The Death Knell

Chapter 2040 A cycle

The task was a bit difficult, but for Wade, who knew Africa well and could even speak some indigenous languages, it was really just that.

After receiving the deposit from the hairless man that night, he put on his My Little Pony schoolbag, filled it with a bag full of weapons, and managed to sneak into an air force base, where he caught a flight to Afghanistan. , a transport aircraft that transports logistics supplies.

The war in Afghanistan broke out in 2001. Now there is no large-scale fighting, but the bearded lantern has not yet been found. The military had to send nearly 70,000 troops to scrape the land there.

Wade took a fancy to this and got on one of the many transport planes, preparing to hitch a ride.

American soldiers are very squeamish. If you want them to fight, they must have Power Soda, Skywalker's tobacco and alcohol, Wilson's chocolate, chewing gum, instant butter pot, canned meat, and various snacks. This has all started since World War II. Just a bad habit.

However, those things are usually transported by ship. The plane Wade got on was transporting medical equipment. His plan was to go to Afghanistan first, and then transfer to Africa to look for the lost fat horse.

Who among the serious mercenaries buys tickets to take civil aviation? Doesn’t the entry and exit records leave clues to others?

Little does he know that his every move is being observed by a super device named Sepulk, which he cannot understand now.

This task took a month. If Wade's route of action for this month was drawn on a map with a pen, it would look like a messy ball of yarn entrenched on the African continent.

I couldn't tell whether he was on a mission or traveling, he was just like a headless fly.

Fortunately, he finally succeeded in finding the target, knocked out the fat girl from a warlord's house and took away the fat girl. Apart from the difficulty in transporting her, he only killed dozens of people this time, so he was relatively calm.

Pay the money in one hand and deliver the goods in the other hand. There is a bar as an intermediary, so you don't have to worry about the final payment.

Wade, who was making money, was free and easy for a few days, and had a heated relationship with several black prostitutes in the bar, but because of this, the small money quickly disappeared without realizing it.

So he couldn't afford to open the private room, so he could only sit back at the bar, drinking the cheapest beer, and asking Weasel about his new job.

At this time, the smiling middle-aged man with a bit of bald head appeared again. After a conversation, the other party offered a job to steal things in Brazil, and the reward was also US$10,000.

While the two were talking at the bar, Su Ming took Hermione and sat in a dark corner, eavesdropping on their conversation through a magical prop called a 'telescopic ear'.

"Well, not this time too? It seems like this agent wants to develop a sense of trust through a few missions first."

Su Ming took a sip of wine with some emotion and shook his head. Canadians are quite good.

"This place is filthier than the Leaky Cauldron, and there's no Butterbeer." Hermione played with her wand boredly, trying to make the table cleaner, but she didn't know whether it was greasy or dried brain stuff on the table.' Cleaning it up couldn't solve it, the stain seemed to have penetrated into the texture of the wood.

"This shiny oil shell is the patina of an antique. Cleaning it up will not damage the artistic value of the antique. It seems that there is nothing to do today. I will apparate to the London Temple. I will treat you to a butterbeer."

Hermione waved her wand, Su Ming touched his tie, and the two disappeared almost at the same time.

This new mission is a little more difficult. The goal is to steal a South American indigenous-style gold mask. Who knows why the hairless middle-aged boss wants this, but the mercenary doesn't need to ask about that.

Repeating his old tricks, Wade boarded a military transport plane to Guantanamo, and then began to wander around South America.

Two months later, when Christmas was about to come, he successfully returned and received his reward, and had a heated relationship with a group of prostitutes from Eastern Europe in the bar.

From then on, he seemed to be stuck in a cycle.

A few days after Christmas, when he had spent all his money and was about to find a new job, the smiling middle-aged man appeared again.

This time the other party asked him to go to Southeast Asia to grab some jewelry. Again, the price was increased and became US$50,000.

"It's troublesome for you to come to me again and again. Why don't you tell your boss and let's sign a long-term contract?" Wade signed his name on the paper in front of him, smiled and toasted with the middle-aged man, and had several contacts. When he got down, he felt that he and the other party were already friends.

Even though he didn’t know the other person’s name, he only knew that the other person was called ‘M’, and he wouldn’t be angry if he could also call him Baldy.

"It's not impossible. My boss is not short of the two million a year salary, but if you get the money, I'm afraid it will be spent in less than a week, right?" Agent Michaud, disguised as a rich man's butler, said sincerely. For the sake of my friends: "If you sign a long-term contract, you won't be able to take on other jobs at the same time."

"That's a problem. Let's forget it. The information you give us is too little every time. It's hard to find things."

When Wade heard that he was about to lose his freedom, he lost interest in signing a long-term contract, and instead complained about the other party's intelligence system.

The middle-aged man poured him wine with a smile and complimented: "My boss is just a rich man, not a person in power. How can he provide such accurate information? Besides, doesn't this make you appear to be capable and capable?" "

"Hehe, that's true."

Wade toasted happily to the other party and started chatting about hair care.

The couples booth in the darkness in the distance has almost become the death knell booth for peeping cousins. The one who came out with him today is Efilar.

Originally, this small booth was occupied by two gay men, but when the nun saw such a filthy scene, she thought they were souls contaminated by Slaanesh, and used her psychic powers to purify them.

To put it simply, it is burned to ashes instantly.

"As the reward increases, the action time will inevitably increase. It seems that every mission is a show from the beginning to the end. The other party can control Wade's action time and ensure that Wade's money will be free for a week after each action. "

Su Ming and the nun toasted with orange soda and talked quietly. Efilar's psychic skills were able to capture the voices of the two people at the bar and play them.

"Perhaps that person also bribed some women who sold their bodies. Your Majesty, do you need me to purify these enemies?" The nun opened her coat, revealing the flamethrower pistol on the belt around her waist.

"This is the origin story of Deadpool. It's best not to change it and just wait and see how it changes." Su Ming drank a bottle of carbonated drink and put down the empty bottle: "You don't seem to like this chaotic place, let's go, I I’ll take you to Dubai for lunch, the Burj Al Arab Hotel invested by Wilson Enterprises has recently been built, it’s beautiful.”

The nun showed a happy smile and bowed slightly: "I am very honored."

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