The Death Knell

Chapter 2057 Serial Pit

Steve came very quickly. This time he came with Coulson. The good old man was still smiling, but there was still Hawkeye hidden deep in the cabin behind him, with the special bow and arrow on the string.

Steve was stunned for a moment when he saw Deathstroke. He originally didn't want to get involved with SHIELD, but Fury shamelessly pestered him to go out and save the world.

He had no choice but to cover Bucky in the hospital bed with a quilt and board the Coulson Team Quinjet that came to assist him.

He didn't know the details yet, but he only knew that Reed, the son of an old friend, might have caused some kind of annihilation crisis because Tony secretly sent a red alert to Fury.

Speaking of Howard and Nathaniel, Steve knew both of them, but people are always close and distant.

Who is Howard? When Steve was a little chicken, it was only thanks to Dr. Erskine's potion and Howard's experimental cabin that he could become what he is today.

Not to mention that all of his equipment was developed by Howard, and the two of them were on the front line of World War II together. Howard provided countless help and taught Steve how to play mahjong.

What was Nathaniel doing at that time? The devil knows.

So from the perspective of the American team, even if Reed is a super scientific genius on the same level as Tony, he is more willing to trust Tony's judgment.

"Death knell."

But in the final analysis, Captain America still greets Deathstroke first. After all, he has the biggest fist and his opinion is crucial here.

It's just... Why didn't Coulson say that Deathstroke was here? This was too sudden, and there were two people over there hugging each other and rolling around. Their upper bodies were all bloody and bloody, with their bones exposed. what's going on?

At first glance, I thought they were two red skulls, and I was shocked.

"Just pretend I don't exist." Deathstroke waved his hand, signaling Captain America to help himself: "My cousin and I went shopping after dinner, we just came to watch the fun."

Steve arrived in a hurry and was not wearing his uniform. He was still wearing his leather jacket, but he had a shield.

After listening to Deathstroke's words, he greeted Tony, and then looked at Mr. Fantastic, who was still blindly happy: "Reed, ah... come with us, Tony will finish the work here."

"Well, I can just tell the representatives about the benefits of this technology, and you will find that I am right."

Reed did not do anything to resist arrest. Although he knew that this was definitely not a simple interview, he was very optimistic about his scientific research prospects and was not worried at all.

The Quinjet took away the culprit and evacuated quickly like stealing a chicken. Suddenly, only Tony and Deathstroke were left on the rooftop, including two skeletons.

"Huh? Farke! I finally discovered that Fury, that bastard, left the mess to me."

Tony squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then suddenly let out a refined and easy-going sigh.

He crossed his arms and looked at the sky. The moon seemed not to be bright anymore.

Reed, who created the rift in space, was taken away. Doesn't the responsibility of closing the rift fall on him?

The wind on the top of the skyscraper was quite strong, but Iron Man felt a little out of breath, because Jarvis kept reporting that the node was expanding, which also made him more and more stressed.

No one knows what kind of alien space Reed has connected to...

At this time, Deathstroke seemed to have seen through his thoughts, and said in a hoarse voice: "I think Fury should have left the matter of rescuing Susan to you. Before sealing that node, it is better to see if she is still alive." Is there any possibility of rescue?"

Only then did Tony remember that there was another missing woman, and that woman was always the most thorny member of the Fantastic Four.

If he said he would give up on Susan now, the Human Torch would come to fight for him tonight. That boy is unreasonable at all, and he is also a sister control.

"Jarvis, buy all the land near the Tri-Curve Wing, yes, for a premium, and use it to pile manure and organic fertilizer. Don't ask why, it just stinks! That black briquette from Fury is really one thing after another. Damn, how can a person be so insidious?"

Iron Man stamped his foot, this was like being tricked. Although he wanted to be a hero, he couldn't be tricked like this, right?

But then he rolled his eyes and thought of something: "By the way, if the business card passed down from my family is correct, Deathstroke, you should be a mercenary, right?"

"Are you ready to pass the blame to the mercenaries? You are really suitable for a career in politics."

Su Ming shook his head with a smile. A small round hole was exposed on the lip of the mask. He stuffed a cigarette and lit it:

"You can't afford my commission. You can't give me what I want. But let me warn you. You can hire my cousin. Don't look at him like a freak spawned from a puddle of baby vomit. , but he is actually quite strong.”

As he said that, he pointed to the minced meat over there. Wade and Logan were competing in the speed of self-healing. The meat and offal they picked off each other to make hot pot was probably enough to open a small shop.

I don't know if Wade heard it or something, but he suddenly stopped fighting with Logan and forced Logan to let go of him by peeing in his pants.

Not loose? Pee all over you!

Wolverine often can't beat Deadpool because Logan has a bottom line. He can't accept being shushed when others hold him.

The hollowed-out Deadpool seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind. He rolled and crawled towards his cousin, and swooped down to hug Tony's thigh.

"Dear, 10% off the second order."

The little white eyes on the mask narrowed into a crescent shape, and he rubbed his face hard against the armor. Although all the internal organs in his belly were gone, it didn't stop him from being a bitch.

"Do you know what the task is and accept the order?"

Su Ming picked him up, threw him a box of staples, and asked him to close his belly first.

"I kept listening to it when I was playing with the little wolfdog. It doesn't matter, isn't it just to go to another world to find a woman?" Wade moved his hips back and forth to imitate the piston of the engine: "I am the best at finding women."

Tony always felt unreliable.

Can this playful, smiling, self-respecting piece of mud really be strong? The last time I was on the cruise ship, I didn't see that he had the same fighting power as Deathstroke.

However, if you hire him, Deathstroke will always save people in critical moments, right?

"For fifty thousand dollars, I will use a rocket to launch you to that space node. As long as you find Susan and send a signal, I will find a way to bring you back." Tony simply took out the check book and wrote down the amount of the deposit: " I will stay on Earth to find a way to close that node, at least I think humans are not ready to face the parallel world."

As long as he had money, Wade would dare to take on any task. Even though there seemed to be no guarantee at all this time, he still nodded immediately.

"It's refreshing, no wonder the veterans in the live broadcast room like you so much, you are as rich as a country, handsome and unrestrained, a pure man!"

Tony's mustache curled up, and he wrote a figure of twenty thousand dollars and threw it to Wade: "Ahem, don't be too arrogant, just let the people present know it."

The steel suit actually had a built-in printer function. Grabbing a piece of paper, he could use the laser on his finger to stamp black words to print the contract, and Wade signed it immediately.

At this time, Cousin Deathstroke pulled out the burning cigarette from his mask, took a puff and said:

"It's not a parallel world over there. It's not that easy for Reed to break through the wall of the world. What he has broken through now is just the 'negative space' dimension. My stupid Oudou, you are in for a treat this time."

Wade took a sharp breath. He felt as if he had been tricked by his cousin.

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