The Death Knell

Chapter 2164 Blue Miracle

Lan Qi from the 40K universe, whose past experiences Su Ming did not know, told Doom the story of the 616 universe.

It’s not necessarily accurate, so it’s free.

Adam was born in Chicago, an African-American, and graduated from Cornell University in electrical engineering. It seems that he and Scott are peers, both are electricians.

It's just that Scott was a self-taught second-hand swordsman, while Adam continued his studies after joining the Navy, becoming a Ph.D. in physics and a Ph.D. in philosophy, and also became a member of the Navy football team.

After he was discharged from the army, he studied the "negative matter" brought by the Kree invaders in his home garage, which was a negative matter bracelet from the Marvel incident.

But then something goes wrong with the experiment and it explodes, turning him into a humanoid negative matter reactor.

This is a special case. He is the only special existence in the main dimension made of positive matter, because his entire polarity is in a unique neutral state, reaching a weird balance that is difficult to reproduce.

It is neither matter nor antimatter, it is simply the light of balance.

Lan Qi's superpower was discovered by the military. In order to control him, those guys came up with a classic strategy, which was to send a female agent from the Military Intelligence Department to contact him.

This is indeed a routine operation of the military. From Captain America to Wolverine to Hulk and Lan Qi, the honey trap works very well.

An agent named Malanna Frazier met and fell in love with Lan Qi, and later got married. She fell in love with the mission target, and also confessed that she was a military spy. Lan Qi almost exploded and even went to the moon to relax. In a circle.

But when he calmed down and thought about it, he realized that he could no longer leave her, so he came back and fell under the control of the military.

If the Navy needs help with any operations, they will send him a message through his wife. Even if he doesn't want to go, how can he withstand his wife's tough words?

He is a very honest person, and honest people are easily bullied. Although the U.S. Navy's methods are much more gentle than those of the Army, they are all plans based on psychological cybernetics.

"Lan Qi's abilities include high-speed flight, superhuman five senses, super strength, super-fast self-healing, affecting antimatter and negative matter, molecular manipulation, and oh, by the way, he can create light."

Su Ming gave an overview of all the information that could be told, and finally mentioned one of Lan Qi's most special abilities, which is almost the same ability as God said, "Let there be light":

"According to him, the special particles that make up his body can form a special channel that connects the main dimension and negative space, thereby placing unstable annihilation energy in a subatomic state, which will glow when quantum entanglement occurs. I am not Scientist, probably only you can understand this."

Doctor Doom, who had been listening patiently on the side, said "Hmm", but he didn't know whether he understood it or not.

In terms of the ability to reconstruct molecular structures, Lan Qi is very strong. Although it is not to the level of "making something out of nothing" like chaos magic, it is also unable to change the arrangement of atoms to achieve the effect of "turning stone into gold".

However, there was no problem at all with "burning carbon into diamonds", and he could also use silicon oxide to create various gemstones, so he lived a good life.

"Does he have any weaknesses?"

"These 'supermen' don't have much magic resistance, so space and time magic can restrain them." Su Ming looked down at Daisy and the others in the distance tearing up the big ball made of insects, and said lightly: "Add me Having said that, Lan Qi likes all kinds of sports and stays out of his own business most of the time."


"Yes, he would go to space to push celestial bodies in his spare time. A celestial body as big as the moon might not be able to be pushed, but he often holds and pushes the smaller ones in Triton like rugby balls." Deathstroke shrugged, even if The doctor couldn't see it: "Also, because of his naval experience, he also likes sailing and fishing very much."

Doctor Doom thought for a moment and then said: "Fishing is an activity that requires patience. As far as Doom knows, few scientists will waste time on it."

"Adam is not a science geek like Tony. He has a more healthy and reasonable lifestyle. Besides, if Tony spent all his partying time on scientific research, he would have rushed out of the earth and into the universe."

Su Ming laughed. Probably only people like Doom who have a sense of urgency all the time don't need to rest. Other scientists are not as dedicated as him.

Dr. Banner likes to travel, Pim likes to grow flowers and plants, and Howard likes to play mahjong.

Doctor Doom is the only one who doesn’t need relaxation activities in the conventional sense. His relaxation is to go to the balcony of his castle to see how the citizens below are living, and his rest is over even if he holds his arms and blows in the wind, as if he will never be tired. .

"It doesn't sound like he's a threat." Doom decided.

"Indeed not. He is a good man who listens to his wife, and even if his wife is an agent, she is just an ordinary person. There is a lot of room for maneuver here. I have more than a dozen ways to make him obedient."

At this point, Deathstroke let out a sigh of regret. Lan Qi had good skills, but it felt a bit miserable to be bound by the military just because of a woman.

He still has a good temper and gives face to the military. He has superhuman strength and still suffers from such cowardice.

"There's something moving over there." Doom reminded him at this moment. It turned out that in the big ball formed by the insects clustered together in the distance, a strong golden light burst out, like a balloon about to burst. Violent expansion.

Those rays of light shine through the densely packed Zerg limbs, looking like disco light balls from a distance, shining dazzlingly.

"The thing in that ball is the sentinel, our target." As soon as Su Ming finished speaking, the big ball exploded, and the bugs surrounding the sentinel were vaporized without even leaving their limbs or arms. It's in the air now.

Accompanied by the sentry's wild laughter, not only the insects surrounding him, but also Daisy and the others who had just tried to rescue him were sent flying far away.

Seeing the stupid Daisy crashing through layers of insect swarms, passing through several buildings, falling to the ground and vomiting blood, Su Ming shook his head speechlessly.

I had taught her not to meddle in other people's business, but now she was disobedient. Sure enough, if she got too close to Carol, she would lose all her intelligence, right?

This is the way the sentinels do things. When they are sick, they can't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. Once their brains go crazy, they will destroy both themselves and the enemy together.

Mental illness is uncontrollable, just like Batman can't control the Joker. Split personality is the most troublesome. There is also a God of Destruction personality called "Void" in the Sentinel, which is the ultimate anti-human being.

It doesn't actually matter whether the tool man is strong or not. Anyway, he can be cultivated by various means. What matters is whether he is obedient or not.

Although the Sentinel is strong but uncontrollable, it would be easiest to get rid of him directly. Even if he may gain a unified personality and become a good person in the future, the risk of him staying on earth for one more day in the lunatic stage is just one more day.

Let him sacrifice for humanity. Doesn't he want to be famous? Do you want to be admired and worshiped by everyone?

The maelstrom in front of you is an opportunity.

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