The Death Knell

Chapter 1974 Destroying corpses and eradicating traces

In fact, from Vulkan's perspective, his life trajectory is very 'Long Aotian'.

His father disappeared and his mother died tragically. He was trained as a murder weapon, and then escaped from the evil empire to train himself and prepare for revenge.

He has a strong back, a handsome face, and powerful innate abilities, which allows him to crush all enemies except Xiaobo SS sword fighting, pretending to be a B in the face, and winning.

A few years later, he achieved great success and returned from training. Unintentionally, he met the daughter of his enemy, and they became a couple after going through all kinds of experiences. The two of them fought together, drove away his sister-in-law, and prepared to forgive his enemy and take over the empire.

Su Ming had seen many similar stories like this on the Internet in his previous life. If the enemy's daughter was stupid and sweet, she would definitely get together with the protagonist.

Anyway, the enemy will naturally die suddenly when the time comes, and it won’t make it difficult for the protagonist, who just needs to continue to have fun without thinking.

Unfortunately, this is the Marvel Universe, and it is also the parallel universe Earth-40K with the variable of Deathstroke. The mutant Long Aotian's journey to attract popularity has come to an end here.

At this time, Vulkan was like a Super Saiyan, his whole body shrouded in golden flames, his eyes emitting energy, like a god.

His fists struck at the sword fight with indescribable power, hoping to decide the outcome with one blow.

Because if hit by this punch, the enemy's flesh and blood will definitely explode on the spot and turn into a puddle of frozen garbage in space.

But at this time, the swordfighter seemed to be a different person, completely different from the one who escaped before. He even grabbed Vulkan's wrist after turning his head to avoid the attack: "The attack path is too straight!"

Vulkan's left hand was caught and he heard the enemy's taunt. Without thinking, he raised his right hand and punched again.

So his right hand was also caught.

Dou Jian grabbed his wrist and slammed his head into Vulkan's face. With just one blow, the young man's nosebleed splattered and his eyes were blurred with tears.

If it were an ordinary person, his head would explode immediately after being hit by a sword. Even a super soldier would probably be temporarily dizzy due to brain concussion.

But Vulkan's will to fight was comparable to that of a crazy beast. Not only did he not faint, but he struggled even more violently. He began to try to attack the sword with his knees and teeth, and made a crazy howling sound.

Both of them came from the gladiatorial arena, and they are extremely familiar with this kind of beast-like fighting, so you and I entered a stalemate stage, you made me vomit blood, I made you lose teeth, and so on.

But overall, because he knew that Deathstroke and others were behind him, Du Jian was full of confidence at this time, and he crushed Vulkan in all directions.

The two sides grabbed each other's wrists and launched attacks with other parts of their bodies. There was no beauty in the close-range tugging. They could only be seen rolling around in the planetary system like they were rolled into a ball.

"I will definitely win. Whether it's Shia or the princess, they're all mine!" Vulcan roared loudly while trying to push his knee against Dou Jian's belly, his eyes as big as copper bells.

Dou Jian just raised his legs to deal with it, and then looked behind Vulcan: "Great, Second Princess, help me kill him!"

Vulcan's heart tightened, and he turned his head and looked back. Was that bitch really planning to kill him with his adulterer?

He turned around and saw that there was nothing on the black space curtain behind him except for the planet fragments shattered by the aftermath of the battle and the distant galaxies.

He quickly turned his head to face the enemy, but he could only watch Dou Jian's forehead getting bigger and bigger in his sight. The next moment, his nose was completely shattered and sunk into his cheek.

"You are despicable!"

The pain and disfigurement made him even more furious. Vulkan cursed loudly and tilted his head back to gather strength, trying to retaliate with the other person.

However, Dou Jian, who had been on guard for a long time, advanced instead of retreating and swiped his eyes with the 'crown' on his head, forcing Vulkan to give up the attack and protect his eyes.

"Your Majesty Deken, why are you here?!"

The next second, Dou Jian, who was holding hands with each other, showed a look of surprise on his face, and looked behind Vulcan again.

Vulkan's heart skipped a beat when he heard the name of his enemy, even the one he had forgiven.

He forgave the Mad King after he fell into coma, but if he didn't know it, then he must have believed that the captain of the royal guard would attack him.

So Vulkan turned his head and looked behind him.

However, there was still nothing. The space was still the same, desolate and cold.

So he suffered another sword fight, and his eyes were almost pushed out of his sockets. If both sides didn't have cosmic energy to protect their bodies, the power of each attack would be enough to destroy the planet.

Looking at Dou Jian's eyes as if looking at a retarded person, Vulkan roared madly:

"Look what's behind you?"

The look in his eyes that looked at the retard didn't change at all, and he acted very calmly during the sword fight. He pursed the blood on the corner of his mouth and then launched attacks one after another, without worrying about what was behind him:

"There must be nothing behind me. Do you think I am you? You will be fooled like this."

"Damn it!"

Vulkan was even more angry when he was not fooled in the sword fight, but both sides were holding each other's hands, unable to carry out large-scale attacks. It was really frustrating.

At the same time, being held like this means that the 'Shi'ar Royal Teleporter' on his wrist cannot be used.

It's something like a watch. You can teleport a long distance by pressing the button on it, but you can't use it when you're entangled with an enemy. It's really troublesome.

At this moment, Karlak suddenly looked behind Vulkan in horror and shouted: "Why are you here?!"

Vulkan smiled slightly, and struck the sword with his head preemptively: "I won't be fooled again. I heard there is a saying on earth, which is 'one and two again, not three and four'. Your tricks are no longer effective against me. ! Ridiculous lie”


Before he finished speaking, he felt a pain in his chest. He looked down and saw a giant weapon half a meter wide with a silver blade and a black body emerging from his chest.

The silent attack severed his spine, heart, and two lungs, nearly splitting him in half.

And the next second, as he slowly turned his head behind him, he only heard a hoarse and gloomy voice, whispering to him in unusually non-standard English:

"Sepreez, Majafak."


Vulkan was about to say something, but Daisy had already jumped up from behind Deathstroke, and hit Vulcan on the head with the Meowth Hammer.

Accompanied by the sound of thunder and lightning and the sound of bones cracking, the poor man's eyes instantly turned white and he started to shake.

Strangler changed the composition of the armor and turned it into insulating material, so nothing happened to Su Ming. However, because he was holding hands with Vulcan during the sword fight, all the hair on his head stood up at this time, and a tiny electric current flowed between his hair. Jumping back and forth, like a silver snake moving through a dark forest.

Su Ming held the sword tightly with one hand, took out the God Killer from his pocket with the other hand, transformed into a scimitar form, poured cosmic energy into it, and chopped off Vulkan's head with one blow.

"Is it over?" Daisy shook the blood and brains on the hammer.

The strangulation turned into a tabletop, and Vulcan's headless corpse was placed on it. Deathstroke used his two knives to chop the corpse:

"Not necessarily, Vulcan has super self-healing, so he has to hang his head and eat it, take out his soul and send it to death, then cut the body into mincemeat, throw it into the nearby star, and then If the star explodes with its ashes, I will use magic to cut out this space and find someone to erase this piece of reality."

Daisy grinned when she heard this, and her little head kept ducking back: "Well, he was really unlucky to meet you."

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