The Death Knell

Chapter 1978 Touched by Parting

Seeing the tail flame of the spacecraft quickly turn into a bright spot and disappear into the sky, Daisy subconsciously rubbed her fingers, as if sighing that no one would be able to pull her ears in the future.

"Didn't you borrow that ship from a foreigner?" She suddenly remembered something, and after looking at the old farmer holding a pineapple next to her, she turned her little face to the death knell again: "Isn't it okay to just give it to Peter? "

Su Ming took out a cigarette, lit it, and took the new genetically modified pineapple from Dr. Erskine's hand. This thing was bigger than a winter melon, but it was filled with juice like a coconut.

According to the doctor, this is the product of genetic coding. Su Ming doesn't know much about this. Anyway, he knows that it only needs to drill a hole in the epidermis to pour out ready-made juice.

Dr. Erskine left after delivering the pineapples. He was very satisfied with his life. He preferred his current life to making genetic weapons.

Su Ming took Daisy to the side of the tree to enjoy the cool air, made two cups, put pineapple juice in it and poured it out to drink, as if he was not in a hurry: "Why should I return the spaceship that I borrowed based on my ability?"

The girl showed a black question mark face, took the pineapple juice, and patted the sand on her legs: "Don't superheroes borrow things from others and don't have to pay them back?"

"Who is holding the ship now? Who should Black Bolt go to get it? In order to prevent Star-Lord from slacking off after getting the ship, wouldn't it be better to prepare some people for him to chase him away?" Su Ming showed a smile, Peter or Peter Too simple, or moved too early.

"As expected."

Daisy sighed. Poor Star-Lord had been clearly arranged. From the beginning, his adventurous life was destined to be full of excitement.

According to the knowledge of the universe that Deathstroke told her during the past two days of travel, not only will the aliens come to Star-Lord for debt, but also because the appearance of the ship is almost exactly the same as the Kree fighter plane, the Skrulls and the Kree will also Trouble with Peter.

But since Deathstroke feels that little Peter needs such training, it must be right.

Well, this pineapple juice is really delicious. It’s not astringent at all, and it doesn’t feel numb on the tongue.

Su Ming held the fruit and toasted with Daisy, blowing the sea breeze and enjoying the sound of the waves: "Drink some water and eat something, and then we'll start taking action."

The sky is filled with dark clouds, like a sky covered with black cotton. Green electric light lights up from time to time, which is the only light.

On the same dark earth, the dry and cracked soil exudes a disgusting smell of decay.

"Well, is this Asgard? The pollution is too serious!" Daisy pulled up her cloak and covered her nose. She walked staggeringly beside Deathstroke: "No wonder Thor and the others liked it so much back then. Earth."

Su Ming's red goggles swayed in the darkness like a will-o'-the-wisp, and his voice came from behind the mask: "This is not Asgard, but the underworld of Helm, where the souls of the dead live."

"Dead person? Soul?" Daisy seemed to feel a little cold. She touched her arm and looked behind her cautiously: "Why are we here?"

"Inquire for information. You can't enter Asgard without knowing anything. Odin's disappearance is very unusual."

There were only two lonely figures on the empty black plain, and the night seemed endless. Black snowflakes kept falling from the sky, but nothing fell on them.

On the distant skyline, there are winding mountains that can only be seen when lightning flashes. The dark shadows are like jagged bones.

"Is it necessary for a superhero to go to the dead to get information?" Daisy seemed to understand something, but was worried that she couldn't do it.

"I'm looking for information from a half-dead person." Su Ming motioned her to look forward. Where there was a black plain a second ago, a huge ancient city appeared.

Sharp obsidian was piled into buildings, and the tall city walls were also piled up into irregular boulders. The entire city seemed like a cluster of black crystals.

There were some rotting mummies hanging on many spikes. The blackened bones swayed gently with the wind, and the city gate opened in front of the two people, making a creaking sound.

The streets in the city are very smooth and neat, but not a single ghost can be seen. The empty city just welcomes guests.

"Hey! Ghost City!" Daisy instantly felt goosebumps crawling all over her arms. She obviously just glanced at the mountains in the distance, and when she looked forward, the city suddenly appeared, and it was still very close at hand. How could it not make people's hearts beat wildly?

Especially the jaws of those white bones are still opening and closing, as if they are speaking silently.

"Don't worry about the decorations. In the underworld, you will die like this. Just do as the Romans do." Su Ming comforted the God of Thunder, then led her into the city wall and walked along the avenue to the castle in the distance.

"It would be even weirder if there were folk customs here." Daisy's eyes turned into dead fish shapes. She hugged one of Deathstroke's arms and whispered: "I always feel like someone is watching us from behind. Is it a ghost?"

"It should be different from the ghosts you know. There are either skeletons or zombies here, with entities." Su Ming turned around and took a look. Indeed, in the darkness, some dead people were crawling out of the surface.

Those corpses were also wrapped with things like kelp and fishing nets. They might be dead fishermen or pirates. Judging from the other party's clothes, he was at least eight hundred years old.

"When I come here, do I think I've died once?" Daisy's mind jumped again, perhaps thinking of scientific things again.

But science cannot explain all phenomena and facts.

"The boundary between death and life is not as big as you think. Let's go, I will take you to meet the owner of this place." Su Ming grabbed her arm and flew forward, climbing the black stone steps. .

There are only green braziers as lighting in the castle. These lamps of souls that will never go out make the surrounding area green and appear particularly eye-catching.

The black stone exudes strange colors under these green lights. From time to time, black smoke rises from the black stone, making a small moan as if it is alive.

Daisy stopped talking, she just moved closer.

As footsteps echoed in the corridor, the two of them also walked into the hall of the castle. On the royal steps of the black carpet lens, there was a pale-faced woman, leaning on the soft couch, reaching out and stroking a huge dog.


Perhaps because he smelled the smell of the death knell, the big dog that was chewing on a human skeleton just now tucked its tail between its legs, ran to hide behind the throne, peeked out with one eye, and whined as if in great fear.

"Haha, I knew you would come, but I didn't expect it to be so soon." Hela clapped her hands and sat up from the soft couch. Black sharp stones grew out of her palms, which she used to arrange them like hairpins. Loose long hair: "We just met yesterday. Are my two silly brothers dead?"

"Hela, I'm here for business. I'm not here to hear how you play with your brothers." Su Ming walked straight to the center of the hall and stood there, his voice echoing in the darkness, but his eyes were looking at the God of War standing next to the throne. Tyr: "Do you know what happened in Asgard?"

Tyr is still the same, with a bald head, one hand, and a face full of lifelessness and vicissitudes of life.

"I don't know, but I listened to you and have been waiting silently. No matter what happens in Asgard now, there is no need to doubt me. The Wolf Winter has not come yet, and I still want to save Odin's life. "

Hela tugged on her cloak, covering her pale body and the vast spring light.

"The premise that the prophecy is still valid is that 'Odin intends to enter the cycle', but he obviously doesn't want to have an eighth time, and you should understand."

Strangler conjured up a bench for the host and Dabo Girl to sit on, and raised it slightly again so that Deathstroke and Hela could look at each other and chat.

"Well, maybe it's what you said, but that's between him and you. Why are you here? Don't fool me with your helpfulness."

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