The Death Knell

Chapter 2215 Death’s Spokesperson

Only when the plant consciousness behind the scenes takes action personally can we realize how weak the usual spokespersons are.

Poison Ivy once created hypnotic plants that covered the entire Gotham, turning everyone in the city into puppets to play games with Batman. She traveled to Metropolis, and under Harley's instigation, she spawned carnivorous vines and fought with Superman in hand-to-hand combat. Her combat power level was quite good, and she also had immortality.

But depending on who you compare with, the Queen of May attacks on a conceptual level. This is like invading the rotten country and forcibly planting grass in the dreams of the dying.

The dying person was watching the revolving door before death. When he saw that he was about to have sex with his first love, the scene suddenly changed and the first love was wearing full-body rattan armor.

In my lifetime memory, I was about to eat the first roasted sweet potato in autumn, but the sweet potato suddenly sprouted and sprouted sweet potato vines that jumped to the ground and crawled everywhere.

If you want to tear apart the special dimension of the Corrupt Kingdom, in addition to the stupid method of reviving those dying creatures, tampering with their memories can also achieve the same effect.

The Blackness of Decay wants to fight back, but unfortunately, there is a traitor among its spokespersons.

Anton is obedient, but Abby is not controlled by it at all. Her mind is now filled with Swamp Monster's sacrifice and her determination to save the world protected by her husband.

The two internal spokesmen fought with each other, which greatly dispersed the power of the Blackness of Decay. Facing the attack of the May Queen, it retreated steadily on the invisible battlefield.

Because this plant consciousness does not want to destroy the entire rotten country, it just wants to drill a hole out where the heart of the rotten country is, and take away Anton by the way.

Vine plants are good at overcoming strength with softness, just like soybeans sprouting under a boulder. Bean vines can always find gaps to squeeze out, and their emergence is almost impossible to stop.

What's more, the Death Vine now has the full support of the being behind it, and it is only a matter of time before it achieves its goal of breaking through the blockade. Unless the Black of Decay can persuade the Council of Flowers to intervene during this period of time and stop the intervention of the Green of All Things.

But this is impossible.

After all, for those flowers, it is true that the Justice League and mankind are enemies who have temporarily stopped fighting, but you, the decaying black who represents death and extinction, are not friends either, let alone the idea of ​​"turning into flower mud to protect the flowers".

Isn’t it good to be alive? Do you have to be mud?

All this is reflected in everyone's eyes, that is, the vines are getting taller and taller, and the branches and leaves are getting denser and denser, and then they reach the top of the cave. The aerial roots on the stems begin to penetrate into the carrion, absorbing the nutrients from their bodies.

The dead bodies of living things are the same as the Golden Garbage. They are also rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, allowing crops to yield up to 1,800 crops per acre. The Vine of Death originally had a psychic concept of 'death', and its expansion speed has accelerated at this time. Cramming the already limited space to the limit.

Everyone is located under a huge mountain of corpses. This is the road that Su Ming has seen when he came here. Now this mountain of corpses is being overthrown by huge vines. At least the leaves where everyone is standing are rising higher and higher, and layers of unknown barriers are emitting. There was a sound like tearing paper being pierced by the vines.

The next second, everyone found themselves back in the main dimension, in a tropical rain forest with unknown coordinates but filled with various vines.

The death vines beneath my feet were gone, replaced by a thick layer of fallen leaves and humus.

"No! No! How dare you?!"

Anton screamed in disbelief. He pressed his bald head with both hands as if squeezing an egg, looking in disbelief.

But it was too late.

In the Corrupt Kingdom, Su Ming didn't bother to touch him because he couldn't be killed. But after entering the main dimension, which was suspected to be the territory of the May Queen, it was difficult for him not to die.

"Abby, get him!"

Su Ming raised the night sword in his hand, and the X metal emitted a dazzling silver light, illuminating a large area of ​​the surrounding trees and vines. Even a few small flowers in the grass bent down, as if they could not bear this kind of light. level of energy.

After leaving the Corrupt Kingdom, Abby's black mud armor was also dissolving, transforming from monster form to human form. Fortunately, when she lost her wings, her uncle could no longer fly.

She was a little confused at first, but the moment she felt the power of the greenness of all things, she seemed to be inspired. She was crying and laughing at the same time, and her nose was about to flow into her mouth, but she was still so happy.

This is the power of All Green, which is pretty good, but it doesn’t come from the swamp monster she’s familiar with, right?

At least she still heard the words of the death knell when she was emotional. She grabbed her uncle in front of her with both hands, not giving him a chance to escape.

Anton wanted to turn into a ball of flies and escape, so she also turned into a ball of flies. Each fly would hug and throw the other one and catch it back to its original position. The uncle wanted to split maggots from his body as a substitute to escape, so she also split maggots to bite the opponent, even if she died together with the enemy.

She worked too hard, and the way she traded injuries for injuries was even more disgusting to watch, but she didn't seem to feel any pain, and instead laughed even louder.

Maybe it was the relief she felt after being released from her past tragic experience in her family. Maybe she thought it was protecting the earth and adding luster to her late husband's face. Who knows.

Su Ming didn't care about that. He flew over the heads of the entangled two parties, and then made a high-altitude dive. He accurately inserted the night giant sword into Anton's Tianling Cap, and even stirred the sword hilt hard.

Brain spray mixed with black blood spurted out, like mist from a humidifier, and sprinkled on the mercenary's body and face, but the red one-eyed goggles became even brighter.

Anton still wanted to struggle, wanted to be cloned, and wanted to turn into ashes, but he was stopped by Abby using the same method.

As the two left the rotten country, the remaining power in his body decreased simultaneously. He gradually became unable to use his abilities. He only twitched from time to time and struggled to pronounce a few meaningless syllables.

At this time, the May Queen's attack arrived immediately. The thick vines and leaves curled over, wrapping the three of them in a tight green ball, the kind that could not even let a particle of dust fall out.

At the same time, the cilia on the leaves also penetrated into the soles of Anton's feet and began to absorb nutrients from his rotting flesh.

This is by modifying the shape of the plant leaves, giving the surrounding vines the characteristics of a Venus flytrap, allowing it to absorb nutrients through the fake leaves.


A few minutes later, the big vine ball dispersed, and Diana and others saw Deathstroke helping Abby out, but Anton was gone.

Bobo knocked his pipe on a nearby tree trunk a few times and blew out some air from his nostrils. He already knew the result. Anton must have been beaten to death by Deathstroke according to his past mercenary habits.

When you think about it carefully, you can't help but feel a little emotional. Anton is Swamp Monster's old enemy. The two sides have been fighting for more than ten years, but now they died one after another in just one month...

The world is really becoming stranger and stranger.

But with this thought in mind, Bobo still climbed up the nearby tree branch with a smile on his face. After all, his side still won, and it would be much easier to deal with the mushrooms next.

Diana didn't speak, but just took over the exhausted Abby and looked at the death knell with her big eyes, meaning to ask about the next arrangements.

Deathstroke took off his mask, and Strangler stuffed a cigarette into his mouth. He lowered his head to light the fire, exhaled a puff of smoke, and stretched his neck:

"Let Green Arrow activate the sonic tunnel to transport you back to the Hall of Justice. Bobo and Harley stay with me. I still have some cooperation details to discuss with these vines."

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