The Death Knell

Chapter 2146 Solution

Just like what he said, the bugs swooping down in the sky had no chance to shoot. Strangler took out a dozen heavy bolt guns from the host's pocket and fired wildly into the sky.

After a few seconds, all enemies within sight within a radius of several thousand meters were wiped out.

Jessica took out her ears. Not only were these guns huge in size, but the sound of the guns was also terrifying. She felt like she was going to be deafened.

The sight of bugs being beaten into a ball of slime in the air, as well as the shadow creature on Deathstroke's body that seemed to come alive, made her even more stunned.

It took her a long time before she remembered the question she had heard before. She turned her head and looked at the ruins on the side of the street in embarrassment: "I was so frightened at the time that I just wanted to run away."

"Do you know you have superpowers?" Su Ming asked Strangler to put away his weapon and asked again.

The girl took a deep breath and exhaled, and the chest of the blue and white hospital gown swelled and fell: "I am very strong and can still float for a while. I discovered it when I woke up from a coma, but I I would rather not have these, I want my family to live..."

When she mentioned her family, she lowered her head and cried silently.

The change in hair color made her think she had become a mutant, and the biased news reports led to severe low self-esteem. Now she dare not even cry.

She sees superpowers as more of a curse than luck.

Knowing where her heart was, Su Ming certainly knew what to say: "I know what you are thinking, but you are not a mutant. You do not have the X gene. The reason why you gained superpowers was radiation mutation."

The little girl sniffed and raised her head to look at her. Although she was still very sad about her family, she seemed to see a little hope.

She didn't speak, just looked at him with eyes blurred by tears, waiting for a definite answer.

Su Ming shrugged, sat sideways on the cloak flying carpet, patted it and said:

"Go to Times Square. Well, your situation is more like the Fantastic Four than a mutant. Besides, you are also a big girl. If you think about it carefully, are all mutants really bad people? According to this Logically speaking, aren’t all human beings good people? Because humans are always placed in the position of victims in the news. Is this possible?”

"How did you know what I was thinking?" Jessica turned sideways with some fear, and being guessed about her thoughts made her a little panicked.

"You just live a long life and see a lot. Relax, you are just an ordinary middle school student. There is nothing worthy of my attention." Su Ming replied calmly, as if he meant it.

Jessica wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, wiped her nose hard, and asked, "Then why did you come to save me?"

There was a silent chuckle on the face under the mask, and he said nonsensically: "Howard Stark and I are acquaintances, and Iron Man Tony is Howard's son. He cares about you very much, and I know about it. So I just passed by the hospital and stopped by to take a look at you. I found that your condition was not very good, so I just rescued you."

Jessica fell into a coma after being rescued, and she was unaware of Iron Man's arrival.

She was so baffled when she received a fruit basket from Stark Industries a few days ago that she didn't eat a bite of the fruit inside, just so that she could take it back if she found out that it was sent in the wrong way.

Now that I hear it, the logic of the matter seems to be smooth. Iron Man wants to take care of himself, and his father is a friend of Deathstroke, so it makes sense that Deathstroke saved him when he passed by.

Of course, a new problem arises.

"But why is he so nice to me? It was the Baxter Group that caused the accident. Even if Iron Man is a superhero, it should have nothing to do with me, right?" Jessica asked again, and the cloak flew quickly across the apocalyptic scene. Suspicious dark red splatters were visible above the streets and on the road below.

Deathstroke's mask turned to her and replied easily: "The answer is simple, Tony has been a playboy before, and this time he is also greedy for your body. He is despicable."


"Ah sneeze!"

Tony, who had just punched a hole in the biological battleship and finally rushed out of the pile of flesh and blood, sneezed inside the armor. The spit sprayed onto the inner wall of the mask, and the virtual projection in front of him shook.

I can’t say why, but a sudden chill hit me from behind, which was really scary.

"Jarvis, check my body temperature. Are there any viruses carried by these alien bugs? I suddenly felt so cold just now."

"Sir, except for your increased heart rate, there are no abnormalities in your physical parameters." Jarvis answered the question immediately, and projected a rotating light and shadow figure in front of Tony's eyes, marking rows of data.

"Strange... maybe I'm overthinking." Tony turned around in the air, made a high-lift barrel roll, and fired with both hands to kill the bugs one after another: "What's the new calculation result?" ?”

Although Jarvis's voice sounded kind and warm, the meaning of his words was not very good: "Sir, the rift is now too close to the earth. If the previous method is still adopted, the space folding phenomenon is likely to wipe out the entire northern hemisphere."

The mustache on Tony's mouth trembled, but he didn't panic to the point of shouting, he just silently thought about something new.

At this time, he also saw Vision flying not far away. The red-faced robot was emitting heat vision from its eyes, cutting the bugs in front of him back and forth.

The most enviable thing is his cloak. Because it 'grows' from Vision's body, it always flutters and flutters in the air in a way that defies common sense of physics, making it very stylish.

"Jarvis, share our current new calculation results with him remotely and let him think of a solution."

"Yes, sir, do you need me to access his communication? You can actually interview." The suit is equipped with an eye tracking system that can lock the target based on the wearer's line of sight. Jarvis certainly knows who he is.

So the housekeeper AI performed some operations and thoughtfully made a suggestion.

"Who wants to interview him?! He was transformed from a male body, and he is still a robot. I don't want to have a private chat with him." The gold-red armor flew up and down in the air, and fired another round of shoulder missiles. He shot and hit another biological battleship: "I'm busy here. By the way, you can also send a copy of the calculation data to retired Dr. Pym to see if he can do anything."

"Do you want to use Pym particles to narrow the space rift?" Jarvis asked after doing so: "Maybe this is indeed a new idea."

If the space rift is reduced to the subatomic level, won't even tall insects be able to get through? I feel like I can give it a try.

I just don’t know if Dr. Pym has recovered now. Alas, it’s really a pity about the Wasp, but Ant-Man shouldn’t have been depressed for so long. He should look forward to everything, especially in this situation. The earth needs The power of that scientist.

"Although he's also a traitor to physics..." Tony said to himself, shaking his head.

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