The Death Knell

Chapter 1987 Happy Sailing

The two left the Golden Palace, and this time Deathstroke borrowed a flying boat and drove towards the far side of the sea like a speedboat.

The hull did not fall on the sea, but was suspended at a height of about thirty centimeters. The strong wind brought by the flight caused the white waves to separate like a figure of eight, leaving a long trail behind the golden stern. 's wake.

This is a very common Asgardian flying boat, about five meters long and two meters wide. It looks just like an Indian raft, only more advanced and luxurious.

It is all white, with gold-rimmed reliefs on the sides and bow, a unique energy engine at the tail, and even a holographic projection screen, as well as an invisible energy barrier to ensure that passengers can breathe in the universe.

The only drawback is probably that the control method is very primitive and requires someone to steer at the stern. Yes, the means of controlling the direction is a flat metal plate, just like the boats Daisy saw in the amusement park.

When the boat flew up, the bow tilted slightly, and it really felt like a ride on the sea.

The strong wind blew up Daisy's long hair. She sat in the middle of the ship and turned to ask Deathstroke behind her: "I still can't figure out why you said that the infiltrator wanted to hear Frigga cry."

"Don't you think Odin's reaction is unusual?"

Su Ming raised his mask at this time, and the strong wind was isolated. His voice was not affected in any way and entered Daisy's ears clearly:

"So far we have discovered traces of the invasion in Odin's Sleep, and we have also deduced that he chased after him with weapons, but if you think about it carefully, he only had to shout at that time, and the Golden Palace guards would come to him in groups. And fight.”

"Could it be that he felt that the guards were no match for the enemy, so he didn't want them to die in vain?" Daisy thought for a while, and wiped her face with her palms, because there were always naughty hairs that would block her eyes: " Or maybe he thinks others can’t catch up with that enemy.”

"This is just the reason why I said he knew the infiltrator." Deathstroke handed her a roll of bandages and asked her to tie up her hair: "But you only guessed half of it right, because Odin had another choice at the time. , that is, stay where you are and not chase him, and at the same time notify me to make a deal. There is no one in this universe that I can't catch up with or kill."

Daisy laughed and put her hands behind her head: "Wow, are you so confident?"

"Head-on confrontation may not always lead to success, but there is always no problem in killing someone with a borrowed knife." Su Ming just told the truth. He adjusted the direction of the flying boat: "So based on the above inference, I made a further reasoning, that is Odin thinks that if he doesn’t follow up immediately and keep an eye on that guy, the hidden danger will be magnified.”

"I understand. The motives for murder are usually revenge, jealousy, and greed." She tied up her hair and gently tried to shake the ponytail. It felt much more convenient: "The infiltrator didn't just want Odin to die. , but to make him suffer torture before death."

Su Ming controlled the airship to hit a rock wall, but the stone seemed to not exist in this dimension. When the bow of the ship came into contact, it rippled like water waves, and the two of them disappeared there instantly.

This is a secret passage in space, which is the wormhole of the World Tree.

"It's all right this time. You've made some progress." Su Ming let go of the rudder. It was like entering the sewer. An invisible force would automatically push the spacecraft forward: "Odin's death is destined. Yes, even if you don't kill him, he will always die of old age, so the means of revenge for others may no longer be purely directed at life."

"The infiltrator will kill Thor and Loki, then eavesdrop on Frigga crying to the sleeping Odin, and then kill everyone in Odin's family one by one, thereby inflicting fear and pain!"

Daisy showed a beautiful smile. She seemed to feel the joy of detective. Her face was radiant at this moment. In the wormhole with shining stars all around, her eyes were bright:

"I've seen this method before, in "Half Hour with a Serial Killer", the man who killed his brothers and sisters, his younger brothers and sisters, his biological mother and stepmother, and his father's thirteen mistresses one by one. He committed the crime just to get revenge on his billionaire. His father wouldn’t invest in his project. His father had cancer and was about to die soon, so he killed all the old man’s psychological sustenance and let him die slowly in pain.”

"Serial Killer Half Hour" is a documentary program launched by Wilson Radio. In this program, experts will go to various prisons to interview American serial killers after being arrested.

Ask them how they committed the crime and what they were thinking at the time.

Of course, it's basically a curiosity show that satisfies Americans' need for 'ketchup'. It's not a serious discussion of human nature. Many people prefer to watch experts analyze the psychology of crimes before the interview. As a result, after the interview , the murderer didn’t think so at all at the time.

for example.

Expert: "The murderer dug out the victim's eyes after the murder, but this was unprecedented in his past criminal methods. We unanimously believe that there is an indescribable relationship between the victim and the murderer. After committing the crime, he was unable to see directly. The eyes of the other party and the guilt in his heart made him choose the window to destroy his soul. This is a kind of abnormal emotional release, which is also the distortion of human nature and the loss of morality."

Murderer: "I just randomly picked someone on the street and kidnapped him back to the basement to kill him. I stepped on blood, my foot slipped and I almost fell. I put my palm on the dead man's face and accidentally poked out his eyeball with my finger."

The effect of the program is very good, and people can always find all kinds of fun in this program. After all, it is quite rare for so-called experts to make mistakes in reading comprehension every time.

Moreover, there are too many serial killers in the United States, and only a few states have the death penalty. As a result, the old ones are not going away, but the new ones are coming. Interviewing a murderer every week, the program schedule has been scheduled for more than ten years, which is comparable to a popular talk show.

There are even die-hard fans who committed crimes because of this. They killed 30 people in a row within six months and then kidnapped hostages. When confronting the police, the condition they proposed was that they would immediately jump in to appear on that week's show.

This has indeed caused some negative public opinion impact, but Wilson Enterprises' legal team is not a vegetarian. Fans who watched the show killed people, what does it have to do with the producer?

"I didn't expect you to watch that, too. I thought you scientists usually watch things like "Man and Nature" or "Exploration"."

Su Ming's expression was a little strange, but Daisy's taste was really a bit strong, because there were a lot of photos of scenes or corpses in the show, and the purpose was to cultivate the audience's numbness to blood and death. But it doesn't matter. Superheroes are often violent. He continued:

"My guess is similar. This infiltrator knew that Odin was about to die and wanted to mentally torture Odin before he died."

Daisy smiled proudly. She also felt that she had grown up very quickly: "In this way, Thor and Loki have eliminated the suspicion. They both know that Odin is not really sleeping, but our suspect does not know."

"Hela is no longer suspicious. She also knows about Odin's Sleep." In the distance of the tunnel like a starry sky in front of you, a bright spot gradually expands, which is another exit: "We are here. Take a few sips of wine and be prepared." Prepare."

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