The Death Knell

Chapter 2220 I can’t understand the madman’s hints

Before the secretary could react, Luther's thick armored arms stretched out from behind her head.

He broke the safety chain, grabbed the man outside the door by the neck, and threw him into the living room with his backhand, all at once.

The colorful figure flew through the air and hit the wall, causing rustling dust to fall from the ceiling. Luther rushed towards him like a madman, hitting the white face opposite him with his huge metal fist, making a sound like a pile driver on a construction site. the sound of.

"Dong dong dong..."

This was the sound of the green-haired head colliding with the ground, and a large pool of blood quickly flowed out.

"Hahahaha, oh hee hee hee, come again, come again!"

This was the person who was beaten laughing. He seemed to feel no pain at all. Instead, he felt comfortable in the beating and let out a weird laugh.

"Well, my Mr. J said before he came here that Luther must still be angry with him, and it turned out to be true." The woman dragging two corpses by the arms outside the door shrugged and talked to the secretary with a smile: "By the way, I can come in. Really? I need to borrow your bathroom to destroy the body. Of course, if you can help me prepare a chocolate milkshake for me to drink while dismembering the body, that would be great, hehe."

The woman was wearing a half-red and half-black color-blocking tights. She looked like a clown in a poker game. Her face was equally pale, and she had special makeup around her eyes. One had a square and the other plum bossom.

She was speaking inquiringly, but she had already dragged the body in through the open door, and thoughtfully closed the door again and patted the door lock gently.

"Is that...the Joker?" Mercy didn't know who to aim the gun at, whether to focus on Luther or to control the woman in front of her first.

The crazy woman was looking for the bathroom. After hearing the secretary's soliloquy, she smiled and replied: "Yeah, isn't he particularly charming now? But don't try to influence him. He is my Mr. J, mine." little pumpkin."

"But the news said..." The secretary shook her head desperately. Even though she had been living in a metropolis, everyone knew about the famous clown.

A few months ago there was news on the Internet that he died and it was Batman who did it.

"You say he's dead? Haha, your boss can come back to life, why can't my boss? Hey!" The woman with clown makeup made a forceful sound, dragging the two corpses to the bathroom. Walked away: "Stop pointing your gun at me, we are in this together, Mr. J said 'Dear Lex will welcome us, even though he will not be happy at first, he will soon be amused' ,That's it."

Moxi was not convinced by her just yet. After accepting the news that another deceased person was not dead, she quickly calmed down and shouted into the living room: "Boss, what do you need me to do?"

Luther, who was blasting the Joker, stopped what he was doing, stood up from a straddling position, stared at the weird man rolling on the ground laughing, and moved his wrist:

"It's none of your business, go check out the equipment."

"Lex, ask your secretary to open the champagne. I can't feel your enthusiasm at all. I think it's because the alcohol is not enough, ha!"

The clown on the ground sat up, shook his head as if nothing happened, and then lowered his head to check his camera to see if it was broken.

This was the baby he took photos of Barbara back then, and this outfit was also the same one he wore back then.

Luther, with a gloomy face, narrowed his eyes. He could use the Martian ability to obtain other people's memories and feel their thoughts, but there was a prerequisite.

That is, the other party must be a normal person, not a madman.

"You're not the Joker, who are you?" Luther adjusted the beam cannon on his arm, his threat self-evident.

"Ah, it's a classic question of identity doubt. Now is it my turn to prove that I am who I am? Haha!" The clown's hands pulled the sofa beside him, and he sat on it with some reluctance. He tilted his head loosely and said, "Here you go, sir. Lex, you know your instincts are right, come on, tell me, who am I? Who did you think I was when you first saw me? Louder."

He also raised a hand to his ear, as if listening, with an expectant smile on his face.

In fact, Luther has proven that this is the real thing. There have been many fake clowns in Gotham in the past, but none of those guys have the Dionysus factor. After receiving such a punch just now, they should have been beaten alive. died.

Although Luthor's suit has no special name, each piece is actually used to fight Superman. Even if he controlled the force just now, it was enough to shock an ordinary person's head into pulp.

