The Death Knell

Chapter 2207 Huang Liang Yi Meng

The investigative team of F.C. arrived in the city where the whistleblower was located, and naturally found the scene of the crime quickly. Seeing that the incident was exposed, the boss of the chemical company was afraid of being accused of treason, so he decided to do whatever it took to arrest these agents. Kill them all too!

He spent money to find a team of mercenaries and ambushed the team of mercenaries in the swamp where the incident occurred. The investigation team suffered heavy casualties in an instant, either intentionally or not.

After all, when operating domestically, who would have thought of facing things like roadside bombs and attacking drones?

The car overturned and all her colleagues died. Abby, who was lucky, was injured and fled into the swamp, while the mercenaries pursued her.

She escaped to a lake and decided to try her luck to escape by diving. At this time, a giant green monster appeared in the lake, killing all those who were chasing her, and found plants to treat her, leaving her in the swamp. Recuperate in the hut.

Soon, she discovered that the monster was the missing informant and learned the ins and outs of everything. At the same time, she also discovered another thing, that is, there was a very decent and interesting soul in this monster's body.

With the blessing of saving her life, she soon fell in love with the swamp monster. Just like the story of Beauty and the Beast, true love will not be hindered by differences in appearance.

She then gave up her duties as an official agent and helped Swamp Thing avenge himself through anti-heroic means.

Her appearance was human, so it was easier to enter the city. She found out the behavior of the boss of the chemical company, and then the guy and his bodyguards were all skewered by sharp tree roots that suddenly jumped out from the ground. .

After a while, the two went to Las Vegas to get married. The pastor there didn't care who you married, as long as you paid.

They lived the happy life of a prince and princess in a fairy tale. After several years, they began to want a child.

In the past few years, a cheap sorcerer discovered them, and came to Swamp Monster every two days to help with some chores. He became familiar with him and became a new friend of the family.

So Alec set his sights on borrowing seeds from his new friends.

Constantine patted his chest and agreed. He also said that everyone in the magic world knew that he was the most loyal person and was willing to go out of his way for his friends.

Besides, my sister-in-law is pretty pretty too, haha.

So Alec let Zha Kang eat a special plant seed, and then he controlled the seed through the Green of All Things, drove Zha Kang's body like a tank, and had sex with his wife.

Zha Kang was not yet twenty years old at that time, and his body had been exhausted by alcoholism and disease. The quality of the tadpoles was so poor that there was no way he could win the prize in one go.

So in the following days, he and Abby did dozens or hundreds of rounds, until everyone else lost weight, and finally succeeded.

In October of her pregnancy, Abby gave birth to daughter Taffy Holland.

A girl who inherited the bloodline of the Akane family, received the green blessing of all things, and was also given the blood of demons.

This girl is the DC version of "Carrie". She taught herself to kill people with superpowers at the age of six. At the age of thirteen, she bloodbathed the middle school party and set fire to it. In the same year, she was admitted to Arkham Asylum and received Harley's therapy. The following year she evolved into a mental child. My sister officially escaped from prison and made her debut.

She has no clear behavioral logic and is simply anti-social, just like the simple folk customs of Gotham.

The blood of demons, the green of all things, and the black of decay, all three parties were competing endlessly in the same body, making her unable to control herself at all, and the pain in her heart turned into the desire for destruction.

Faced with the situation where his daughter's troubles were getting worse and worse, and even the two fathers were about to be unable to protect him, Zha Kang shamelessly went to his girlfriend Zatanna at the time. The latter almost exploded with anger, but she still used the reverse magic to wash it away. He lost Taifei's memory and fostered the girl into an ordinary family.

Something else happened later, and Taffy's story became like "Thelma and Louise," but I won't mention it here. Just know that the girl and her girlfriend escaped to Mexico to grow poppies not long ago.

Because her daughter's education failed, her memory eventually had to be erased. Abby cried every day, and her relationship with Swamp Monster was shattered.

She returned to her hometown alone, but met her uncle Anton Akane. The man with whom she had no contact at all usually revealed what she had experienced over the years and revealed the family's secrets.

"The green of all things is just a joke, the black of decay is the strongest! Your daughter can still be saved, as long as you learn the family secrets from me, blah blah blah."

In order to get her daughter back, Abby officially became the spokesperson of the Black Decay. A few years later, she discovered that her uncle had lied to her, but there was no way to go back to the past.

It is easy to enter a state of half-death, but it is impossible to come back to life.

Since then, she has been closing herself in the rotten country, indulging in the dreams of the past every day.

Until today, Constantine came to see her again


She remembered the first time she saw the swamp monster, and it was an embellished memory, because Constantine discovered that the swamp monster in the dream had a handsome green face and looked strange.

The two hugged each other, and the strange scene seemed very warm, but then the situation took a turn for the worse.

She may have heard about the Swamp Monster's death in battle not long ago, so these things also affected this dream. The monster soaked in the water suddenly burned, and its withered bones were exposed under the golden flame of order. There was a miserable howl.

Immediately, when Abby showed fear, the withered bones began to attack her, trying to drown her in the lake and make her a burial sacrifice.

The dream turned into a nightmare.

Pure physical attacks are of no use to the spokesperson of the Black of Decay, but if her subconscious believes that she is dead and recognizes that she died in a dream, then her body in the upper level of the Dream Realm of Corruption will also die.

Dreams are layered, which is also common knowledge among sorcerers, just like infinite matryoshka dolls.

Constantine knew it was time for him to take action. If it was really a swamp monster, he might not be the opponent of the old guy. But he was very confident about dealing with an illusion in a dream.

Because in Abby's mind, John is a stronger man. He has the ability to reproduce that Alec does not have. This is his advantage.

This is Abby's dream, and everything revolves around her. She has rarely had contact with outside superheroes in the past. For her, Constantine is the strongest man she has ever seen.

So here Zha Kang is a god, well, the kind of god who must comply with the laws of physics and biology.

Because Abby has never seen bigger scenes or higher-level powers, her ‘world’ power level is not high.

Jumping out of the grass in one stride, Zha Kang spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth.

He spoke a demonic language that should not be mastered by humans, and launched a powerful spell.

The small cigarette butt mixed with spit instantly grew in size in the air and turned into a giant fireball that hit the skeleton and blew it to pieces.

Then he dived into the lake with a sudden movement, dragged the suffocated and unconscious Abby to the shore, and started artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

She woke up a moment later and responded to him fiercely.

The surrounding space also turned into the cabin of the past in the blink of an eye, with a burning fireplace and soft beds, accompanied by the taste of tobacco on the lips.

She remembered this man, and the dream changed accordingly. Zha Kang, who was originally a bystander, became one of the props of the dream. He was controlled by the dream and became younger and cleaner.

He wanted to say something but couldn't. He wanted to refuse but couldn't.

Just now, Zha Kang used his own appearance to awaken part of Abby's memory, thereby replacing the nightmare of the Swamp Monster's death. This is the price of doing so, becoming the 'self' in the memory.

The two sides are in harmony, reliving old dreams, he is in pain and happiness, and his reason seems to be gradually drifting away.

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