The Death Knell

Chapter 1986 Reasoning

The Warner clan relied on fishing and hunting in the past, and their character was very much like the sea.

They are usually broad-minded and generous, as calm as the ocean under the sun. But once he turns his face, the wind will roar, the wind and waves will surge, and he will instantly transform into a crazy warrior.

Even crazier than the Asa Protoss to a certain extent, because the Warner Protoss was very poor in the past, and those who were barefoot were not afraid of those who wore shoes, and they did not care about any cost in fighting.

Dealing with dimension demons and hell lords, cooperating with aliens or monsters, conducting forbidden magic experiments, etc., in the past "Second God War" between the two gods, Warner God King Frey did it all.

It's a pity that Odin has the World Tree to help him cheat. He sacrifices one eye, and the power and wisdom of the runes are directly empowered in the void. He becomes invincible after leaving the mountain. It doesn't make sense at all for a man to chase tens of millions of coalition troops on horseback and kill them. kind of.

In the end, all the warriors of the father's generation of the Warner Protoss died, leaving only hatred.

But that's all in the past. After Deathstroke intervened, Gullwig seemed to be very satisfied with his current life. Frigga didn't want any more trouble in the fairy palace, so she probably used some method to appease her sister.

So be it, it doesn't matter who controls Asgard, can they still fall out with the Supreme Mage?

Frigga quickly returned and summoned the team of guards who patrolled yesterday. Su Ming asked them some very routine questions, and then let them leave after confirming that there were no fakes among them.

Watching the guards wearing gorgeous gold armor gradually disappearing, and their footsteps disappearing in the corridor, Su Ming turned around, shook his head towards the two ladies who were about to speak, and stretched out a finger on On your own lips.

Then, a black tentacle stretched out from his shoulder and reached down to the long ship in the room. When he retracted it, the anemone-like tentacle held a small black box at the top.

It looked like a wireless network card for surfing the Internet. It was a small box with a short antenna attached to it. It was obvious that it was a bug.

With a thought, Strangler split into more tiny tentacles again, quickly dismantled the thing into parts, and placed it on the host's open palm.

Su Ming carefully identified the origin of the parts before speaking: "These parts are not earth technology, and they also have no origin identification. Anyone in the universe can assemble them."

"What's going on? Why is there something like this under his boat?"

Frigga's brows furrowed, and her blond hair was trembling slightly, representing her master's anger.

Daisy came over and looked at the parts. Although she couldn't see anything, she still said: "Spies, I have seen many spy movies. They not only use bugs, but also use little cameras like those in watches to take secret photos."

"I'm going to ask you this question, Your Highness the Queen of Heaven." Su Ming smiled and asked Strangler to eat all these parts, and then clapped his hands: "There are only so many people who can enter Odin's Sleep, your family, and me. .I haven't been here for a long time, and Thor and Loki are not at home."

"You mean I eavesdropped on my husband?" Frigga seemed confused and wronged.

Su Ming shook his head and went to the cabinet nearby to grab a bottle of mead to soothe his throat: "No, I mean, the only person who can come in and communicate with the sleeping Odin is you. No matter who installed this bug intends to listen. Whatever you might tell Odin."

The Queen was startled for a moment, then lowered her head and leaned on the edge of the boat to think. Her white gauze dress shone in the light.

Daisy understood again. She knocked her palm with her little fist and said happily: "You mean, no matter who this spy is, he intends to eavesdrop on the whispers between couples! He is a pervert!"

Deathstroke tilted his mouth and rubbed his chin, his expression looking a little regretful: "Well, it's half right again. It was indeed Frigga's words that the other party intended to eavesdrop on, but it definitely didn't take a 'pervert' to explain its purpose, and he didn't succeed. , Odin’s slumber is aware that intruders may wake up at any time, I have tried it many times in the past.”

The female Thor nodded slowly and touched her little nose:

"So, then Odin..."

"Yes, I'm afraid he took the initiative to track the enemy away. Let me tell you my guess. He was originally sleeping, but someone who could sneak or become invisible, could change the size of his body, was not afraid of fire, and was good at technology came in through the fireplace. , I plan to install a bug under the ship to eavesdrop on what Frigga will tell Odin in the next period of time."

Su Ming pointed back at the fireplace he had discovered before, and at the same time picked up the brown clay pot in his hand and looked at it. The mead tastes very average. Is this something for the God King to drink?

"Then what?" Daisy pulled him to lean against the long boat. Not only her, Frigga also cast an expectant look.

Su Ming threw away the pottery pot, took out his own wine from his pocket and took a sip: "But he didn't know the nature of Odin's sleep. He stepped on the charcoal fire when he crept in, and was discovered just after installing a bug under the ship. Well, Odin launched an attack with his spear."

Having said this, Deathstroke reached out from the longship and fished out the animal skin quilt that Odin usually covered. There was a slight fresh cut on the edge, which was not there when he came last time.

According to the microscopic view of the broken fur provided by Strangler, the only weapon in Asgard that can cut at the atomic level is Gangnir.

Atomic-level cutting is generally a prominent feature of artifacts, such as Diana's Vulcan Sword or Su Ming's God Killer, which are the embodiment of the concept of 'sharpness'.

The constituent element of these animal skins is also carbon, and 14 electrons have been cut off from the carbon atoms in the breach, destroying the atomic structure.

Su Ming is not a trace detection expert like Barry, but Strangler's observation ability at the micro level is very powerful.

"But this attack didn't hit, or it hit, but the enemy was a thing without flesh and blood. At this time, Odin recognized the opponent, and the opponent retreated and he chased after him. That's what happened." He showed the two women his hands. animal skin, continued.

"That means the opponent's speed was also very fast, because both of them disappeared in the blink of an eye in Heimdall."

Daisy took advantage of her chin to think about the problem.

"It's probably all about space teleportation. There are only two ways to enter Asgard, through the Rainbow Bridge or flying through the secret passage." Su Ming took a sip of wine and put the bottle on his lap: "But it's much easier to get out. If you know the coordinates of your destination, you can teleport away, find a spaceship to fly out, grab a sword and open the rainbow bridge, or if it doesn't work, you can go to the edge of the continent and jump into the universe. You have already deduced half of it."

"Hehe." Daisy didn't know whether this was a compliment or what, so just take it as a compliment.

Frigga still had one unanswered question. She looked up at the high dome, where there were murals of stories since the birth of Asgard, and she said:

"Then what exactly does the other party want to hear?"

"Most likely, I want to hear you cry, I guess." Deathstroke stood up and walked towards the door: "Let's go, Daisy, let's go investigate the case."

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