The Death Knell

Chapter 1975 Emma’s actions

"Something's not right. It's too simple. Daisy, are you Feng Aotian?" Su Ming threw the frozen corpses into the stars, and at the same time strangled and digested Vulcan's memory and genes: " There are many things that cannot be explained. Although Vulcan is not a smart person, it is as if he has been possessed by a halo of intelligence. It is too simple."

"Isn't it bad to be simple? What's wrong with it?"

Daisy tilted her head. She didn't understand what Feng Aotian meant. Wasn't it because the sword fight immobilized the enemy's hands and everyone worked together to kill the enemy?

Take a closer look, he was also injured in the sword fight, not to mention that Vulcan was given such a meal by you before, and his mind is full of anger. It shouldn't be difficult to deal with him after losing his mind, right?

"I can't tell yet, but I suspect that he may be someone else's pawn, because in his memory, I can't even see how he knew that Phoenix and I were on Earth."

Su Ming gestured to Dou Jian to prepare to explode the stars with him:

"His early plan can be said to be very clever, inducing the phoenix and diverting the disaster to the east. But after we came here, he was not prepared to deal with the 'disaster', but let us go our own way. If you think about it carefully, you will understand It can be found that before I implemented the plan and affected his mind, his IQ performance dropped a big level."

On top of that, there are several obvious twists in Vulcan's past that all seem very blunt.

There is no memory of why he fell in love with the second princess. There is no memory of why he forgave Deken. Why did he, who had never even attended school for a day, suddenly awaken his ambition and want to be the emperor? He had no relevant memory of this in his mind.

This is a sign of manipulation, manifested by sudden changes or memory loss.

"You mean someone is manipulating him behind the scenes, and it's not the second princess." Dou Jian put his fists on his waist to gather strength and asked, "Is that possible?"

"It can't be the supreme wisdom. Even if he wants to deal with you, he won't drag me into the scene. He knows what I'm capable of." Deathstroke held down his mask and shook his head: "This matter is probably for me. But there are not enough clues right now.”

The two used cosmic energy to blow up the star together, and Su Ming called in the lichs who were lying in wait to cut up the space and clean up the mess.

The group of people went straight back to Lilandra's palace spaceship, and sure enough, the White Queen Emma had arrived and was shaking a bunch of keys to seduce Katie:

"As long as you come to my school, how about I give you a villa and a sports car?"

The White Queen can't mobilize much of the Hellfire Club's financial resources. Those things are in the hands of the Black Queen and Mr. Sinister, but Emma herself is also a rich woman. She has a business in clothing and cosmetics.

"I don't want it, Ms. Frost." Katie, who was held by Emma's shoulders, shook her head: "I would rather be with my friends."

"There are many kids about your age in my school. You can make more friends." Emma smiled like a fox. The fluffy white scarf was like her tail, and the white swimsuit had big feathers. Only she can wear the matching scarf when going out: "What Charles can teach you, I can also teach you. When it comes to the research on mutant abilities, I am the most professional, and I am also a woman. I am better than Charles and E. Even Rick can understand you.”

"No." Katie glanced at the car keys and turned her head with some nostalgia.

She is about to turn 16 and wants a car to show off to her friends, but the professor will never give her children a car.

Forget about cars, students can't even leave the academy without the guidance of a teacher, because the military has always wanted to hunt mutants. Charles hopes that everyone will exercise restraint and not have a head-on conflict with state violence agencies.

Emma is so fine, how can you hide those expressions of the little girl from her?

She took the car keys off the keychain, put them into Katie's hand, kissed the girl's face, leaving a bright red lipstick mark, and said with a smile:

"I'll have the car delivered to you. You can drive it first, and then you can slowly consider whether you want to come to my place while you take your friends for a ride. Massachusetts College will always open its door to you."

"I can go visit when I have time and ask the professor to take me there." Katie's mouth became a little soft after taking the other person's things.

Emma was of course very happy to get better results than last time. She touched Katie's head and asked her to go play elsewhere.

The woman herself pulled the long scarf around her neck and nodded towards the approaching death knell:

"Hello, Master."

"Good afternoon, Emma, ​​have you seen Charles?" Deathstroke responded with a smile, and threw a purple crystal ball up and down in his hand. There seemed to be a figure inside screaming: "You are beautiful today."

The White Queen naturally lifted her blond hair, raised her hand to cover her mouth, and giggled: "The brainwashing of Meng Yuxing has been completed, but Charles is still old. Nothing happened to me, but he was unconscious. It’s over.”

"He is over sixty years old anyway, and he can't exercise or move. He just sits, eats and sleeps all day, and eats while sleeping. He probably has cerebral thrombosis." Su Ming put away the soul stone and took it out of his pocket. A bottle of champagne came and I poured myself and Emma a glass.

Under the dome full of stars, the two of them clinked glasses. Emma opened her red lips, took a sip of wine gracefully, and greeted Phoenix behind Su Ming:

"What do you think? Hey, Qin, you can go to Feather Star to pick up your boyfriend. He won't remember anything."

Su Ming turned to Qin and nodded, indicating that it was indeed the case. Now that the brainwashing has been completed, Scott, who has not been found to be related to any conspiracy for the time being, can take it back.

Jean Gray has been looking at Emma warily. She is Katie's teacher. The White Queen poached people in front of her as soon as she came, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

But thinking of Scott, she still gave Emma a warning look, turned around and left the way she came.

Su Ming motioned for the sword fight and they should follow. After all, they had won. Now as long as they go to the Feather Star and hold the military power and the Death Bird in their hands, the civil war will be over.

He himself stood in the throne room and chatted with Emma: "I guess he was picked up by Her Royal Highness the Princess."

The White Queen acted as if she hadn't seen it. She twisted her waist while holding the wine glass, changed to a more coquettish posture, and spoke to the death knell: "Yes, she brought Charles to the palace, and I found that he seemed to treat her too. Very interesting, really interesting, I always thought Professor X and Magneto were a couple, haha."

"You know those two people don't have that kind of relationship." After everyone left, Su Ming put away his smile and shook his head expressionlessly: "How is the situation in your school now? Is the military still giving you trouble?"

Emma turned the cup in her hand, rolled her blue eyes, and lowered her voice: "The power of hellfire is not comparable to that of Charles. I entrusted several powerful people to speak in Congress, I’m afraid the military won’t dare to mess with me in a short time.”

"Don't let down your guard. The sentinel robots are evolving faster and faster. If this continues, you mutants will be in a very difficult situation." Su Ming poured himself and her another drink.

Emma raised the cup and touched him lightly, then licked her lips: "I believe that with the relationship between you and Liana, if the day comes, you won't be able to let it go, right?"

"You are really a clever little guy." One Eye just looked at the golden water surface calmly and drank the drink in one gulp.

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