The Death Knell

Chapter 2214 A lot of help

Decay often occurs in places where people cannot see it, such as under inconspicuous fallen leaves or buried deep in coffins, because no one wants to appreciate the process of something dying.

Even if it is an important link in the biological chain.

Some humans like to grow flowers because of their beauty. I have never heard of anyone cultivating plants just to absorb oxygen during the day.

Some people like to keep pets because cats and dogs are cute and can provide them with spiritual companionship, rather than to allow these predators to fulfill their original duties in the ecological chain.

But the Blackness of Decay is definitely the most unpopular one among human beings. People always want to drive things like plague, disaster, and destruction out of life, or at least throw these things into places where they can’t see them. This is blindness. Not annoying.

The Rotten Country is such a place, squeezed underground by the dreams of living people, never to see the light of day.

Why? Just because it doesn't look good and is not liked by humans, the protagonist group of the world, it will be thrown into a dark and cold place.

Stories in the multiverse basically revolve around humans, right?

This sounds a bit unfair, at least, the Blackness of Decay feels unfair. It wants to rise from the ground and rule the Parliament of Life. If possible, go further.

But its spokesperson Anton probably has no chance to help it realize its wish for the time being.

Su Ming actually sometimes likes the fighting style of superheroes, which is to fight with more and less. After all, one-on-one combat is not required all the time.

"Ms. Akane, I need some help from you."

He flew behind Anton, and the three of them lined up in the air, shouting to Abby, the other half, through the bald man.

Abby, who also possesses the power of decay, is tearing at her uncle. The black mud forms her sharp claws, and her face looks like an alien at this time. Her head is elongated into a winter melon shape, with a mouthful of The fangs made of black mud and rotten bones looked like bear traps, shining with a cold light.

Judging from this appearance alone, she is more like a villain than her uncle, especially the skeletal wings on her back that pay tribute to the fallen angel, and the tail behind her that seems to extend from the spine of her body. It looks like a weapon of the devil.

"Call me Abby." She responded very naturally as her claws tore at her uncle.

She can already feel that Deathstroke is the leader among these people. Although it is not clear why this ordinary person can fly, Deathstroke has always been famous as one of the strongest mercenaries on earth.

That's right, she had been sleeping for too long and had no idea that this death knell was not the old man she was familiar with.

But in battle, it doesn't matter.

Seeing the disheveled alien who looked like Sadako's version of the alien talking, Su Ming even admired Constantine. He was so ruthless in doing so.

However, the messy thoughts in his mind just flashed through his mind. He would not express these thoughts, but seriously set out the task: "I need you to squeeze him out of the corrupt country, and we will kill him in reality."

They are also the spokespersons of the Blackness of Decay. To a certain extent, their authority is the same, but their power is different.

There is no doubt that Anton is the stronger one. He is also the elder. In the magic world, age often represents accumulation, not to mention that the Black of Decay is more optimistic about him.

But the entire Akane family is bound to the Black of Decay. Even if it doesn't want to acknowledge Abby's existence, she has inherited this qualification after entering a state of half-life and half-death. This process is irreversible.

"I can only give it a try, he is too powerful here!" Abby replied.

The abilities of the two people are almost identical. When they fight, they are like two swarms of flies fighting. This is only what human eyes can see.

On an invisible level, both sides are vying for control of the Blackness of Decay, and it is the battle at the conceptual level that is truly dangerous.

Su Ming patiently sharpened his knife while skimming the formation in the air. He looked at the small island in the middle of the lake below:

"Harley, tell Poison Ivy that we need the May Queen's help."

Harley, who was still despising Zha Kang, stood up, shook her two-color ponytail, and made a trumpet-shaped circle around her mouth with her little hand:

"This is very difficult. Although I don't understand it very well, Xiaohong told me something. The May Queen is a vine and must be 'climbed and attached'. Those flowers with teeth will not agree to help us. Yes, they have the final say now about the greenness of all things.”

"In addition to attaching to other plants, the May Queen can also attach to the 'Metal Spirit'. You ask Ivy to tell it that as long as it helps us deal with this bald head now, I will immediately invest in building an alloy mesh on the border between the United States and Mexico. A wall, ten meters high, 3169 kilometers long, without electricity, so that it can climb as far as it will go."

Isn’t it just for making money to use it at times like this? After all, currency is just a price tool, and its value depends on where it is used.

Besides, what is really valuable is not the matter of building the wall, but the new idea behind it. The Queen of May must have understood it after receiving the reminder from the death knell.

Who said vines must be attached to flowers, plants and trees to survive? Are the cement grape trellises in human farmland difficult to wrap? Or is it that the wire fence next to the human garden is difficult to climb?

The metal spirit represents the collective consciousness of human creation. Although it is almost silent and is even fighting for a seat in the Parliament of Life, it has absolutely unlimited potential. Who said they were born to be bound to the human race, the protagonist of the world?

It would be easy for humans to feed plants with the help of tools, and vines are famous for their strong vitality. Some of them can even divide and multiply by 'root division', without the need to bear fruit.

As long as you catch the express train of the Metal Spirit, the Council of Flowers created by the May Queen crushing Hecate is no problem.

After all, there are no trees or grass, so where can the latter bloom? Hippie head?

No one wants to be ranked second forever. Su Ming doesn't believe that in the tens of billions of years since the Queen of May has existed, she has never had the slightest idea of ​​being the master of the green world.

It didn't have a chance before, but humans created the Metal Spirit, and Deathstroke is now willing to help, so the opportunity has come.

It is relatively simple for humans to control metal spirits. The answer is that if you have money, you can do whatever you want. After all, it is the collective consciousness of human creation. To create things is to spend money and materials. If you can create enough things, you will be the father of the Metal Spirit.

If you have self-will, you have desires, and if you have desires, you can use them. This is the fundamental starting point of Su Ming's discussion of conditions.

There is no need for Deathstroke to negotiate deals with any representatives of the Life Parliament. After all, they are just expendables, just boring individuals selected by various forces in the Red of All Beings. The ones behind them are the ones who can really make the decision.

Besides, don't think that the only May Queen behind the Death Vine is a bystander here. Another partner who can cooperate is always waiting quietly, that is the bacteria of division, the collective consciousness of bacteria.

It is truly everywhere.

If the May Queen rejects Su Ming's proposal, he will immediately enter the microscopic level and directly contact the dividing bacteria through strangulation. Maybe it is cheaper to build a bacteria laboratory than to build a wall.

Once with the help of bacteria, it is also easy to overthrow a spokesperson like Anton.

Poor bald man Anton is just a tool after all. His so-called immortality is like a joke in the eyes of Deathstroke, but the method of death is slightly different.

The smart Harley knew everything. Her eyes lit up, as if a small light bulb appeared in her head, and she grinned.

She grabbed a large leaf of the Death Vine and put it against her ear, intending to use it to 'call' Xiaohong, but she had no need for it.

The May Queen had felt the words of the knell through the plant, and it had made the right decision.

I saw that this vine was like the Babel vine in fairy tales that allows children to climb into the giant castle in the clouds and steal things. It grew inflated in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, its roots burst out of the ground, and the green color tore through the world where gold was the ground and black was the sky. The huge root system covered the entire island in the middle of the lake and spread around, and the leaves that blocked the sky and sun filled the golden world. lake surface.

In this rotten country that had been weakened by the golden dream of madness, the power of plants came.

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