The Death Knell

Chapter 2150 Killing

Not to mention the 'Ant-Man inheritance' test that started in the morning, and what happened when Pym wanted Scott to steal things in Pym's mansion. On the other side of the city, Deathstroke and Jessica had reached the end of their time. square.

The situation here is not good, and Jessica also knows what those dark red marks on the road that she saw while flying in mid-air are.

It was sticky, half-dried blood. Standing in this place, the wind blew, and the smell of blood made her feel sick.

"Okay, come and take a look at this store." Su Ming took back his cloak with a smile: "What brand do you usually like? Let's go get you a pair of shoes."

There are still a lot of bugs above the head, and the sound of wings vibrating is endless, but along the way, Jessica has learned to ignore them, because they can't pass the death knell's fire blockade.

"Just take things from the store? Isn't it legal?" She bit a corner of her lip, looking a little hesitant.

"The law is not as useful as a pair of shoes at this time." Su Ming pointed to her feet and led the way towards a boutique: "You definitely don't want to get injured on the soles of your feet while being chased by bugs, and die from lack of medical treatment and broken feet." Cold or sepsis. By the way, everyone else is starting to play the doomsday survival game, why haven't you entered the state yet?"

Jessica's big eyes blinked, and her little face looked even more helpless.

Can she say it's because she doesn't want to play at all?

She didn't think this would be the end of the world, where humanity would perish, because as a human being, Deathstroke had no intention of panicking at all, and he could still bring her to shop for goods.

It is easy to deduce logically that Deathstroke did not take this crisis seriously at all, so it is obviously not the end of the world.

However, when Deathstroke took her boots that usually cost tens of thousands of dollars a pair directly from the shelf, she immediately put them on her feet while she was worried about whether they were legal before and narrowed her eyes with a smile.

So delicious.

"Thanks, you know what those bugs are, right?"

Jessica, who was trying on the shoes, looked at Deathstroke carefully and asked, but the mask blocked her gaze.

She looked away with some guilt and turned to look at the store. Overall, this boutique is quite complete, but after the power outage there is no bright light, and the decoration lacks some splendor and looks much simpler.

There were pools of blood at the door, and it was obvious where the store clerk had gone.

"I know that for some people, annihilating the Zerg invasion is a big deal, but for me, it's more like a sorority meeting a new generation of superheroes."

Deathstroke walking around on the other side brought several pairs of shoes of different styles and sizes over and threw them to Jessica for her to choose. Then he sat on the sofa next to her:

"I will take action at critical moments, but now is not the time."

The little girl stood up and stamped her feet, feeling the ultra-high-end luxury goods she had never worn before. There was no longer any fear on her face, but her expression was very complicated:

"Why isn't it the right time?"

Su Ming took out the wine bottle and poured himself a glass of whiskey. As the mask squirmed, he revealed his mouth:

"There is an Insect King behind these bugs. He is now sending a steady stream of soldiers to test the strength of the earth's resistance and record the strengths and weaknesses of each hero through battle, so I have to wait a little longer before he appears."

The innocent girl has no doubt about it, because Deathstroke is actually her savior. When she is in the hospital, if those bugs break into the morgue, the consequences will be disastrous.

She can believe that Iron Man is a greasy old pervert, and she can also believe what Deathstroke is saying now.

"I see, I understand. Just like in the TV series, the big bad guy always lets his subordinates go first."

Jessica sat down again and looked at her feet in the tilted mirror. The beautiful deerskin boots obviously did not match the blue and white striped hospital gown.

"Absolutely. You don't have to think about those issues. Dealing with alien invasions is still the responsibility of adults. All you need to do is protect yourself." Su Ming shook the wine glass in his hand, leaned on the sofa and crossed his legs: "Try more A few pairs of shoes, choose ones that fit your feet and are easy to move around, and then let’s go across the street to pick out some clothes, do you like a leather jacket?”

Jessica, who had already tasted the benefits of ‘free shopping’, nodded sheepishly.


Well, she has unknowingly crossed the legal line and felt happy. Free things are always addictive.

"Okay, pack up these shoes that you have tried on and take them away. Let's go across the street." Su Ming stuffed the shoe boxes into his pocket, walked to the door and opened the door: "Tell me which store you like. If there is nothing special, If you like it, we’ll go look at it one by one.”

The famous big screen in Times Square not far away was also dark. The power outage made the entire block seem to have lost its life. It is now immersed in the flames of war and thick smoke. Only the occasional screams in the distance can add a little life to the place. Human breath.

I don’t know if the bugs have reported their situation to their superiors, but Su Ming has always shown only the ability to strangle, and he paid great attention to suppressing his presence under Carol.

That silly woman Carol is now in the sky above the two of them, her hands are shining and she is killing everyone. She is swaying the energy of the universe as if she is free of charge. This bait is very qualified.

The Annihilation Insect King should have regarded her as the strongest fighting force on earth, right?

"Buzz buzz..."

The sound of flapping wings came from behind. Su Ming didn't even bother to look back. His strangulating tentacles accurately caught a locust that flew down from the roof and wanted to sneak attack Jessica along the wall.

As soon as the thought came to mind, it understood the host's intention, broke off all the insect's claws, pinched its neck and sent it to the two of them.

A lot of yellow sticky foam came out of the corner of Annihilation Bug's mouth. Maybe it was vomiting blood? But Deathstroke didn't care. He put his arm around the trembling Jessica's shoulders and said:

"Don't be afraid. The best way to overcome fear is to face it. Look at this insect, although it is a bit bigger, it looks similar to an ordinary locust."

The girl glanced through her fingers: "It does look similar, but it's still disgusting."

"There's nothing you can do about it. You should get used to it a little more. After all, I may have to be busy soon, and you have to be able to protect yourself." Su Ming asked Strangler to wrap the bug and fix it, and then exposed a head. : "I'll teach you how to deal with bugs."

"Uh...Okay." Jessica took a few deep breaths. Although she still didn't dare to look at the insect's face, she really wanted to protect herself.

"Just hit it on the head. Yes, make a fist and hit it in the face." Deathstroke's response policy was as simple as ever.

The girl stretched out her hand and punched the insect in the face without looking, then quickly retracted her hand as if she was electrocuted.

But that's enough.

She just threw a normal punch, and the other parts of the insect's body were strangled and fixed in place, unable to move. The head, which was bigger than a basketball, was blown away and a section of intestines was pulled out, like a ribbon. Paved on the road.

The strangulation loosened the headless corpse, and the knell began to applaud:

"Congratulations, Jessica, you've learned it. Let's go, let's pick out some beautiful clothes and celebrate you."

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