The Death Knell

Chapter 1976 A wave of peace

"I still can't figure it out. You said there was someone behind the whole thing, another person besides you, but I didn't find anyone else benefiting from the current results."

Generally speaking, this is indeed the case. Someone has a purpose when executing a plan, and the biggest beneficiaries are the biggest suspects when it comes to killing and war.

But in this case, the current profit seems to be death knell. On behalf of Kama Taj, he obtained reciprocal diplomatic cooperation with Shia, and received a series of preferential treatment such as trade tax reductions, as well as many advanced aliens. science and technology.

The price paid was a small price to pay, which was to keep the mutants led by Charles as guests at the eldest princess's place.

That was when Charles woke up and talked to Su Ming. He said that he wanted to get to know the eldest princess better. To put it bluntly, he was thinking about falling in love.

If someone wanted Sunset Red, Death Knell would not stop him, so he just went along with the situation and put it on the table as a condition, indicating that as Charles's elder, he wanted to agree to his big deal without conditions.

The rich woman Lilandra agreed to the conditions while flirting with Charles.

Daisy sat in the passenger seat and held her chin, looking at the blue planet in front of her, her face full of thoughts.

Su Ming stood between the driver's and passenger's seats with his hands on the back of the seat: "There will always be clues. I'll call you when I find out next time?"

"Of course, you can use some magic to notify me then." Daisy picked up her cloak and wiped the hammer, and suddenly seemed to remember something: "Forget it, let's call. Do you have a mobile phone? ?”

"Of course, this number." Su Ming took the phone she handed over and pressed a series of numbers.

Daisy put away her phone after taking a look, and hesitated: "Actually, you have known my true identity from the beginning, right?"

"Why do you say that?" He raised an eyebrow. Has this girl figured it out now?

"If you know Thor and Loki, then you must have always paid attention to them." Daisy seemed very calm. Although she had big breasts, she was not brainless: "Then you must have investigated the people around them. Me and Jane and Caroline.”

He nodded, his face very calm: "Yes, if it is the stage when Thor and Loki lose their divine power and they have problems on earth, it will be a diplomatic incident. I have indeed been paying attention to them."

"I knew you were always prepared." Daisy looked out the window. At this time, Star-Lord was driving the spacecraft into the atmosphere, and red fire spread outside the porthole: "But this is the best. I will have more life when I go out with you in the future. Guarantee. In addition to the mysterious manipulator, I have another question. When I killed those aliens and even knocked Vulcan on the head, I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, I was very excited. Am I born to kill? mad?"

"It's the hammer that kills people. What does it have to do with you?" Su Ming looked at the change in light outside the window and yawned: "Don't think so much. If you want to be a superhero, who doesn't kill people? You and me this time Together, I ended the civil war in Shi'ar, and achieved new breakthroughs in Earth's diplomacy, creating benefits for mankind, and you did a good thing."

"That's good, huh?"

Daisy suddenly made a strange noise, because a light point flew over in the distance. It was a person who instantly came outside the cockpit and peeked inside.

She instantly suspected that it might be the mastermind, so she tightened her grip on the hammer.

Deathstroke waved to the people outside angrily, like shooing away flies, asking her to get out of the way.

Carol, who flew over, pouted speechlessly. When she saw this type of spaceship entering the earth, she thought it was the Kree people who were evil-minded, so she quickly flew over to have a look, but it turned out that Deathstroke came with aliens. .

She stared at Daisy, especially the breastplate area. She was indeed an alien from the constellation of Big Breasts, right?


But since it was brought by the death knell, he couldn't care less about it and could just go home and continue eating pie.

Peter, who was piloting the plane, shook his hands. His intuition told him that the woman outside who stepped out of the landing route was even stronger than a swordfighter. He had only been away from the earth for a few years, so why did so many strong people appear?

‘Fortunately, I’m from Earth and I’m proud! ’

He puffed up his small chest, and the Space Predator logo on his chest seemed to be more vivid under the sunshine star.

"Are you familiar?" Daisy looked at the woman whom Deathstroke just waved away and drove away. The guy turned around to look back from time to time during the flight, which felt weird.

"Yes, she is very capable and is cooperating with the military." Su Ming looked at the sea below getting bigger and bigger, and he could already see his own island. He agreed to take Star Lord here for a few days vacation. .

"I heard from Miss Gray that the military will draw blood from mutants, slice them into pieces, and make mummified specimens." Thor held his chin, raised his face and looked at the man behind him: "You haven't done such a heartless thing. Have you told anyone you know?"

Su Ming felt the sound of the spacecraft landing, turned around and walked to the back cabin: "She participated in the 'Sky Sword' project, and those who captured and persecuted mutants were in the 'Weapons' project. They are not the same thing, nor are they the same group of people. "

"Can't understand."

Daisy also stood up and followed him. She also planned to stay in Hawaii for a few days. She was a poor student before, so how could she have the chance to travel to the Pacific Ocean.

And she heard from Deathstroke that the matter was probably not over yet, and she wanted to see if there were any changes in the future.

"To put it simply, the difference between the U.S. Air Force and the Army is that they are still enemies competing for military budgets." Su Ming pressed the button to open the hatch and stepped on the golden beach: "Anyway, remember not to follow the military. Just mix it with the recipe, there is no big benefit, and it’s not a free lunch.”

The female Thor took off her helmet, shook her long black hair, and patted the top of her head with her hands to give it a sense of air: "Well, it seems like I have a lot to make up for."

"Hi Nikolai, have you got the day off?"

Su Ming waved to the man on the lounge chair not far away. The man was lying under a parasol wearing a floral shirt, a straw hat on his face, and a glass of pineapple juice on his belly. He looked very comfortable.

The other party didn't answer, but just raised his cup and gestured from a distance.

Su Ming led Daisy and Peter to continue walking towards the cabin on the beach, while answering Daisy's question: "With your strength, you will learn it sooner or later. Let's talk about it in the future. Don't think so much now. I have to compile the information. You guys You can go fishing or something, see you in two hours.”

"Fishing! Fishing!"

Star-Lord has never been to such a beautiful island. He smelled the sweet scent of pineapples in the air, and he was even more excited when he heard about fishing.

Daisy was also very interested. She slapped the hammer and her armor instantly turned into ordinary casual clothes: "Where can I change clothes? I'll change into a swimsuit and go with us."

‘Swimsuit? ’

Peter swallowed secretly.

Unfortunately, just as God did not allow a few people to rest, just as the three of them were discussing their next vacation plan, a noodle-like rainbow drooped from the sky and landed not far away.

Accompanied by a sound like the roar of an airplane engine and a bright light like a searchlight, the Rainbow Bridge flashed away, and a chubby figure appeared in front of the three people.

"Oh praise Odin, to"

When the fat man saw the death knell, he walked over eagerly. He probably didn't notice that there was a hole for a sun umbrella on the beach under his feet, so he stepped in and rolled in front of the three of them.

Looking at the retracted Rainbow Bridge, Su Ming narrowed his eyes and introduced to Daisy beside him:

"This is Volstagg, one of the Three Warriors of Asgard, nicknamed the 'Lion of Asgard'. It seems that he is bringing us the answer."

Daisy looked like a big rubber ball rolling onto Deathstroke's legs before stopping. The man pulled his head and horned helmet out of the beach with great force. The long beard on his face was covered with sand, which looked very funny.

Her eyes turned into the shape of dead fish, and she whispered: "Do Asgardians have any misunderstandings about lions?"

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