The Death Knell

Chapter 1977 Parting

The warm sea breeze blows across the beach, and the waves make a roaring sound. From time to time, you can hear the calls of seabirds and see those small white shadows shuttle between the waves.

Deathstroke reached out and picked up the big man. The Asgardian warrior, who was two meters tall and also had a waist circumference of two meters, was gently lifted up. His long red hair and beard turned brown like a lion's mane. Sand and sea water.

"Long time no see, Volstagg. It's nice to see you, but next time you enter the earth, you still have to inform Karma Taj in advance."

Deathstroke patted the big man's belly, then crossed his arms and waited for the other party to explain his purpose.

Volstagg shook off the sand on his hands and wiped it on his belly, leaving two large handprints on his purple robe, then smiled like a thunder and stretched out his hand to the death knell:

"I heard Fandral say that handshakes are now popular in the atrium. On behalf of my friends, I say hello to you, Mage Supreme."

The big fat man is considered an honest person. Su Ming will not bully an honest person, so he smiled and shook hands with the other person: "It's fine with you, but just tell me your purpose directly. We are all warriors. There is no need to be secretive when talking."

When facing warriors, he himself is a warrior; when facing sorcerers, he is the Supreme Mage; when facing businessmen, he is also a businessman doing mercenary business.

Volstagg was also unambiguous, shook his beard and spoke:

"Yes, Asgard needs your help, and the God of Thunder also wants to come with him."

"Well, is that so?" Su Ming seemed to be muttering to himself, turning to look at the coconut trees not far away. Those broad green leaves swayed slowly with the sea breeze, and asked: "Where is Odin?"

Volstagg lowered his head and struggled for a moment. Most of his expressions were hidden under his thick beard, but the hesitation in his eyes could not be hidden from Deathstroke.

The giant cast a large shadow on the beach. On the beach in front of the two of them, a hermit crab carrying a shell seemed to be planning to pursue a new sunbathing place. It was dragging its house to move, but it seemed to feel that Voss Tag's gaze stopped.

The hesitation was quickly replaced by determination. The Asgard warrior gritted his teeth and stamped his feet. He leaned close to Deathstroke's ear and said in a lowered voice that still sounded loud:

"His Majesty the God King is missing, and the Queen of Heaven asked me to come to invite you."

"Wait, it was Frigga who came to me and asked you to come?" Su Ming took a step back, raised an eyebrow, and strangled the flowered shirt he had just conjured back into black and yellow armor.

"What's wrong with this?"

Volstagg scratched the back of his head with his big palm-like hand. Could it be that he also sent a question when he sent the letter?

Su Ming glanced at Daisy beside him. The girl kept tilting her head and looking at the two of them, as if she didn't understand anything.

"If it's for confidentiality and trust, Frigga has her own bodyguard Sif who can be sent to deliver the message. If it's for faster speed, she can notify you through magic. Why did you choose the one with the strongest combat power to run? Haven’t thought of anything?”

Sisters Frigga and Gullweger are both capable of magic. This should be the fastest way to simply convey information, but the Queen refuses to use it.

When the Lion of Immortal Palace came back to his senses, he was just a big-hearted and generous person, but he was not that kind of brainless warrior. He made a guess as soon as he stroked his chest:

"She is worried that the transmission on the Rainbow Bridge will be intercepted, and she is also worried that the magical message will be leaked midway."

"This is the problem. She is worried that there is something wrong inside Asgard, so she has to leave Sif to protect herself and Heimdall to guard the gate. Thor and Loki are not at home. Among the three warriors of Asgard, you are the most capable. Become the best candidate for armed messenger."

Su Ming took out cigarettes and wine to entertain the strong man, and at the same time expressed his conjecture. Although it was not necessarily the case, it was a reasoning that was in line with the current intelligence logic.

"Hey, I won't drink anymore. Come with me." After hearing what Deathstroke said, Vostagg was not in the mood to drink. He refused the temptation and eagerly reached out to grab Deathstroke's arm, preparing to pull him away.

None of the Three Warriors of Asgard are particularly reliable. Volstagg likes to eat, Fandral is a lustful person, and Hogan has a bad temper at the drop of a hat.

But in comparison, the big fat man still knows his priorities well and his IQ is sufficient.

"I have something to prepare. You go back and inform Fandal and Hogan first to protect the queen. I will be there soon." Su Ming easily dodged the opponent's grasping hand and put the bottle into the big fat hand: "I want to If you want me to help, just listen to my command and act now!”

Volstagg thought for a moment and nodded solemnly: "Then it's up to you, Supreme Mage. Heimdall! Take me back!"

The same soft rainbow fell, and the figures in front of the three people disappeared instantly.

Su Ming moved his neck, and waved to Dr. Tesla, who had put on the midnight armor at some point behind him, saying it was okay, and then put his big hand on Peter's head:

"Star-Lord, it looks like we have to say goodbye here."

"What do you mean? Did I see something I shouldn't have seen? Are you planning to silence me?" He said this, but his hands covered the two points on his chest, as if he was worried. As if being molested: "Isn't it the Asa Protoss? I haven't seen them before. They often go to Xandar to do business in flying boats."

Deathstroke's big hand hit him on the head, his expression was very speechless:

"I've almost taught you everything I need to teach you, including grave digging, tactics, dancing, space battles, etc. I've also seen battles between top combat forces. You've already left the army and can go out on your own. Don't you always want to be the one on your own? Captain?"

Star-Lord blinked and slowly slid his hands down his jacket: "You mean?"

"Yes, that spaceship was given to you." Su Ming pointed to the spaceship parked on the beach: "I promised to give you a gift, take it away and go on your own, but I suggest you start with Archeology has begun to accumulate capital, and one person can do the work. As long as he is smarter, he will not die."

Peter followed his fingers to look at the spaceship, then looked at Deathstroke's expression. After confirming that it was not a joke, he immediately jumped up and clapped with both feet:

"Hooray! I have my own boat!"

Although the spaceship is a bit small, and it is suspected to have been stolen from the Kree Empire, it is also a spaceship that can complete interstellar jumps. It is well maintained, the warehouse is not small, and there are some self-defense weapons. Use it for 'business'.

"Don't regret it. This boat is worth a lot of money."

After being excited, Star-Lord became suspicious again. His eyes were squinting, and his neck was stretched forward, looking very obscene.

Su Ming waved to the house next to him, and a bald old man came out and handed over a pair of orange and black headphones, the kind with two small sponge balls that can be hooped on both ears.

Deathstroke handed the earphones to Star-Lord, then hooked his neck with his backhand, turned him around, and pushed him towards the spaceship under the sun on the beach: "I'll give you the earphones too, let's sing and go into space. Come to Earth to find me after you become famous, and I will give you a Kree Empire Dreadnought-level warship, but before that, don't die."

"I named it 'Milano'." Star-Lord was obviously moved. His tone changed a little. He turned back and glanced at Su Ming: "Thank you, Captain, I won't die that easily. Wait for me." Come to you and ask for a boat.”

After he finished speaking, he put on his headphones, plugged the plug into his Walkman, and walked to the beach while dancing like a devil.

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