The Death Knell

Chapter 2039 Reunion of old friends

Watching the middle-aged man say goodbye and leave, Wade generously invited everyone in the bar to have a round of drinks. However, Su Ming had no intention of drinking this low-quality drink. He got up and left with Daisy.

The middle-aged man was not in a hurry to act, and Su Ming was not in a hurry to promote changes in his cousin.

Anyway, he is on vacation now, and all aspects of his affairs have been arranged. He does not want to get involved in other things in a short time, not to mention that the Punisher drinking in another corner of the bar is always on guard against him.

It's hard to drink even if you're being stared at.

"I'll walk you home?"

He asked Daisy next to him. It was already a bit cold in the early autumn night. When he came out of the lively bar in the middle of the night, the dead streets in the distance came into view.

"Hmm?" The female doctoral student looked at a street corner and whispered, "Why did another middle-aged man with hair loss appear there?"

"Oh, this person is also an acquaintance. Let me see what they said." Su Ming knew who was coming when he saw the luxurious red coupe. He pulled Daisy and fell in with the two of them from a distance.

"Agent Michaud, do you have time to find a place to have a drink and sit down and chat?"

The middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat drove slowly and smiled at the short man walking on the roadside.

The short and thin bald man responded with an almost identical smile and politely refused: "No, Coulson, I have a mission. If you want to invite me to drink next time, we can make another appointment."

"It's Colson. You really started to speak British English after you went to Canada. Have you had a chance to meet the Queen?" Colson smiled and mocked the other party's pronunciation problem. He does like to treat others politely. But the other party doesn't deserve it.

This short guy, strictly speaking, is Coulson's top agent student in the same class, and he is very strong in all aspects of agent skills.

But after graduating from SHIELD Academy, he secretly contacted the Canadian military and quit.

Strictly speaking, this is an act of rebellion, and Black Widow will clean him up. However, the United States and Canada are allies that have signed a mutual defense agreement, so the nature of this matter is not rebellion, but 'self-employment'.

I don’t know what kind of deal the people above made after the incident. This case that caused a lot of fuss back then was reduced to a big deal and a trivial matter.

Later, Coulson heard that Michaud was prospering in the north and became the leader of some secret department. After all, Canada had no professional agents who could deal with supernatural events before that.

Michaud's rebellion not only brought SHIELD's advanced concepts and training methods to Hong Maple Leaf, but also a large amount of intelligence in his mind.

Strictly speaking, this incident was a collaboration between the Canadian and American militaries to trick SHIELD. Howard Stark, who was the director of SHIELD at the time, was not good at politics and conspiracy, so he suffered this loss.

The most annoying thing is that this guy also copied Coulson's smile. Looking at his face, although it looks different from the original one, to Coulson himself, it feels like looking in a mirror.

The same business smile.

"Thank you for your kindness, Colson, you have always been so kind. I am originally a Canadian, and I only came back to serve my motherland." Michaud didn't care about the sarcasm at all. He turned to the classmate who was driving and nodded, carrying a The silver box walked forward quickly: "You don't have to beat around the bush. The actions of Department K do not need to be reported to your SHIELD. If you have any objections, please contact the Minister of Defense of your country."

Colson gritted his teeth secretly, but his smile did not diminish at all:

"I will do that, but if you don't answer my question, the next second you will be killed in the line of duty because of a stray bullet in a gang fight on the street. I think that is what none of us want to see."

Michaud stopped, not because of how beautiful Colson's words were or how powerful his threats were, but because he saw a small red dot on his tie.

The red spot was originally on his stomach because he was short and had the habit of tucking his tie into his trousers.

But the next second, the red dot went all the way up and reached the heart.

"Sniper? I saw someone dying quietly in the bar, and I knew that the Black Widow was coming for me. But I need to remind you, there are many people who know that I am here, and they all know that I can't be because of some ridiculous reason to die."

Colson got out of the car, leaned against the car door leisurely, and said with a smile:

"I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe there is a child shining a laser flashlight on you. Since you are willing to stop chatting, let's start now. But you are right about one thing. It's okay to drink. After all, I Also on duty."

Agent Chapo still had that indifferent smile: "Although I'm not afraid of death, I don't want to die meaninglessly. Please ask, old classmate. If I can answer your question, I will naturally answer it for you."

Two agents with the same hair loss and the same smile came face to face and began to communicate.

"What are you doing in the United States? And it's a place like Hell's Kitchen where there are a lot of superpowers."

Colson was not vague at all. Not only did he ask questions, he also secretly pressed his watch and turned on the recording function.

"You should ask the U.S. military about this question, if they can tell you." Michaud put his hands behind his back and stood upright on the street, neither humble nor arrogant.

Agent Coulson thought for a moment:

"Did you see any monsters tonight? They were active nearby."

"Monsters? No, there are a lot of them."

Michaud turned sideways and tilted his neck, allowing Colson to look towards the bar. Those drunk and high people were going crazy near the entrance of the store. All of those guys were freaks.

If they are not, their children will be, and drugs and alcohol will degrade their genetics.

"I'll repeat my question again." Coulson smiled and put his hand into his arms, connected to Fury's communication and let the director listen: "Have you seen a bright yellow, square, like... A giant sponge-like creature roaming the streets? And, by the way, it has funny anthropomorphic features.”

"Haha, your sense of humor is really getting stronger and stronger, Coulson."

Michaud smiled and shook his head. How could there be a walking sponge in this world?

"I guess you saw a cartoon character walking into the bar where I was through the surveillance equipment, but unfortunately, if I were you, I would go back and report it to my superiors now, mobilize the force to check the network hackers, keep up with the times, old friend .”

Coulson was silent for a while, actually waiting for Fury's order, and then asked: "That sponge monster wiped out two gangs, about seventy or eighty people. Please recall carefully, it was about an hour ago."

"Forty minutes ago, a man wearing a skull T-shirt entered the bar. He smelled of gunpowder smoke and blood. His stride showed that he had a military background. His face had a very vigilant look. He must be on guard against something. , I suggest you go catch him."

Michaud immediately recalled the Punisher. Although he did not know the man, extracting and analyzing what he observed at that time from his memory was only a basic skill for an agent.

"Nice to meet you, Michaud, good night."

Coulson was silent for a moment and received the order from Fury to abandon the mission.

The white skull and black T-shirt sounded like the Punisher, and Fury immediately activated his authority to wipe the butt of his old comrade.

Coulson turned around and got into the car to leave. Not far away, on the roof of the building, a red-haired woman wearing a tight black leather jacket was holding a sniper rifle. She slid down against the wall and got into the passenger seat of the convertible.

"I'm also very happy to see my old friend, but it's better not to arrange a gunman next time. Good night, I'm going back to the embassy." Michaud still smiled unchanged, waved to Coulson politely, and prepared to carry Leave with the box.

Coulson lowered his voice as he drove past him: "Just to remind you, don't touch the mutants in New York, otherwise the boss of my family will be very unhappy."

"Uh-huh, don't worry, I'm just here to deal with some ordinary people this time." The short man stood there and said goodbye, then turned around and went into the alley, disappearing without a trace.

Colson looked silently at the direction the other party left, speechless for a long time.

The two bald men were immersed in their past grudges and current tasks. No one noticed that the black widow in the passenger seat just turned her head secretly and winked mischievously into the darkness on the street corner behind her.

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