The Death Knell

Chapter 1994 Strange Mud

Under normal circumstances, there is no need to worry about the sturdiness of the Golden Palace. Although it looks golden, it is actually not made of gold, just like the Sovereigns' spaceships and buildings.

Although gold is a precious metal, it is also very soft and is not suitable as a building material.

The material that makes up the Golden Palace is an alloy unique to Asgard, which is somewhat similar to the Uru metal used to make weapons, but is not as strong and more civilian-friendly.

Ordinary explosions and small magic will not have any impact on the buildings they build. If you want to break the walls of the Golden Palace and the invisible energy shield, you must be at least stronger than the Dark Elf's 'Death Warriors'.

They are not the kind of death warriors in the MCU. They are too weak. According to the level of strength, the death warriors in the 40K universe should be similar to those in the 616 universe, which is a level that can break planets.

But here it looks like... it was attacked by a self-destruction attack.

The metal that made up the corridor and the ceiling was slightly tilted outwards, and there was also a large pit on the floor. The nearby decorations and fruit bowls had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a large pile of black viscous semi-liquid that was steaming. , slowly flowing down the wall.

Su Ming landed with Daisy from the hole, and happened to see Frigga and Sif arriving not far away. The Valkyrie seemed to have drunk a little too much, and her face was a little red.

"The Sorcerer Supreme, God of Thunder."

"Queen, Sif."

Both parties greeted each other politely, and then both looked at the scene in front of them in silence, thinking about what kind of attack could cause such a situation.

Of course, Daisy is a doctoral candidate in astronomy, so she may not be good at on-site investigation, and Frigga is a mage, not a warrior, so the task of surveying the wreckage will ultimately have to be completed by Deathstroke and Sif.

Su Ming naturally understood this, so he was not polite. After pushing away the obstructive guards in front of him, he grabbed a piece of squirming black mud and observed it in his hand.

The guards wanted to say something else, but Sif, as the captain of the Queen's guards, ordered them to retreat and came over herself:

"Did you find anything?"

"This is not a symbiote, nor is it ordinary mud."

Su Ming clenched his fists, and he squeezed the black mud so that it flowed from between his fingers. But when he opened his hands, they began to gradually shrink back to their original appearance.

In fact, when I first saw Black Mud in the Marvel world, I thought of symbionts as a conventional thought. However, after getting started, Strangle said that these things are not even living things. There are no cells or anything like that, and the elements they are composed of are also a mystery. .

The symbiote said that it had never seen similar elemental bodies. It had eaten all over the universe and many dimensions, but it had no impression of it.

‘Not a living thing? But they have biological reactions. ’

Su Ming communicated silently with Strangulation, and then pinched the black mud in his hand. Everyone could see that it shrank obviously, and then avoided the other side of the palm, as if to avoid suffering pain again.

It doesn't even have cells, let alone a brain and nerves. How can such a thing feel pain?


Strangler also said it was difficult to understand. Could this be a pirated symbiote invented by someone? Imitate the weapons made by your own clan?

"It seems to be alive." Sif took out the sword from her waist and even took off the shield on her back: "We have to kill it, it destroyed the Golden Palace! No, burn it!"

Su Ming looked at the black mud that was gradually merging on the ground. They were approaching each other as if they were attracted by suction. If Strangler hadn't held on tighter, the mud in his hand might have escaped.

Even so, it flows from the fingers to the ground, like a stream that merges into the ocean of large troops.

"Your Majesty the Queen of Heaven, please use a frost magic on it."

Su Ming threw the black mud on the ground, then got out of the way and asked Frigga for magical support.

This kind of mud-like thing is not a living thing but is alive. It is not understood but can be seen. When facing mysterious things, it is better to try the mysterious side of power.

Frigga is also a member of the Warner Protoss. The magic of water and frost is almost instinctive. After paying the price by relying on the World Tree, the corresponding divine power is displayed.

Although she is a queen, it seems that Frigga has not lost much of her ability to cast spells over the years. She cast spells very quickly. She just recited a string of spells silently, stretched out her finger, and a ball of ice-water mixture flew towards the big hole in the floor. of black mud.

The black solid and the white freezing fog collided, and a chill came over the face. The flow of the unknown object seemed to be in slow motion, becoming extremely slow.

But this spell only lasted for a very limited time. After just a few seconds, before the white mist near the people dispersed, it resumed its original speed.

They are merging and gradually outline an upright cylinder the size of a washing machine.

Deathstroke was a little speechless about the Queen's spell power. It was cheap but not good. The cost of her spell casting was paid by World Tree, and the magic power was also pitifully small.

If Monaco were here, if he picked up a few rabbits and contacted the Ice Demon God Exelon, he should be able to freeze a big lump of ice directly.

Sure enough, I have cooperated too much with powerful mages, and it is difficult to switch from luxury to frugality...

But looking at Frigga’s face, ‘How is it? ' With a worried expression, Su Ming still couldn't hit this woman and tell the horrible truth.

"Godslayer, push the snowboard!"

He didn't respond to the queen, but directly took out his weapon and gave the order.

The golden scimitar instantly turned into a shiny and electrified cleaning tool.

He jumped into the pit, shoveled out all the black mud weighing several tons like asphalt, and then took off straight away.

"Leave here first and find an open area where there is no one. It is reviving. Daisy will follow."

"I see!"

The female Thor also flew up, and she flew to Deathstroke's side, protecting him with the hammer in her hand.

Whenever the black mud on the snowboard wanted to roll down, she would strike with a bolt of lightning to push it back. Along with bursts of green smoke, an indescribable burning smell spread out.

Ten seconds later, Su Ming carried the ball to the mountainous area hundreds of kilometers away, near Heimdall's fiefdom.

This fiefdom is usually deserted. There is only an empty castle located alone in the mountain. It is a good battlefield.

Frigga and Sif also quickly arrived via the Rainbow Bridge, just in time to see Deathstroke throwing the black mud into the ravine, and then took out cylindrical jars larger than a human head from his pocket, and kept smashing them from the air. Mud.

They didn't recognize those jars, but they exploded within seconds, spewing bright white flames that burned on the black mud like maggots attached to bones.

"White phosphorus incendiary bomb? This is a prohibited weapon under international law."

Meowth God rotated the hammer in his hand, as if he was waiting for the opportunity to strike.

Su Ming also put the scimitar-shaped weapon on his shoulder and stared at the churning black mud below:

"Superheroes don't care about the law, and you're wrong. These are the exquisite melta grenades of the Warhammer world. When I threw them, I was still praising the God of All Machines in my heart, asking him to help me burn this turtle to death."


Daisy smiled awkwardly but politely. She didn't understand it at all.

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