat my brain, how fast.

"Yes, the second princess's biggest problem is love. She will go crazy for love and do all kinds of unreasonable things." Doujian felt relieved. After all, Her Royal Highness Lilandra needs her sister alive: "The root of everything As for Vulcan, he took advantage of Her Highness the Second Princess’s love, what a damn guy. However, if we kill him, I’m afraid the Second Princess will also be heartbroken.”

As he spoke, the sword fight suddenly became a little entangled again. Is killing Vulkan really the best choice?

"Again, we have the 'Bald Brand' memory modifier. If we kill Vulkan and then change the second princess's memory, it won't be a problem to make her fall in love with you, haha!" Deathstroke's elbow poked Poking at Dou Jian's weakness, he hinted with a wink: "By the way, since everyone on the planet has watched your 'Intimate Bonding' video, it would be easier to make the mistake and just change the memory of Death Bird."

"Be careful! Master Deathstroke, I have absolutely no intention of climbing up to the royal family!" Du Jian was sweating profusely. Deathstroke's thinking was too fast and he couldn't keep up: "There are also those in our capital that are insulting to the royal family. The memory of dignity must also be cleansed.”

Su Ming touched his face, took out the cigarette case to shake it, put a cigarette in his and Dou Jian's mouths to light a fire, and said vaguely:

"Oh? Don't you want to be the Emperor of Shi'a? If neither of the two princesses wants the royal power, and all the other Norruman family members are dead now, I think you want to be the emperor based on your strength, bloodline and prestige. No one can stop you."

"Please don't say any more." Dou Jian's expression became serious, and he imitated Death Knell and took a puff of cigarette: "I am a warrior loyal to the royal family. Even if I die in battle, starve to death, or be eaten by others, I will not usurp power and become the emperor. .”

The Supreme Mage just shook his head with a half-smile: "Okay, let's take action. You can delay him on the nearby track for a while before passing. We have to set up there first. Daisy, don't look!"

Yes, the reason why Deathstroke and Dou Jian could chat so peacefully was because the other three were leaning against the window, peeking at the big screen outside.

Peter stopped talking. He didn't learn well at a young age, and now he is drooling all over the floor.

But even the two ladies, Daisy and Jean Gray, were blushing and pretending to hold hands and chat, but their eyes kept sneaking out of the window.

It is estimated that they didn't hear anything Deathstroke said to Doujian before, or arranged something.

"Oh, cough." After being woken up, the female Thor's face flushed, and she put on a semi-covering helmet slowly to cover the blush on her face: "It's all Peter who is watching, Miss Gray and I. I’m going to teach him a lesson.”

As he spoke, he raised his hands and claws, grabbed Peter's ears and turned them around.

The two corners of Star-Lord's mouth turned downward, expressing his suspicion. At the same time, he dismissed Daisy's trump card, because after these days, his ears have become numb and he has lost his sense of pain.

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