The Death Knell

Chapter 1971 Bait Tool Man

After receiving the order, the parliamentary army began to disperse the crowds on the streets, and also began to clean up various videos circulating on the Internet, but the progress was very slow.

Vulkan finally became aware of what was happening outside the palace, and just as Deathstroke had predicted, anger and shame overwhelmed his sanity.

This man who still wanted to be the emperor actually flew out of the palace as if he was crazy and started punching various large screens and monitors on the nearby streets.

And all of this was clearly seen by Deathstroke and his team hiding on the moon through the spacecraft sensors.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with this guy's brain." Peter pointed at his temple with his finger: "The fake videos all exist in the planet network. Although in order to avoid trouble after they spread, we took the initiative to cut off the star network in advance, but he is like this Punch the screen will not delete the data."

Just as Star-Lord said, in the display of the observation sensor, everyone can see Vulcan in a red cloak, floating in the street.

The guy looked at what was playing on the huge display screen in the mall in front of him, showed an expression like a screaming marmot, and then punched the giant monitor through.

Su Ming sighed and looked at Dou Jian speechlessly: "You have been entangled with such a thing for so long. Anyway, have you seen those spaceships?"

He pointed through the porthole at the motley crew of Parliament in the distance.

"My bad, please keep talking."

Dou Jian accepted Deathstroke's criticism graciously. After all, it now seemed that Vulcan's weakness lay in his brainpower and mentality. In the past, when he fought head-on with him, he was challenging the enemy's strengths.

This is wrong for tactical choice. If someone points out your mistake, you should humbly accept it.

"Thirty minutes after Earth time, you break into the battleship, and then challenge Vulcan through the battleship's broadcast system. Remember, you must explain that you are trying to snatch the mating rights of the second princess. This is a duel of honor. ." Deathstroke pointed back at the hatch behind him: "We will separate from you here. When you reach the predetermined position, drag him as close to the star's gravity well as possible."


Karlak nodded in agreement, his military style as usual, he didn't even ask any questions, he just accepted the command.

After he finished speaking, he left. Everyone watched him walk out of the hatch and found an inconspicuous shadow on Wei Yue's surface to hide.

He seemed to be getting darker.

"Let's go now." Daisy couldn't wait, and the Meow Hammer was turned around in her hand.

But Deathstroke showed a smile and shook his head slowly: "Qin, use your psychic ability to contact the professor, secretly inform him of the situation here, and ask him to prepare the memory erasing equipment in advance."

Qin Gray took a deep breath, closed her eyes and pressed her temples with four fingers: "The distance between us is a bit far. I can only try to see if we can contact you, but I never knew that the professor could modify it." The memory of everyone on this planet.”

"But what about you, Emma and a giant brainwave amplifier?" Su Ming replied calmly, while patting Peter's head: "Tell him, just like the Eiffel Tower back then, he will understand .”

As long as the power of the brainwave amplifier is large enough, theoretically speaking, it would be easy for these three psychics on the earth to join forces and brainwash everyone on the planet into idiots.

"But I'm afraid the White Queen won't cooperate." Qin hesitated, her eyes opened a crack: "She has a very normal relationship with us."

"Maybe you forgot one thing. She wanted Katie to be her student, but Charles always refused. This is the root cause." Su Ming nodded, as if he had expected it: "But you also know Emma, ​​she She will never give up, and she will always try to persuade the little girl as long as there is an opportunity to contact Katie."

"Is that so?" Qin nodded as if she understood.

Deathstroke looked at the space outside the porthole, then looked down at Vulcan on the sensor: "Otherwise, why do you think Charles brought Katie here? The person who pushed the wheelchair in the past was Ororo, right?"

There are obviously teachers in the academy, and there are stronger students to choose from, so why the phantom cat?

The answer is simple, that is, Charles is worried that Phoenix will lose control and he will not be able to control the situation by himself.

In this way, if you take Katie with you, if the situation gets bad enough and the Phoenix completely loses control and drags everyone into danger, then the White Queen Emma will come here to save the Phantom Cat. He took action together.

The White Queen and Professor

Before Su Ming left the earth, Charles sent Logan to find Emma. Now the woman is very likely to be with the X-Men and can be teleported at any time through the ability of 'Bishop' or 'Flicker'.

It is impossible to hide this little thought from Su Ming.

As for Charles, this little bald man, he has a good mind, but in terms of acting style, he and Eric are two completely different chess players.


But Charles was overly worried this time. With Star-Lord here, he could restrain Phoenix with his sand sculpture strength and dancing skills.

But since Professor Modify the memory of all members of Mengyu Star.

"Okay, I contacted the professor and he made it clear." Qin put down her hand, looked at Deathstroke's black eyepatch and short blond hair, and hesitated: "Can I go down and see Scott now?"

"This is not the time. After we kill Vulkan, we have to modify all of Scott's memories." Su Ming looked into Qin's eyes and patted her upper arm: "He will not remember anything about everything in the universe. I will only remember that I had a quarrel with you after dinner about Logan, and the two of them had a private duel over you, and he was accidentally knocked unconscious by a Rakshasa."

"But" Qin bit her lip.

Su Ming shook his head and interrupted her: "Think about it carefully, this is the best choice. If he knows that his brother died in our hands, no one can reason with him based on his intelligence."

Yes, Scott's brain can't bend better than Hulk's, but that's normal. As we all know, light can't bend.

"I understand."

"As long as you understand, Star-Lord Dancer, you come to the helm and let me see your driving skills." Su Ming let go of Qin Gray's arm. Her body temperature only rose for a moment and then recovered. It's normal and it seems like it won't get out of control.

So he gave up the driver's seat and let Peter drive the spacecraft while he paid more attention to Qin's emotions.

Star-Lord pointed to his nose, and after receiving the confirmation, he scurried up to the driver's seat: "Look at me, I am the ace pilot of the universe!"

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