The Death Knell

Chapter 2219 An old friend returns from vacation

"Boss? Is that you? I thought you were dead." Moxi took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes vigorously to make sure that what she saw was not an illusion: "You... look like gray-white, What did they do to you? Did Superman do it?"

In order to avoid being heard by Superman, she lowered her voice like a bell.

"Did I do it myself, an evolution or a curse?" Luther turned around and continued to fiddle with the giant terminal: "But I'm afraid I was deceived by a bad woman. People who claim to be mothers are always not so reliable, aren't they? ?By the way, you can speak with confidence here, just like I blocked your mobile phone signal, I also blocked any monitoring methods including superhuman hearing."

The female secretary tilted her head. Only then did she recover from her boss's resurrection. She saw that Luther had opened a big hole in the wall of her lovely room, and various electronic tubes were spread everywhere like spider webs. , she pressed her face hard.

"Wait! So you didn't die, you just went somewhere, and then you hid in my apartment and messed around?"

"I have hundreds of safe houses around the world, but those may be found by Superman or Deathstroke and are not safe anymore." Luthor showed a smile, but it looked a little scary on his monster-like face. : "Temporarily transforming your house is not bad, and who do you think saved Metropolis from being invaded by the mushroom zombie crisis? You should thank me and my nanobot network."

"So, you saved the city, and I have to entertain you at home?"

The female secretary felt a little headache. She was going bankrupt. Any technological equipment consumes a lot of electricity. Although I don’t know how the former boss connected it to the household circuit...

Um? Former boss?

"No, no, I don't work for you anymore, I don't even recognize you anymore! You fired all of us, I left the building with one foot, and you blew it up with the other, and I almost got stoned to death!" And you were the one who blew up the old museum, right? If you had faked your death at that time!"

Mercy screamed like a banshee. It was Luther who said she could speak boldly here without worrying about being heard by the Eyes monitoring her downstairs.

Luther was not angry. He knew what kind of person his secretary was. The explosion almost killed her, so it didn't matter if she complained a few words.

There are more important things now. In fact, he has woken up from the dream since he saw Perpetua being beaten violently by 'that' Superman but unable to fight back.

From another perspective, he found that the path he took in the past was the right one, and Superman was indeed the most valuable research object.

What a power of destruction, what a mother of diversity, they are all scum.

Fortunately, although he lost Leopard Girl and the others, he also lost a lot of benefits, but he himself gained this immortal body that can transform at will, so he didn't gain anything.

The game between humans and Kryptonians can continue.

"Didn't we agree not to yell? I just secretly transferred eight digits to your account. Are you ready to get back to work now?"

"...Eight digits?" Moxi blinked.

Luther's body twisted for a while, changing from the image of a gray weirdo wearing green and purple tights to the familiar human bald head, rosy complexion, and familiar eyebrows.

While typing on the keyboard, he said calmly:

"Yes, ten million dollars. Although I shut down the Luthor Group, it can be rebuilt at any time as long as I want. Because smart people like me will always prepare a retreat. Only the Justice League will import from the parallel world. Potato? Wouldn’t I plan in a parallel world?”

"..." The secretary was still digesting the impact of eight figures and couldn't say anything.

Luther trusted his secretary very much, and he continued without hesitation:

"I killed the me in ten worlds and set up a leather bag company on those earths. Those different Zhenglian only knew how to purchase food, but didn't think about who sold it to them. Then I only needed to transfer people from different worlds to them. The money is then converted into general resources and energy, and transported to the main world on the Divinity Ship...These resources, plus my brain, are enough to establish ten more identical Luther Groups."

Perpetua died, and her throne was taken away by Deathstroke, but Luther, who escaped with his life, inherited her multi-class ship, the Divinity, which was more powerful than the Dome.

The secretary covered her little heart and put on her glasses with trembling hands.

She adjusted her skirt and hair, took a deep breath to calm down, and finally showed her old smile:

"Boss, what do you need me to do for you? Drinks or coffee? Do you want steak for dinner?"

"That's what I like about you, Mercy, you are professional enough after you get paid." Luther turned around with a smile and looked at his secretary: "But my body no longer needs to eat, I need you Do me some other favors. All the blood samples I took were contaminated, Shazam and Donna had magic flowing in their blood, Supergirl's was affected by kryptonite radiation, and I didn't get the eagle and the The blood of a beetle."

The secretary stretched his neck with a question on his face: "So?"

"Ah, there is a bad old man infected by the Laughing Virus. I need his blood. But don't worry, I don't need you to fight any battles. You just need to stay here, close the door, and watch this for me. Device, which is now monitoring the multiverse for anomalous data."

"What's abnormal? Also, I don't understand the parallel worlds and multiverses you're talking about."

Mercy approached Luther, and he turned back into a human and gave him another ten million dollars. The respectable boss was back.

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as the red exclamation mark appears on the screen, just call me and tell me the alarm code." Luther moved away, taught the secretary to try it out by herself, and handed her a confidential mobile phone: "Remember, Be sure to call, not through the built-in Sky Blood communication, Cyborg is always monitoring the movements there."

There were too many words that she didn’t understand, but a qualified secretary would never ask her boss to explain. She just nodded in agreement:

"I understand, boss, when you see the exclamation mark, call and report the code."

Luther patted the woman on the shoulder. She seemed to have lost a little weight recently, but it didn't matter. He continued:

"Very good. Without a pure sample, I can't reverse my opponent's plan. Before I can continue my contest with Superman, I have to clear out the Laughing Bat... He wants to win everyone. , but I want him to understand that the only one who can defeat Superman is me, Lex Luthor! There is no need to destroy and rebuild, I just need to be the strongest among humans."

There's nothing wrong with this. He named his monster-like form that was fused with Martian genes as 'New Human', so that he could still stand tall and say that he was a human being.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

While the two were talking, there was a sudden knock on the door of the apartment.

"Did you order takeout? I remember telling you before that junk food from the common people will affect your health." Luther sighed. He knew that after he left, the secretary might have a difficult life, but he didn't expect that she would be so depressed. This kind of situation.

Lex's secretary eats takeout? If Batman knew this, how could he have the face to fight Superman?

"No, I don't know how to eat those things, and I don't shop online." The secretary picked up the gun again and looked out the door.

Luther thought for a while, put on the heavy armor in the corner, activated the invisibility state, and shrouded the equipment in the invisible force field: "Go and open the door, you know how to deal with the Sky Eye Society."

Mercy nodded. She walked to the door, hid the gun behind her and opened the door carefully, looking out through the crack of the door hung with a safety chain.

Outside the door was a pale man wearing a Hawaiian-style floral shirt and shorts. He also had a straw hat on his head and a camera hanging around his neck, as if he had just returned from a trip.

When he heard someone opening the door, he raised his head and showed the perfect, bright, and huge smile on his face under the brim of his hat:

"Dang, dang, it's open! Hello, sweetheart, is little bald Lex at home? His old friend just came back from vacation in Hawaii and brought him souvenirs, hahahaha..."

As if to prove his words, another woman behind him with heavy makeup dragged two corpses in black suits from the side of the door.

A stiff, crazy smile was fixed on the dead man's face.

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