The Death Knell

Chapter 2148 Opening the Treasure Box

Although he has been on the right path for so many years, Scott has still not left behind the skills he had when he was young.

After all, stealing was one of the ways he made a living in Hell's Kitchen. Just like riding a bicycle, once you learn it, it becomes a memory in your body and is difficult to forget.

The gorgeous decoration inside the mansion was as expected. All kinds of valuable things could be seen everywhere, including antique silver tableware, beautiful foreign vases, incomprehensible paintings, etc., which made Scott dizzy.

But he was still calm. Once he made up his mind to do this, his legs stopped shaking and his hands stopped shaking. He just wanted to get money to go back and treat his daughter.

He knew the ironclad rules of burglary. The most important thing to do without a companion was to understand your own weight limit and vehicle capacity.

You can't just move it when you see a big LCD TV, and also bring a double-door refrigerator or something. That's not realistic at all.

Adult men can basically maintain normal movement speed when carrying a weight of 25 kilograms, and running and jumping are not greatly affected. As for a four-door family car, including the back seat, passenger seat, and trunk, the volume is only about three to four cubic meters, and the space is still very fragmented.

In addition, today's situation is special, and he has to avoid alien bugs that may attack at any time here, so he has a lot of time to screen the things he wants to take away, ensuring that they are as valuable as possible while being easy to carry.

If there was one thing about Scott, it was that he liked to talk to himself.

He grew up in a bad environment, had a lot of pressure in life, and had been in prison. He did not become a serial killer, but he had a slight schizophrenia, which is considered good.

The solid wood floor is a little slippery when you step on it. That's because the dust has not been cleaned for a long time. The floor squeaks when you step on the soles of your shoes. It feels like you have entered a slightly cleaner haunted house.

"Generally speaking, rich people have two safes in their homes." Scott was still calm. He talked to himself, turned on the flashlight function of his mobile phone, and stuffed it into his breast pocket: "Put one on the open side. The upper one stores some less important things in it. The other one will be hidden and has treasures in it."

The most ideal assets are jewelry or bearer bonds. The former has a higher upper limit, while the latter is easier to sell. Each has its own advantages. Oil paintings and other artworks need to be handled by knowledgeable people. Ordinary thieves have no knowledge and will not touch those things.

With lighting, Scott walked to the center of the house, but when he was about to step into the corridor, he suddenly stopped.

It turned out that because of the dust stirring in the air, he accidentally noticed the faint laser rays in front of him, which seemed to be an alarm device.

"Well, the W90 laser beam siren is an old model." He squatted down, carefully checked the position of the transmitter, and then used electrician tools to dismantle the thing.

Don't ask why, it's just an occupational disease. Electrical engineers can't help it when they see this kind of thing.

After dismantling the alarm, he clapped his hands with satisfaction, as if he was very proud of his workmanship, and then slithered against the wall like a mouse and got into the study.

There is a large desk in the study room, as well as several cabinets of books. There are photos placed on the surrounding furniture, showing the sweet appearance of a man and a woman.

But judging from the clothes and hairstyle, it was at least twenty years ago.

"So love disappears, right?"

Scott, who had a crooked mouth, picked up the photo and shook his head. Having been dumped by his ex-wife, he was now in a state of not believing in love. When he saw such a sweet photo, he couldn't help but comment on it.

And this empty house convinced him of his idea. The people in this photo were so sweet back then, but now even their homes are in ruins.

But that said, although there were surprisingly few windows in this house, he still vaguely heard some screams coming from the outside world. It was probably that someone had been attacked by aliens and something unfortunate had happened.

The sound was so miserable, just hearing it was extremely painful. Scott couldn't help but slow down his steps and squat even lower.

He remained silent in the darkness until the sound of his own breathing was the only sound in his ears, and then he continued to move. In the light beam emitted by the mobile phone, many tiny particles flew around, flying up and down with the airflow of his breath.

"Are you leaving? I have to be careful not to be eaten by aliens. I also have to treat Casey..."

He moved and began to rummage in the study, and successfully found a hidden safe behind an oil painting.

Gently taking off the painting, he looked at the safe in a daze, because the big thing embedded in the wall was completely different from what he had guessed, because there were no turntables and handles on the front, but an honest game console's handle attached to it. .

It was the earliest game console controller, with a joystick on a small square box and a red button next to the joystick as a selection key.

Inexplicably, he shook the plastic stick, and a screen on the safe lit up.

"This... is a Sudoku puzzle. Who would be so bored as to design a safe like this? Isn't it troublesome to open it every time?" Scott glanced at the photo behind him. The male owner in it looked like a man with a scientific face. He looked like that and sighed speechlessly: "No wonder you ended up in this situation. I probably understand why your wife ran away."

He has already acquiesced that the mistress of this house is divorced.

But after all, Scott took the game controller and adjusted the numbers in the squares and began to solve the problem.

This kind of electronic safe can be opened by an external card reader, but in comparison, the answer seems to be simpler.

In less than five minutes, he filled in the last blank. The entire display lit up and the word 'Congratulations' appeared, with fireworks rising next to it.

Unconsciously, a smile appeared on his lips.

Every time he saw his ex-wife, she was called useless, rubbish, and incompetent. He hadn't heard or seen anyone praise him for a long time. This time, he didn't expect that opening a safe would be such an unexpected joy.

"Thank you, although I guess if you knew I was here to steal something, I'm afraid you wouldn't congratulate me." He spoke to the dark safe as if he was mentally ill, and then rubbed his hands to calm it down. Open: "But I have to get some money for Kathy's medical treatment..."

No money, no treasure at all in the safe, just a piece of paper.

Scott, who was confused, opened the note and looked at it. There were some words written on it. He took it with his phone and read it out:

"Actually, there is another safe in the bedroom. Haha, could the treasure be there? Thief, you are good, [567中文] but the next safe is very difficult. You will definitely not be able to open it."

The note was unsigned, and a few red ants were drawn in the lower right corner.

For some reason, the hand holding the note trembled. The man known as the thief felt that the ants' gestures were provocative and mean.

"You said I can't open it? I have to open it for you, right? Just wait."

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