The Death Knell

Chapter 1998 Investigate separately

"Looking for a being who can 'create' things out of fantasy?"

Flying in the universe, Su Ming fiddled with the rudder of the ship. After explaining the whole story to Monaco, the moustache mage showed a thoughtful expression on his face. He was recalling which demon god might be related to Black Mud.

This is a quite advanced ability. No matter who created the black mud, it is not as simple as the fire element monster of Surtur or the birdman of Oshutu.

The fire element monster uses the flame energy that already exists in the universe to create a shape and give it a soul.

Birdman is also a carbon-based life. Ao Shutu just created a new creature, not something like black mud. Even the elements that make up the body are unknown.

Most dimensional demon gods have the ability to create things. Ancient gods like World Tree who took another path also created the Nine Realms and the life in them. But no matter what created the black mud monster, it was equivalent to creating a new element, a new half-life form, a new soul format, and a new existence.

That's another story entirely.

The three of them left Asgard. Although the lichs of the 'Entangled Sigil' also wanted to participate in this operation, Su Ming still asked them to divide the black mud and bring it back for experiments, and rejected their request to participate in the war. .

Deathstroke chatted with Frigga for a while, and after letting her continue to stabilize the situation in Asgard, he took the people on the road to find the person behind the scenes.

"The external form is black mud, but it is essentially a collection of emotions. You have also heard from the Archlich that it is similar to a god." The flying boat floated in the universe, dragging a beautiful white trail and flying quickly.

Monaco rolled his eyes: "I've never seen a god, I don't know what they are talking about."

"All in all, discovering this kind of thing can be considered a clue. But at the same time, who sent this clue to me? It is another trouble."

Deathstroke shook his head. He felt that the current situation was not very good.

The Magic Prince looked at Daisy, who was sitting quietly listening to the lecture. He took out the beard wax to maintain his beard: "Actually, it's easy to guess. Besides you, who else wants Odin to return to Fairy Palace, then that is Who sent the clue?"

"There are many possibilities, but I think the most likely one is the 'God of Shadows'. Of course they hope that Odin will return to the fairy palace, and then follow the predicted trajectory to complete the cycle of Ragnarok." Su Ming took out the wine. Cheers to Monaco, said calmly.

The invisible barrier allows an 'open-top' structure like a spacecraft to sail in the universe, and without the obstruction of the bulkhead, everyone seems to be closer to the stars.

"If it's really them, this can only be regarded as a temporary agreement for you who want Odin to return to Asgard but are ready to break the cycle." Monaco also knew that he took the wine glass with his hand and gently shook the contents. Liquor.

He likes to drink, but he drinks very restrainedly, only taking a few sips occasionally. Most wizards know that drunkenness has no benefits.

"That's why I said it's trouble. The Gods of Shadows are more like parasites on the World Tree. When Ragnarok comes, all creatures in the eight realms except the earth will die and be transformed into new nutrients. They will then They will hide in a safe place. When the World Tree is reborn, they will break out of the ground, climb up the tree again, and continue to dominate with their strength and experience. I suspect that the many secret passages connecting the nine realms like worm holes were also created by them. of."

Deathstroke drained his drink in one gulp and refilled himself a glass. Most soldiers liked drinking, but unfortunately he was no longer affected by the influence of alcohol.

"So, you think they have survived six dusk safely, which is really too long..." Monaco took a sip of wine, and the ends of his beard were slightly raised, as if Laughing: "Odin is unlucky enough. As the king of the gods, he has a group of guys like the Senate above him, and these senators all want him to die."

"From the perspective of human history, isn't it normal for the Senate to wish for the death of dictators?" Su Ming waved his hand, as if intending to end the topic: "Last time I defeated them with Wade's law of cause and effect, but those This guy has the World Tree on his back and cannot be killed in normal times. We can only reach a truce agreement that is more beneficial to me...but another war in the future is inevitable."

Monaco nodded and stopped talking. As an old friend, he clearly knew how strong Deathstroke, who always claimed to be an ordinary human, was, and the shadow god he was obsessed with probably wouldn't be happy for long.

The new Supreme Mage may already be stronger than the other Master Ancient One who claims to be an ordinary human being, because he has never seen anyone outside the omnipotent universe that Ancient One can bring into the world.

"Where are we going?"

Daisy finally found a chance to speak. Although it was nice to sit on the boat and drift in the universe like this, it always felt slow. Doesn't this spaceship have jump equipment?

Su Ming turned to look at the huge plate floating in the universe not far away. Asgard was shrouded in light. He took a deep breath:

"I don't plan to follow the clues given by the God of Shadows, at least not in person. Our enemy is a monster that can split, heal, and transform. This is probably why Odin must pursue him. , because it gives the enemy a chance to transform, and big problems are likely to arise next.”

"It makes sense." Daisy nodded and blinked with her big eyes: "If he can look like Frey and still have memories, he can transform into anyone. If I encounter such a monster, I will definitely not be able to transform into anyone." It will keep him out of my sight. Otherwise, it would be bad if he turned into Jane or Caroline and smothered me with a pillow while I slept."

"You are half-human and half-god now. Lack of oxygen can't kill you." Deathstroke handed her a pack of spicy sticks and prepared to jump: "But if I cut off your head, you will die."

Meowth Hammer God made a bared expression, and she was speechless and could only eat obediently.

Su Ming turned his attention to the magic prince who was doing his beard maintenance. He understood when he saw the look in Deathstroke's eyes: "Okay, you mean to let me follow that clue."

"Yes, there are not many beings who can create things out of fantasy. You first go and see if Wanda accidentally got away with it, and then contact the suspected dimensional demon gods one by one. If it is really a demon god who did it, don't act rashly. , notify me to solve it."

Deathstroke gave a plan to let Monaco return to Earth. After all, it was human territory and was very safe.

"Wanda is impossible." The moustache mage put away the beard wax, drank the wine in the glass, and threw it away, and the glass swirled into the universe: "Have you not watched the news recently? Mutant The Brotherhood of Man and Canada's Z Organization are going to screw up, and Wanda doesn't have time."

"Z Agency, have they made a super soldier? It won't be another 'Deadpool with a seam mouth', right?" Su Ming curled his lips.

Monaco stood up and drew circles in the air with his cane, raised the hat on his head towards Daisy as a farewell, and winked at the Supreme Mage: "I heard some rumors that Canada may be working with the 'Supreme Evolution' Trading, I have to say that some of the rumored 'new humans' are very powerful."

After saying that, he stepped into the portal, and the aperture instantly closed into a bright spot and disappeared in front of the two of them.

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