The Death Knell

Chapter 2149 Captured alive

The safe in the bedroom is a circuit-making game, or a dangerous item powered by high-voltage electricity.

If it cannot be untied with the correct steps, it will fire an electric arc, electrocuting anyone who comes into contact with it.

Of course, this didn't bother Scott. On the contrary, he happened to be in this business. He pried open the second safe in less time than the first safe.

As soon as the cabinet door opened, a postcard with "Congratulations" popped out. When I turned it over, I saw another paragraph:

"You passed another level, but the greeting card in this safe is just a clue to the third safe. Let me see what you are capable of?"


Scott rolled his eyes and rubbed his face. Why did it feel like this was not like a burglary, but like an escape room game.

He had watched Wilson TV's variety show on TV, which put celebrities in a house that required them to solve puzzles and watched them expose their IQs to entertain the public.

Also, this homeowner must be mentally ill. What does he think is hidden in the safe at his home? The launch codes for all US nuclear bombs? Do you want to have so many layers of nesting dolls?

After all, I have already pried two boxes. Even if I give up now, if I get caught by the police, I will still be sentenced to burglary.

Then we can only continue.

"Kathy, dad must find money to cure your illness."

Scott looked at the postcard carefully, and the other party left a message saying that this was a clue, so take a look.

The side of the postcard with the fireworks was still a landscape, with a yellow river forming a yellow waterfall, and the water quality looked very strange.

An idea flashed in his mind, and Scott hammered his palm: "I know, the only place in the house that can form a yellow waterfall is the toilet, and the next safe is in the toilet!"

After disabling a few more alarms in the corridor, he entered the toilet. Sure enough, the third safe was hidden behind the mirror, and the mirror faced the toilet directly, so that when people were shushing, they could see from the other side. View your own 'waterfall'.

Scott was too lazy to complain about the homeowner's quirks. The puzzle this time was a crossword puzzle. There were ten questions in total, all about physics formulas. The correct answer needed to be soldered to the corresponding one on the cabinet door with a soldering iron. in a blank position.

Maybe Scott's position has not changed in the past ten years, but this does not mean that he has not become stronger. As an employee of Stark Industries, he has learned a lot of knowledge on his own during his work. These questions cannot stump him. .

The safe was opened, and inside was another note:

"The next box is in the pet room, come if you dare."

The pet room seemed to be a room for ants, but it was vacant at this time. Scott solved a new riddle, which was to repair a blocked water pipe, and what popped up was a note:

"Do you have children? What do you think about putting a safe in a child's room?"

There were pictures of little girls in the children's room, and it was also the cleanest room in the building, at least with the least amount of dust.

The new safe requires Scott to open ten different Kongming locks within a limited time. The reward is a new note indicating the location of the next safe.


"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Scott's lips were chapped, his eyes were frighteningly red, his nose was trembling in the dark, and thirst made him somewhat speechless.

He has successively opened nearly thirty different safes throughout the mansion, and now he doesn't even see the shadow of the 'big prize'. If the streets outside were not full of alien insect activity, he would have turned around and left long ago.

The safe in front of him now was in the cloakroom, and as expected, after a series of puzzle games, there was another note.

The man who was already a little numb picked it up and moved it next to the phone to take a look.

This time it's not pointing out the next treasure chest, but a completely different paragraph:

"Congratulations, you have solved all the puzzles. Do you want my treasure? I hid my most precious treasure behind the iron door in the basement. The password is 'Janet', come find it!"

After getting the final answer, Scott was relieved. After going through all kinds of hardships, which was comparable to sneaking into the Federal Reserve Bank, he finally succeeded!

Holding the note, he happily found the door leading to the basement, entered the password next to the iron door, and strode in.

This place looked like a laboratory, and he didn't see any so-called treasure at first glance. But just when he was stunned, his waist was suddenly pressed by a hard object, and a man's voice said behind him:

"Don't move, put your hands up."

"Dude, don't shoot!"

Scott's body stiffened, and he raised his hands in surrender: "Are you the homeowner or a fellow traveler?"

"It's better to use less gloves!" A nylon rope for mountaineering was swung behind him: "Take your hands and tie them up."

Being held at gunpoint, I dare not disobey.

The poor man could only be obedient and wrap his hands with thread like a ball of yarn.

"I did as you told me, don't shoot me, don't kill me. I have a daughter. She is seriously ill and needs money. I came out to make a living out of necessity. I am not a thief."

"It's not up to you to decide whether he's a thief or not. As the owner of the house, I have the final say." The hard object on his lower back disappeared, and the voice behind him sounded like he was laughing: "Turn around, let the old man tell me look at you."

Scott took a deep breath and turned around slowly.

As a result, I only saw an old man in well-dressed clothes, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, his white hair combed meticulously, holding an umbrella in his hand, looking at him with a smile.

That's not a shotgun, just an umbrella.


"Ha, don't get excited, and don't try to resist me. If you want to knock me out to resist, then my AI butler will immediately edit your crime video and your daughter's photo and post it all over the Internet, you say Right? Ophelia."

Pim slowly walked out from behind the door, walked around Scott, and came to sit on the sofa.

"Yes, sir, and I have prepared weapons." As a sweet voice sounded in the room, four automatic machine guns were pulled out from the four corners of the ceiling, all aimed at Scott.

The hand that was originally put down was raised again, and because his hands were entangled together, Scott's current movements were as if he was going to give someone a New Year's greeting.

The so-called Ophelia is the artificial intelligence program developed by Howard and Pym back then, codenamed "Master". Later, Pym sold a copy to Tony and was transformed into today's Jarvis.

Pym did not give up on AI technology. Based on the master version, he developed Ultron with fewer restrictions, more comprehensive functions, and a body.

After Ultron's betrayal, he reactivated and perfected Ophelia as a means to counter Ultron on the network.

"You are an employee of Stark Industries. I have checked your information." Seeing what nonsense Scott wanted to ask, Pym gave the answer first: "You must have been in contact with Jarvis, then will Just think of Ophelia as the female version, you should understand what she can do, right?"

"Who are you? Don't talk nonsense, call the police and arrest me." Scott broke the jar.

The old man shook his head: "I am Henry 'Hank' Pym, the founder of Pym Technology Group. This is not important. What is important is to hear what I say below - I am not going to call the police, I need you." Do things for me, and if I am satisfied, the cost of your daughter’s treatment will no longer be a problem.”

"Wait, is this a criminal violation?" Scott took a step back.

Pim poured himself a glass of wine and shook it in his hand: "If not, would I have looked for you?"

"I don't..." The divorced man shook his head, planning to refuse.

However, Pim, who had already mastered all the information, smiled slightly and crossed his legs: "Don't refuse in a hurry. Think about your daughter. Are you really sure you will never see her again in this life? Think about your ex-wife again, and you won't Have you ever thought about making her regret it? By the way, I forgot to mention that I can make you a superhero."

As soon as he finished speaking, the wall on the side flipped over, and the red and black Ant-Man suit with a silver helmet hung there.

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