The Death Knell

Chapter 2056 Interference Experiment and Space Theory

"Double-slit interference is the core experiment of quantum mechanics, which contains the most profound mysteries of quantum mechanics."

Reed took Tony's hand and wanted to pull him to see the equipment. However, those things were turned into waste in the explosion. He could only say:

"In the wave theory of classical mechanics, double-slit interference is the wave explanation of light, and there is nothing mysterious about it; but in quantum mechanics, light is composed of parts of light quanta, and the energy of each part is E= hυ, where h is Planck’s constant and υ is the frequency of the photon.”

Tony touched his mustache. Of course he knew this, but this was not the reason for Reed to conduct experiments on Earth.

But he just kept listening with a look of disdain on his face.

Mr. Fantastic touched his hair. He didn't notice Tony's expression at all, or in other words, he didn't care when he saw it. He was ecstatic that he had proved his new discovery.

"There is a very simple phenomenon. A beam of monochromatic light passes through a narrow single slit and then passes through a double slit again, which will produce interference fringes on the screen behind the double slit. If we emit photons one by one, we can also get Interference fringes, even if we replace photons with electrons or even molecules, we can get interference fringes."

Su Ming didn't say anything. He listened to the exchange between the two scientists on one side and watched the process of roasting duck with Deadpool and Wolverine on the other side.

The X-Men didn't even take Logan with them when they left, maybe because they didn't know how to wake him up from his rage?

It seemed that Logan had not been beaten once or twice. Everyone knew that he would not die anyway, and this was New York. After the fight, he could return to the academy even if he ran.

Wade's two knives were chipping away at the tip of Wolverine's buttocks, while Wolverine was digging out the offal from his opponent's belly. They might still be able to fight for a while.

The difference is that Logan doesn't say anything when he fights, and at most he curses, while Deadpool keeps chattering, sometimes talking to the invisible audience, sometimes mocking Logan for being too young to satisfy him.

Buzzing like a fly.

Reed continued to talk about his thoughts, and even wanted to get into Tony's arms and stuff his thoughts into Tony's:

"If you look at it from the particle's point of view, after the particle passes through the single slit, there are only two choices when passing through the double slit again. You should get two bright lines on the screen, but in fact you get multiple alternating light and dark interference fringes, which shows that Individual particles can interfere with themselves in this experiment..."

Iron Man was not as excited as he was, on the contrary, he was very calm.

He was never excited about something he invented or made a scientific discovery.

Because he knows that Tony Stark is a genius, so it is only a matter of time before he leads the development of human science and technology. What is there to be excited about?

This is the margin of the strong.

But this did not prevent him from interrupting Reed: "I also know this. A single particle does not pass through one slit, but passes through two slits at the same time. It is a single particle that passes through two slits at the same time, just like A single particle splits into two and passes through the double slit, and then interferes to form a particle that falls on the black screen behind."

"What's interesting is that once we try to detect which slit the particle has passed through, such as adding a detector to the double slit, the interference fringes will disappear immediately, as if the particle knows that you have observed it. If you start from the particle From the perspective of Ability to self-intervene during experiments.”

"Whether the experimental process is observed or not will actually affect the experimental results, which resulted in the famous 'Schrödinger's Cat', and this is all about quantum interference. Just tell me what you did with the interference experiment."

Tony's tongue was much sharper than Reed's. His two loud mouths spoke out all the things that he couldn't finish talking for a long time, and after he finished speaking, he showed a contemptuous smile.

This is just the basic foundation of quantum mechanics. Everyone is engaged in science and technology. Is this basic knowledge just for the death knell? Does he understand?

Reed was interrupted from his train of thought and stuttered. After a few seconds, he showed a helpless expression:

"I asked Susan to use her ability to cooperate with me to create a stand 'box' that can be observed without affecting the experimental results. Then I used 'negative particles' to conduct interference experiments and accelerated them to the speed of light, thereby It opens up another vast space.”

Tony felt a toothache when he heard this.

The so-called negative son is actually not a discovery on Earth, but a Kree energy particle that Nick Fury arranged for many years ago to extract from the body of the original Captain Marvel, Mai-Vell.

Although the Negative Bracelet was eventually taken away by Yong Rogg, some energy remained on the corpses that often used the Negative Bracelet, and these special particles were kept in SHIELD's secret laboratory.

Reed and Tony are both SHIELD consultants, and he does have the right to study those things. It is even possible that Fury instructed Reed to do this, but he just hid it from Tony.

But this is purely about black technology, and there is not even a bit of basic technology related to negative particles.

Even Reed added Susan's superpower to the experiment, which is also an unanalyzable variable. This experiment is not reproducible at all and is purely a matter of luck. This is not the attitude a scientist should have, but technology speculation. the behavior of the person.

Just like those AIM crazies.

Tony took a long breath: "Reed, I think you are completely crazy... Jarvis, contact Nick Fury and send over the recording of my conversation with Reed."

Reed still doesn't know where he went wrong. He is still looking forward to the bright future: "You don't understand, Tony, think about it, if we really get the means to the parallel world, how many resources will be available there?" Let’s take advantage of it. If there is another earth over there, wouldn’t the resources we have double?”

Iron Man closed his eyes and let out a long sigh:

"The premise is that there is no one on that earth. If your parallel universe theory is true and there is really an earth over there, then according to this logic, there will be another you on that earth, and he will also want us on the earth. Resources, have you ever thought about this? Oh, by the way, you still have a wife, so it’s not like you lost Susan like you."

"Uh... maybe me and another me could work together?"

Only then did Reed realize the trouble and put forward a remedy plan. It was quite exciting to think about two people as smart as him cooperating.

Tony received Fury's reply. He grunted a few times in response, raised his head and said to Reed:

"I'm not as optimistic as you. I'm probably a conservative. I prefer to believe that if there is a parallel world, the other me must be my 'evil twin'. Okay, the captain will come to pick you up. Fury's original The words were 'I want to crack Reed's head open to see what he is thinking', and the United Nations Security Council is also waiting to question you. You are really wrong this time."

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