The Death Knell

Chapter 1993 New Invasion

Deathstroke and the two returned to the flying boat, and Daisy once again let go of her hand covering her nose, gasping for air in an exaggerated manner.

"I've been listening to you talk for a long time, who is Frey?"

"Frigga's father, the former God-King of Vanaheim, who was later killed by Odin." Su Ming shook the oars to start the spaceship, just like starting a car with a crank, which is needed when the spaceship takes off. A few pulls: "Odin not only killed him, but also took his daughter to be his wife and let his daughter have children."

Daisy pouted, she wasn't too surprised.

Based on her observations along the way, she found that even if there were differences between Asgard's customs and those in Norse mythology, they were not that different.

In that set of myths, plundering and robbery are both acts of glory, and historically, the Nordics liked to rob Catholic monasteries, and beheading bald monks was an important means of pursuing the glory of their ancestors.

What's more, in a tribal society where men's rights are higher than women's rights, snatching the wives and daughters of their enemies to reproduce their offspring is not just the Asa clan's doing, everyone on earth knows it.

"Then you mentioned souls and stuff."

"Well, except for a few bugs or alien monsters, most intelligent creatures in the universe have souls. Among them, the black souls of fallen humans are the most valuable, followed by the gods." Su Ming took off in the airship. After learning the information, he planned to return the same way: "The so-called resurrection usually involves the soul."


"Generally speaking, the common method is to use the corpse to resurrect the soul or return the soul to the hometown. The first method is easier. After death, if the soul or mental power is strong enough, you can take someone else's body. The Charles you saw today can do it. at this point."

Daisy touched her arm and looked at the flying snow in front of her: "It's a bit scary."

"The second one is more difficult. To snatch the soul out of hell, you need to face the accountability of the hell lord and even death. Have you seen the film Death Comes produced by our company?"

"I've seen it, from the first to the fourth part."

"Well, if you are chased by death, you will face such a situation, as if the whole world wants you to die, but most of the time she will not do it herself, but will send out her Licking Dog No. 1, which is also a Troublesome guy."

"Okay, I understand. What is the situation where superheroes can't resurrect others like the Frey you mentioned?"

Meow Hammer God saw Fei Zhou entering the secret passage and loosened the cloak that was wrapped around him.

Su Ming took a deep breath, looked at the dark and beautiful starry sky outside the ship, and said a series of complex nouns quickly:

"I call that death. Theoretically speaking, if the soul dissipates, it is equivalent to a disabled green female African-American transgender gay beggar being targeted by a white policeman, so he will definitely not survive."

"This person's identity and situation are a bit complicated."

Daisy couldn't help but complain. Of course she knew what the social environment in the United States was like, but this joke was not funny at all.

Well, although this example was weird, she still understood its meaning intuitively.

That was the dead King Warner, who shouldn't have had a second chance.

"So I think there is a chance that the other person is a fake. In our universe, there are too many ways to pretend to be someone else's identity."

While speaking, Deathstroke's face and muscles squirmed back and forth as if alive, and his height and body shape also changed instantly.

In front of the female Thor, he transformed into Professor Salvig within two seconds. Even the armor on his body turned into a rustic gray suit with a red open-collar sweater underneath. The voice said:

"That's it, Louise-san."

Daisy has learned Batman's classic expression of doubt without a teacher.

The corners of her mouth turned downwards, her head shook, and her long black hair fell on her snow-white shoulders: "No, you don't have their memory, because neither Professor Schallvig nor Teacher Foster can Call me classmate Louise, just like I usually don’t call them by their last name plus their job title, they all just call me Daisy or Xiaodai.”

"Pfft, cough."

Su Ming seemed to choke on her own saliva and instantly changed back to her original appearance. She was also called Xiaodai.

Xiao Dai is the nickname that Hallie gave to Diana, but Daisy can't be related to Xiao.

"Well, I know I pointed out the problem, that is, the appearance can be imitated, but memory is difficult, but you shouldn't be so excited, right?" Daisy touched her chin suspiciously, and her eyes became sharp.

Apart from anything else, she is really gifted in intuition. She keenly sensed something was wrong, as if she had been infected with the initial sequelae of visiting Gotham.

The so-called Gotham Syndrome, also called Batman's Dark Disease, is a mental illness that is divided into three stages: This thing is so suspicious, there are always people trying to harm me, I have to have a backup plan.

If these three items are accounted for, it means that you will not die easily if you debut as a superhero.

"Don't worry about those details." Su Ming waved his hand and turned his face as if he was concentrating on driving: "There are many ways to obtain memories. Instead of letting me believe that a person like Frey who has lost his soul can be resurrected, it is better to think about who or Something can imitate him perfectly."

"Okay," Daisy said hesitantly, with a somewhat doubtful expression on her face, but then she sat back and said, "Anyway, I'm here to learn how to be a superhero, so I just follow you."

The flying boat passed through the ripples of space again, and the blue sea appeared in front of the two of them again, but the next second, there were explosions and roars in the air.

The distance was very far, but the wind still carried the sound to my ears.

"Asgard has been invaded." Su Ming frowned. His eyesight allowed him to see explosions in some rooms on the side of the Golden Palace: "Didn't Odin follow the enemy? Or did the enemy have arrangements?"

"Let's go over and take a look."

The female Thor stood up, her red cloak fluttering in the wind. She also untied her hair tie, letting her long black hair fall loose.

Su Ming almost didn't think about it. He grabbed the sculls and poured cosmic energy into them. He rowed wildly, causing the airship to gain terrifying acceleration: "The scale of the battle is very small. The Asgard guards should have solved the problem before we get over." , But it’s good to go and have a look, as there just aren’t any direct clues right now.”

Therefore, about ten seconds later, the spaceship, which seemed to turn into a stream of light, arrived at the explosion position, and the hull seemed to be slightly hot due to the friction of the air.

Just as he expected, in the dilapidated corridor below, the Golden Palace Guards had already begun sweeping the streets.

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