The Death Knell

Chapter 1997 Off-site Support

Monaque saluted around him, then took out a white handkerchief from his pocket, sprayed some perfume on it, and raised his hand to cover his nose.

He came to the death knell and looked into the ravine.

At this time, the black mud had begun to form facial features, and even grew clothes and decorations on it, which looked like fairy palace clothes.

"If you can't see what this is, then it must not be a symbiote." Monaco skillfully took out a rabbit with one hand and strangled it to death. He wiped his tears with a handkerchief and dropped the rabbit. Throw out a fire magic.

His combat experience can be seen from here. When encountering this ooze-like thing, he would either try to use ice or fire.

After paying the price, using hand seals and spells, magic flew out instantly.

"It's 'Zom's Twin Fireballs'. You're quite good at choosing them." Su Ming held a cigarette in his mouth and watched as two giant fireballs as big as wheels hit the black clay man below, instantly blowing it to pieces: " I was worried that you might borrow Surtur’s magic.”

Monaco took the time to roll his eyes while staring down: "You have been acting too much with the young people recently. Do you think I am as stupid as them? Using the power of the fire giant in Asgard, then It’s too hateful.”

"I'm still young, why can't I act with young people? If you don't talk about that, what do you see?" Su Ming waved his hand, saying that it was business and don't look at me like this.

Monaco put down the hand that was casting the spell, wiped his eyes with the edge of his handkerchief, and observed for a while:

"The magic effect is very average. This thing is not a living thing, nor is it a stone, metal, or anything I know. I will use a frost spell to see the impact of the drastic temperature difference on it."

The magic prince pinched two more rabbits. While wiping his tears and nose with one hand, he formed a seal with one hand. A sharp glacier flew out of the air in front of him, accurately hitting the burning and rolling black mud. In an instant, the steam filled the air and covered it. All vision.

The sorcerer was well prepared. He threw out another wind magic to disperse the thick fog, while looking at the black mud intently.

"Interesting." Monaco took out his pipe and borrowed a fire from Deathstroke: "This thing shouldn't exist in our universe. You didn't bring it from outside, right?"

"No, a kind person gave it to me. This is related to a clue." Su Ming took back his lighter: "Are you sure there was no such substance in our universe before?"

The moustache mage nodded, pushed up the brim of his hat, and wiped the sweat near his receding hairline:

"I am sure that if it is an ordinary substance and is hit by Zom's fireball and Exelon's ice cone, the opposite properties will collide inside it, causing it to inevitably produce a chain of energy reactions. That is a conceptual level. Hedging. Even if your cloak is hit by these two attacks, it will definitely be damaged... By the way, why is it motionless?"

The cloak is still the same, soft and soft, just like ordinary cloth.

"It's full of food and has been sleeping recently. Regardless of its problems, try another system of magic." Su Ming motioned to Monaco to use some extra-multidimensional abilities. Since it is suspected to be a foreign object, use foreign magic. .

Monaco took out his long cane from his pocket, drew a mysterious trajectory in the air, and then swung it toward the black mud.

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

The invisible sharp blade cut several holes in the smoking mud ball, but the effect was also limited.

The Magic Prince then shook his head: "That's not right. Instead of guessing that it is an alien species, it is better to say that it is a new species that has never been seen in our universe before and was only born recently."

"Is it a new material category? It's not a living thing, nor a dead thing... Through some previous tests, I think it may be similar to 'black sky', what do you think?"

Su Ming took a puff of cigarette and looked at Monaco's face. His beard had always been well maintained.

Monaco puffed on his pipe and thought for a moment:

"Is it similar to a 'beast'? Is it a substance formed when some kind of 'evil thoughts' are extremely strong? Then I'm afraid the existence behind it is not easy to mess with."

"I think since a mysterious person sent it to the Golden Palace and showed it to me as a new clue..." Su Ming flicked the cigarette ashes and looked at the black mud below which seemed to be healing faster. : "Of course I want to see what's behind it."

"Have you tried cosmic energy?" The magic prince lowered his voice and secretly used magic to isolate the communication between the two.

He knew that Deathstroke had cosmic energy, but many people thought that Galactus was a guy named Silver.

Deathstroke shook his head and spread his hands: "I suspect that using cosmic energy on it will cause a high-intensity explosion, turning it into a reusable living bomb. I think it is easy to kill it, but I need to confirm its origin. Road, this is a clue.”

"Is that so? Then let's try a concept or rule-based method. I'll call Wanda over for you to see the effect of chaos magic?"

The Magic Prince was also Deathstroke's old partner, and he basically had no doubts about what he said, so he immediately proposed the second method.

Conventional elemental magic is not very effective, and external magic is not easy to use, so try a higher level of power.

"No, maybe we have discovered a new species. The more distinctive and rare the species is, the easier it is to find it in the universe... I don't believe it if you call the people in the Sky Council who don't have work. Its mystery is higher than the levels of diversity."

Daisy on the side was not isolated by the hidden magic, but she was confused now. She could only barely understand half of the communication between Deathstroke and the wizard.

However, what Deathstroke said is indeed right. For problems that cannot be solved, calling friends is the right thing to do.


"Why are there so many undead? Does the Supreme Mage have the ability to drive the undead?"

A few minutes later, as more and more weirdos ignored Asgard's defense and teleported directly, Sif, who had been watching not far away, couldn't help but complain to the queen.

In any case, it is really scary to see those white bones walking in broad daylight wearing black robes, holding gorgeous staffs, and wearing crowns.

She was once one of the Valkyries and had many dealings with heroic spirits, but souls and these corpses were completely different things.

Frigga is very capable in combat, but she still has a vision as a queen, and she is very calm.

At least since Deathstroke and others didn't come to talk to her, she could always maintain a reserved demeanor and wait patiently.

Listening to Sif's words, she smiled and held the girl's hand: "I heard that he has something to do with death and has a black ring, but I think these dead people are probably his friends rather than mindless wandering souls. Look at the fire in the eyes of their skeletons, it is the brilliance of wisdom.”

Valkyrie Sif sighed and nodded silently. She really didn't know how she could see wisdom from the flames, but the Queen said so.

He had better go first to appease the guards who were already a little shaken.

A few minutes later, the Lords of Talisman gave Deathstroke a conclusion through a series of rapid research and analysis.

The great lich Larocque held the wand in his two bone claws. He looked at the black mud that was 'divided' by everyone with cold and ruthless eyes. His white bone jaw opened and closed:

"Speaker, this thing is a product of divine power that 'should not exist' and 'unforeseen'. It is a dead soul born from dead things. It absorbs nutrients from 'observable energy' and 'pure hatred'...." ..”

Su Ming put out the cigarette butt and put it away, interrupting the great lich: "Wait, you mean according to the Faerun system, it is a 'divine evil'?"

"I mean, it's similar to the evil god. As you can see, its strength is unimaginably weak. I have never seen such a weak evil god, so I am sure that it cannot pass through the crystal wall system. We all agree that, It was born in your native universe, and if you want to find its source, just think about what kind of person or thing can do this."

The Lich had obtained new experimental materials, and was in a good mood at this time, and rarely spoke a lot.

"Infusing soul into inanimate matter? I understand."

Su Ming nodded and started thinking.

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