The Death Knell

Chapter 1973 Chase

For some reason, Vulkan felt that he was in good condition today. Perhaps his anger provided him with stronger strength, because he found that he could actually pursue a sword fight today.

The last time we fought, I was almost killed by sword fighting, but the death bird saved me.

‘No, no, how could that bitch be kind enough to save me? ’

After thinking of the Death Bird, Vulkan became even more angry, because he discovered the truth of everything today, and understood why he stopped fighting and chose to evacuate when he saw her coming during the last sword fight.

‘It must have been that bitch who secretly winked at him, right? There must be some conspiracy between these two adulterers, right? ’

‘Yes, I understand! ’

‘Except for the first time the two of them fought, when they fought with the Death Bird for a few times, he always left after seeing her in the next dozen or so fights. ’

'It was obvious that I was being taken advantage of. ’

‘Death Bird planned to use me to kill her sister and gain the kingship, but Dou Jian deliberately allowed this behavior so that he could pretend to be defeated by us and watch the show. ’

‘When I unify Shia, Death Bird will have plenty of opportunities as her pillow partner. She will secretly notify Dou Jian who is hiding in the dark, and the two of them will join forces to assassinate me. ’

‘In this way, as long as I am unfortunately killed, his foreigner outside the royal family can marry the death bird and become the emperor of the empire like me. ’

‘I saw through the plan of that bastard couple! ’

While chasing after the sword fight, Vulkan was thinking wildly. He wondered if the radiation in the universe gave him inspiration. He felt that his thinking was unusually smooth.

The distant starlight shone on the two of them, and the light of cosmic energy flashed in the dark space. Planetary systems and nebulae passed by the two of them. Under the high-speed movement, everything around them seemed distorted like a dream. .


Vulkan gritted his teeth and raised his fist, hitting the back of Dou Jian in front of him. In a hurry, he seemed to see a flash of panic on Dou Jian's face, and he hurriedly raised his hand to block.

But it was obvious that the opponent did not predict the path of the punch this time. The blow was not completely blocked, but hit the shoulder.

Silently, Dou Jian's shoulders exploded, and the uniform and the muscles wrapped in it disappeared instantly, revealing the white bones, and the blood spurting out of the body instantly turned into small pieces of ice in space. beads, shimmering red.

Vulkan became excited, and his smile gradually turned ferocious.

The opportunity must not be lost, and it will never come back. He has already decided. Today's sword fighting seems to be in normal fighting condition. He must have heard from his spy lurking on the Feather Star that the matter between him and the Death Bird was exposed, so he hurried there. Are you coming?

So taking this opportunity to get rid of him is a godsend.

As for the death bird, you can kill it after you return.

Vulkan found another way. After killing Doujian, the other side's camp would lose its top strongman. Then he could capture the eldest princess Lilandra alive and force her to become his wife. Although the woman was older, But just look young.

Besides, everyone in Xi'an can understand that the strong and twisted melon is sweeter.

No matter who the two sisters marry, they can legitimately gain rights for themselves. Of course, they must kill the bitch who betrayed them and marry the sister who is not so bitchy!

He felt like he had forgotten something, but it felt like it wasn't important and he wouldn't have time to think about it after the fight was over.

Yes, his brain was completely short-circuited. He was only dreaming about a better future, but he ignored where the death knell and phoenix he had attracted had gone.

Desire, emotion, and power covered his eyes.

The fighting sword let out a muffled groan. The user of cosmic energy can make sounds in a vacuum. He made a kicking motion with his thick thighs, forcing Vulkan back a little, and then he covered his injured shoulder and ran away. .

"Don't run! Hahaha!"

Seeing the enemy turning around and running away, Vulkan felt even more relieved, as if fine wine flowed through his heart, and his whole body felt elated, and he shouted loudly:

"Didn't you come to challenge me arrogantly before?! Why are you afraid now?! Go to hell!"

He was like a beast chasing prey in the rainforest, completely intoxicated with the hunt. The circle around his vision became blurred under the stimulation of adrenaline. His pupils shrank into two small dots, and he could only see the flying beast. A little red cloak in front of me.

A drop of frozen blood fell into Vulkan's mouth, and he bit it into pieces, sucking in the fishy-sweet smell, and then pursued it with even greater vigor.

But he also didn't realize that the enemy who seemed to be within reach always kept a constant distance from him, the kind of distance that he couldn't reach with his fists and feet, but he always felt that he could catch up.

One is chasing, the other is escaping, two streams of light streak across the sky, leaving everything behind.

Finally, after a few minutes, the people fleeing in front stopped.

Vulkan thought that the swordfighter was tired or desperate, so he became even more proud. He even launched an attack without thinking, that is, punching him.

Don't expect that a warrior like him who is used as a substitute for beasts in the arena can have any martial arts skills. Unless he has received professional combat training or has a military background, most superpowers rely on strength and energy to fight. Zu, which is the so-called one force that reduces ten wills.

It's no problem to encounter a crushing opponent, but when you encounter an enemy who is evenly matched in terms of brute force, fighting skills become even more important.

Didn’t you see that after Tony became Iron Man, he started spending money to hire a coach to learn fighting? Luthor is also a tech tycoon. His anti-Superman armor has an output of over tens of thousands of tons. Why don't he also learn martial arts?

There are also routines in fighting. Someone like Vulkan who only knows how to punch his enemy in the chest cannot really stand on the stage.

Although his mutant classification is above Omega level, it only means that the energy level in his body is not enough in actual combat to be able to exert its full power when facing flexible opponents.

Dou Jian easily dodged the punch and returned a punch when he passed by. Vulgan immediately tilted his face and flew back for more than ten kilometers, spitting blood to the side.

Kallak let go of his hand covering his shoulder and looked sideways at his shoulder. The wound there was slowly healing on its own. He had this ability and it was controllable.

"It's over, Vulkan, or Gabriel, if you hadn't done so many wrong things, I wouldn't want to kill you."

Vulkan slowly flew back and confronted him hundreds of meters away: "If you hadn't defeated me in the gladiatorial arena, I should have become the captain of the guard! Obviously as long as I win, I will be able to In my days, I gained the Mad King's trust and killed him to avenge my mother! It was you who shattered my dream and forced me to leave Shia and find other ways, it was you!"

"But you will have plenty of opportunities when you come back, why don't you take action?"

Dou Jian looked at the opponent's face, as if he remembered the boy who got up again and again back then, but things were different and people were different.

Vulkan shook his head with a smile. The shadow of a nearby planet floated over and covered his face. Only a row of white teeth shone in the darkness. He laughed and said:

"That's stupid, of course it's because I want more!"

The golden light suddenly lit up and hit him head on.

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