The Death Knell

Chapter 2208 Raid in the Water

"Are we just watching?" Bobo raised his head and looked at Deathstroke, but he couldn't see any thoughts on the man's face: "I mean, just watching the ladies fighting monsters, but we are on the other side of the lake. Watch?"

He showed just the right amount of bravery, that is, he kept talking but never moved his feet.

After all, he still hoped that Deathstroke would go to the island in the middle of the lake to help instead of going there by himself. A smart person should always be aware of his own combat effectiveness and be able to act bravely for justice, but he should avoid heroic sacrifice.

You must know that Diana was entangled by these wild dog-like monsters in the Kingdom of Corruption for a week. That is Wonder Woman. Are the monsters that can entangle her ordinary?

Although Xiao Dai and Deathstroke kill them as easily as they kill chickens, and the light ring is even more powerful when it comes out, Bobo is very clear-headed. If he goes up to it, he may not be able to withstand even three moves against the monster, let alone Said they poured out of the black mud almost endlessly.

The Kingdom of Corruption is the dream of all the dying people, and the black mud is the accumulation of thoughts, full of all kinds of evil thoughts and horrific memories. These evil beasts born in the mud are similar to the demons born in the flames of hell. wonderful.

Su Ming glanced at the orangutan detective and shook the light ring in his hand: "I have been busy. If the object hadn't blocked the tide of beasts, do you think you could talk to me safely now?"

That was indeed the case. Ninety percent of the monsters that emerged from the black mud rushed towards Deathstroke and were blocked in front of the passage.

Only 10% rushed onto the bridge on the other side of the lake and rushed towards the bridge guarded by Diana.

The small island in the middle of the lake in the black mud is much higher than the lake surface, and the surroundings are very steep. These beasts running on all fours obviously cannot get up, and the bridge or plank road made of carrion and dead bones has become their only way.

Bobo sighed. Originally, everyone could have gone to the island in the middle of the lake. The key was that Harley didn't want to go there. She was holding a big hammer and applying makeup and powder with a small mirror in her hand.

My eye makeup is a bit messy, so it’s okay to add some lipstick on the way, right?

"Harry, why don't you want to go to the island in the middle of the lake? Aren't Xiao Zha and Xiao Dai your friends?" the orangutan asked.

The girl with twin tails applied eyeliner in the mirror and replied casually: "First of all, it's too dirty over there. Look at that big heart, it's like a fountain, constantly spraying black water. What if it ruins my hair?" "

"Secondly, the bridge is only one person wide. Diana blocked the bridge at the island in the middle of the lake and there was no way for me to open it. I didn't even have a place to stand. Didn't you see that Xiao Zha was blocked and couldn't use magic? Yet?"

"Finally, I'm an animal activist."

Bobo just asked a question, and she said a lot like a machine gun. The overall meaning was that she couldn't get through it.

It's true that we are all good sisters, but why didn't Zatanna come over?

The orangutan detective pointed to his nose and said that he is also an animal: "Are you an animal protectionist? Why don't I feel it at all? You have to abuse me every time and rub me like a damn stuffed doll. go."

Harley laughed, winked at Bobo, and continued to put on makeup: "I like your angry look, but I'm sorry, my protectiveness is limited to cats and dogs, unless you meow to prove your identity now. , otherwise I wouldn’t help you beat up those cute dogs.”

If this still doesn't turn out to be a scam, Bobo doesn't have to mess around. Once he really imitates cat meowing, he will probably be recorded as a ringtone by Harley and become a black history.

Also, what's so cute about these slimy dogs that are bigger than a calf and can swallow a baby gorilla without spitting out the bones?

I feel so tired. The disadvantage of working with Deathstroke and Harley is that their behavior is unpredictable and sometimes annoying, but there is nothing they can do about it.


Bobo took a deep breath of cigarette, blew out the stuffy air in his heart from his nostrils, and leaned weakly on Deathstroke's leg armor.

Su Ming was actually waiting. If he wanted to go there, there would be a way.

But think about it further, now everyone is confusing others in the light, and if he passes, he may bring danger to them.

The distance is just right now. No matter where there is a change, the other team can provide timely assistance. But if everyone falls into a deeper dream, is it possible to count on Constantine to find a way to provide support?

Su Ming had limited knowledge about the special existence of the Rotten Kingdom, but knowing that it was similar to the Kingdom of Dreams, many problems could be solved by analogy.

In the current situation, he has attracted the vast majority of the enemy's troops and maintained the balance of power on the battlefield. If the opponent wants to take action, he must do it before Constantine returns from completing his mission.

Behind Zha Kang is the game between heaven and hell. It's not that Su Ming looks down on the upside-down man, but if that guy wants to arm-wrestle with God or Lucifer, he's obviously not even close.

There was a question lingering in Su Ming's mind.

If the Upside Down betrayed, then it should have every opportunity to attack itself, but its current performance is too calm. There are no "alien" under it, and the witchcraft system is running as usual.

You must know that as long as it tells all the sorcerers that they can get a "discount on the cost of casting spells" by fighting against the death knell with it, and those who don't join will pay off the debt immediately, then Su Ming will become a public enemy of the sorcerers in the next second.

It didn't make such an obvious move. What was it playing?

"Be patient, Bobo, you always have to give your opponent a chance to make a move, right?" Su Ming inserted the golden scimitar into the ground, took out a bottle of wine from his pocket with his bare hands, and rubbed the bottle against the orangutan's dark face. He said: "I feel now that the person fighting us behind the scenes is not the Upside Down, but some crazy Batman, so don't be impatient, he will secretly spy on any insignificant omission of yours, and then use it to kill you."

Bobo took a deep breath, took a sip of the wine, and nodded slowly: "That perverted madman from the Laughing Bat had better not fall into my hands. My method of avenging Jim must be so cruel that even you humans can't stand it. .”


Harley, who was applying lipstick, couldn't help laughing out loud. She shook her little hand and drew a big smile.

While the two of them were playing happily, Zatanna was not relaxed at all. She kept circling around the huge vines, looking anxious.

During the battle, she couldn't feel anything, but now that Diana has taken over the battle line, she is free. Once this person is free, he will have random thoughts.

"John, why the hell haven't you come back yet?" She rubbed her hands and stamped her feet, muttering to herself.

She knew that Constantine used the psychic properties of the Death Vine to enter a deeper dream, but she could not imagine what he would encounter in the dream.

Will there be any danger that it will be difficult to cope with? Could it be that he encountered a problem? Will the disease relapse and lose the ability to move?

It’s all unknown, and the unknown is the scariest thing.

Zatanna turned around and looked. The battle line on Wonder Woman's side was very solid, so she had a bold idea. She was going to eat some vine leaves and go find Constantine.

"Xiao Dai, me"

Just as she stretched her little hand towards the Vine of Death and turned to speak to Diana behind her, a jet of black energy suddenly shot out from the small lake nearby, strangely passing through her spell shield and hitting her body.

She immediately noticed something was wrong, but the black water seemed to come alive, flowing down her seven orifices, especially the viscous liquid in her mouth, which was like a strong belt, stuck tightly. Her tongue even made it impossible for her to pronounce a spell.

All kinds of dark illusions and uncontrollable pessimistic thoughts flooded into her mind, and all her internal organs also experienced severe pain at the same time!

The lake water began to boil, and the slime rolled and pushed a figure out of the water until it was at the same height as the island in the middle of the lake. The figure took a gentle step to the island and said in a narrow tone:

"You are Giovanni Zatanra's child, I know you."

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