The Death Knell

Chapter 2145 Treasure Girl

Wilson Entertainment has been 'recreating' classic movies that Deathstroke watched in his previous life, of which horror films accounted for a large part, so now he suddenly recreated the classic scenes from "The Shining", which immediately scared everyone in the room. broken.

But it was Jessica who calmed down first.

She was scared at first. The bugs kept hitting the door and suddenly stopped. Just a few seconds after it was quiet, an ax went directly through the steel door panel. The thick metal door really seemed to be chopped into pieces like wood. , and then a red diamond-shaped eye came to the hole and said the same lines as in the movie.

This is too scary. I didn’t dare to turn on the lights in the dark morgue. The air-conditioning kept getting into my skin. Was the door broken by bugs?

She also screamed, which is a woman's instinct.

However, soon her rationality took over and she understood again.

The alien bugs have never watched movies on Earth. They are just making silly jokes about The Shining. The one who smashed the door should be an Earthling!

And the red one-eyed goggles...she remembered!

She had seen Deathstroke the night she was rescued. When she was soaked in the wastewater pool of the carriage, the owner of the red one-eyed one was standing on the roadside. It was he who asked Deadpool to rescue her.

Many American high school students may not be able to tell where the capital of Germany is, but they have at least heard the legend of the Death Knell to some extent.

The parents of Jessica's generation almost grew up listening to "bedside stories". After all, entertainment methods were scarce a few decades ago. As children at that time, they did not have mobile phones or game consoles to play at night. , not every household has a TV, and the most they can do is read comic books or something like that.

The strange stories of Deathstroke satisfied their curiosity, and the stories they heard during the period of lack of information were always fresh in their memories.

Why are there so many urban legends about the death knell?

Because many times, Su Ming conducted the ‘enrollment’ activities of Zhongsi College by himself, and this is still the case to this day.

What better way to increase loyalty than by personally rescuing orphans from their demonic adoptive parents? Besides, soldiers also need to exercise regularly to stay in shape.

In short, when the children who grew up listening to the story of the death knell have their own children, they will always remember how they were frightened by their parents when they were children, and then retell the story to their children.

What's more, this is the Internet age, and there are many versions of magical stories circulating on the Internet today. The more mainstream ones are the 'Devil King of Hell Theory' and the 'Evil Spirit Under the Bed Theory'.

But to sum up, they all believe that Deathstroke is not a human being, but some kind of vengeful evil spirit, just like the fire skeleton that recently rode a motorcycle and ran around in the middle of the night.

Jessica had a premonition that the death knell was coming to find her.

The next second, the door of the morgue flew up with a bang, hitting the opposite wall with a loud bang, and was deeply embedded in it.

A tall black figure walked in from outside the door. The sound of the metal boots hitting the floor seemed to step on everyone's heart. The red eyepiece scanned everyone in the room. It was obvious that he could see in the dark.

As expected, his eyes fell on Jessica and stopped:

"Come to me, Jessica, and I'll take you for a ride."

The hoarse words that had obviously been changed in voice sounded in the limited space.

The morgue is not very big. In addition to cabinets on one wall, there are several push beds placed in the center of the room, with human figures covered with white cloth on them, exuding the aura of death in the darkness.

The girl squatted next to one of the gurneys, pulling the hanging white cloth to cover her hospital gown, leaving only her eyes exposed.

She hesitated, but then realized that there was no point in hesitating because she had no choice but to obey.

And Deathstroke doesn't show any malicious intent, aside from the horror movie joke at the beginning.

On the other hand, many medical staff in the same room with her were very panicked, and some even fainted.

The less you understand, the more you fear. Mistakes in the collected information will naturally result in you thinking you have seen a demon or something with your own eyes.

Jessica stood up, and the cold ground made her toes curl up. She walked to Deathstroke like this, lowering her head and not knowing what she was thinking.

"Well, let me take you out to buy a pair of shoes and change into clothes first. I have killed all the bugs in the hospital, so you don't have to be afraid of anything." Su Ming glanced at her nervous look and said a few more words intentionally .

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the basic needs of human beings. Having common needs can easily lead to empathy. Now that she feels uncomfortable in her feet, she naturally wants shoes.

When you have the same feeling, you can relax to a certain extent.

Sure enough, she nodded. This was indeed what she needed urgently, and then she took the initiative to speak: "Can you take them out too?"

She was referring to the medical staff. Jessica was kind-hearted. The reason why she was willing to stay in the hospital a few days ago and felt safe here was because the doctors and nurses here were very good to her.

Su Ming glanced at the trembling people in the corner and sighed.

"Can you go into the sewer?"


A few minutes later, Deathstroke let his cloak carry Jessica out of the hospital door. She floated cross-legged beside Deathstroke like a flying carpet, her expression much more relaxed.

Because Deathstroke is more powerful than the legend says, and it's obvious that he's here to save her now.

He made some calculations in the morgue at that time, punched the ground and fired a beam of light, making a large hole in the solid bottom layer that led directly to the sewer branch dozens of meters away, and safely sent everyone away.

What's more, now, he has to take her shopping.

Maybe the timing was not very good. It was almost the end of the world on the streets outside. The streets were filled with messy car wrecks. Flames and thick smoke were rising from everywhere. A huge black vortex hung in the distant sky. , and the swarms of insects that blocked the sky made the sunlight extremely dim.

Not a good day for shopping.

After discovering the two people on the street, the Annihilation Bugs in the nearby sky circled towards the two people. Jessica could even see the complex mouthparts and stringy mucus in their mouths.

But at this time, she also heard the sound of the lighter beside her lifting its cover and the grinding wheel grinding.

It was as if Deathstroke didn't see the threat in the sky and just calmly lit a cigarette, looking very leisurely.

Jessica's mouth tilted to one side, and she pointed to the sky: "The bugs are coming, and they have guns."

"It's just a small matter, don't worry about it. I have something to ask you. Why didn't you fight the bug that broke into your ward before?" These little bugs will be solved by strangulation. There is no need to pay attention to it. He wants to know more about Jessica. Current status.

Although the superpowers of Treasure Girl in the comics are not strong, they are not weak either.

It has a lifting force of 25 tons, can fly at a speed of 700 miles per hour, has Captain America-level self-healing capabilities, and has the rare 'detective' attribute in Marvel.

Although he is the kind of detective who is a bit confused and can only follow one clue, isn't the bean bag solid food?

When an individual unit of the Annihilation Zerg encounters Jessica in a tight space, she should actually have the advantage.

Her family used to be middle-class, and she had learned some self-defense techniques for women. Even those few blows were not even considered martial arts, but if she was strong enough, she could kill bugs with random punches.

As a result, she, like other medical staff, was frightened and ran away.

The only explanation is that she lacks confidence, she doesn't know what she is and what she can do.

If that were the case, it would be great. Now, while she is in the stage of self-perception disorder, we can create a new self-perception for her to facilitate control.

There are many street heroes in New York, and Su Ming needs a low-level eyes and ears. Sometimes, the information on the streets is better than Cobweb or S.H.I.E.L.D., which is a job that his cousin's brain, which often suffers from amnesia, cannot do.

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