"But according to my reliable information, your body is still in the Batcave." Luthor did not follow the madman's wishes and skipped the question of identity: "At the same time, I also know that something is wrong with Batman."

"Hey, didn't I tell you before? Your thinking is too rigid, just like Luther's thinking as always." The clown sighed, pouted his lips unhappily, and then laughed: "Quack, quack, quack, You need to understand one thing, Lex, this big world is a beautiful big stage, and all of us are clowns..."

The bald man stared at him for a long time and was silent for a while.

Then, he walked to the corner of the living room, took off his heavy space-negative suit, walked back to the center of the living room, bent down to grab the kettle on the coffee table and washed his hands:

"The reason I don't kill you now is just because you didn't kill me last time. This doesn't mean I want to listen to your crazy logic and meaningless perverted philosophy."

"I know, I know." The Joker stood up with a smile, opened his arms, and hugged Luther enthusiastically. He squirmed with joy: "But I really didn't expect that after I gave you such an obvious reminder, you would still Losing, so pathetic, ugh.”

Luther paused, recalling, and then shook his head: "I don't think you reminded me of anything. After you left, I activated Dr. Ivo and resurrected Brainiac..."

"Bah bah bah, boring."

The Joker rolled his eyes, jumped back on the sofa and lay down, rubbed his wrinkled shirt, put the camera in front of his eyes, and looked at Luther through the lens:

"You always feel, you feel, that you have been the president for so long that you forget that our performance actually does not value identity. You are far worse than my cute bat. Well, let me ask in a different way now. You, when I made the Legion of Destruction plus a bunch of rabble make me laugh, when I hung you over the round table in the conference room, where was the mother goddess in your mind? Where is Perpetua? Come on, tell me the answer. , I can’t wait to see you slap yourself.”

"!!!" Luther frowned instantly.

At that time, he held the doorknob of destruction, and Perpetua was trapped in the body. But judging from her future performance, it was clear that the doorknob could give him greater power to defeat the Joker.

But she didn't.

She just watched quietly, watching them decide the winner like a poison.

The Joker won that round. Maybe she communicated with the Joker immediately, showed him the picture she showed Luthor in the past, and wanted to cooperate with him because he was the winner.

But the madman must have refused.

Perpetua had no choice but to turn around and continue to cooperate with the second-placed 'Biggest Loser'. In this way, Luther was always acting as a backup without even realizing it.

Seeing Luther's face changing colors like a palette, with his expression sometimes ferocious and sometimes annoyed, the Joker smiled with satisfaction.

"Yes, your guess is correct. After I brought you down, that Da Bichi did find me and played movies in my mind." The clown licked his lips and his breathing changed. She became anxious and blinked her eyes crazily: "A bright future, a temptation, she will create a universe full of Batman for me, and let me live forever in the Bat Paradise."

"Then why didn't you agree to her conditions? In fact, you could have taken the doorknob from my hand and released her yourself."

Luther has basically understood that the Joker did remind him.

In a crazy way, he was reminded that Perpetua was not the savior, and that the only person humans could rely on was themselves.

"It's very simple. I just want the real Batman, and she can't give it to me. She can only give me a lot of knockoffs like the Bat of Laughter. People with taste like me don't need fakes."

The clown put down the camera, spread his hands, and said with a grin:

"I've always known more than you, good Lex, she's not a goddess, she's just another bitch on the street who hates poverty and loves wealth. She abandoned her sons in the past, and she abandoned them again that day You will abandon anyone in the future, and the little alarm clock in my head keeps ringing, telling me that she is not reliable at all."

Luther sat down, looked at the ceiling, and sighed deeply: "You are right, but I finally saw this clearly after she stuffed the Legion of Destruction into the chair, and prepared my own escape route."

"Don't be sad, my bald guy, learn from your old enemy Superman and always have hope." The clown crossed his legs and licked his lips like a poisonous snake spitting out a message: "Smile, I have always believed in the power of smiles. , we still have a chance to realize our wish, now let your secretary bring the champagne, I think we are good friends again, right?"

Luther smiled as expected, and turned towards the bedroom: "Mossie, get some wine for me and the guest."

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