The Death Knell

Chapter 2221 The Resurrection of the Clown

Before Luther returned, Mercy's life was very difficult, and don't expect her to have any good wine at home.

The cheapest strawberry champagne has an average taste but a high alcohol content. It is the favorite of alcoholics. Many people will choose it to swallow sleeping pills when they commit suicide.

It is said that it can make the breath of dead bodies fragrant, but I don't know if it is true or not.

The Joker just took a small sip, and the scars on the corners of his mouth that were always turned up turned downward, becoming like Batman, obviously dissatisfied with the wine.

At this time, the sound of flushing came from the bathroom, and the dismembered woman walked out with a relaxed look on her face:

"Hey sweetie, have you made up with your friend? I thought I had a chance to break his secretary's spine and strip her naked for a photo."

"Haha, it's a good joke. It never gets old because it uses good memories that happened in the past." The clown was so happy that he suddenly changed his face and put the wine glass into her hand with an impatient expression: "But I'm here to talk about business. You go aside and play."

"Okay, my darling, how about I order you a pizza first? Do you want the cherry flavor? Or the grape one?"

The woman walked to the sofa and bent down to kiss the clown. When she turned around and left, she asked with a smile as if she suddenly remembered.

"Grapes, they must be black grapes because that way they are dark enough! Hahahaha" The clown was happy again, twisting his body into a ball on the sofa, laughing and applauding.

He likes his new assistant. He can not only listen to jokes, but also tell them. He has been very satisfied these days.

She is much better than Harley. She won’t go shopping, won’t ask for this or that, and won’t ask so many questions about why.

"Okay, tell me how you came back? Don't talk about those philosophical issues, talk about what really happened." Luther watched the women go about their own things. He interrupted the clown's carnival, and then The wine glass was placed back on the coffee table.

He couldn't get used to drinking this kind of nonsense, industrial alcohol mixed with essence? Made in Gotham? Even the Martian hybrid body couldn't take it.

The clown gasped and lay on the sofa, putting his white-gloved hand on his forehead: "I woke up on the beach in Hawaii and found a seagull pecking my belly button."

"Is this the beginning?"

Luther signaled a pause. He wanted to know how the Joker, who was clearly dead, came back to life while still leaving a body in the Batcave.

The man with a smile kicked his legs and turned over: "This is my new origin story. Believe it or not, I woke up on the beach, and a seagull was pecking the eye on my butt."

"No, wasn't it still the belly button just now?" Luther looked suspicious. He felt that the madman was making up a story.

"Why have you become so troubled? Does it matter which eye you have?"

The clown smiled and winked. He quickly rubbed his hands together and performed the action of breaking the seagull's neck:

"Anyway, I woke up and suddenly remembered that the game between me and Batman was not over yet, so I immediately left the beach and went to the roadside to buy two drinks, very large ones. I killed the owner of the cold drink truck and hid them in his freezer. This is a warm-up exercise after getting up. Do you understand the joke? Freezer, warm-up, haha"

Luther didn't want to laugh at all. Only a lunatic could appreciate the Joker's jokes. He thought he was still a normal person.

The clown who laughed alone for a while didn't take it seriously and continued: "Then I was on my way, holding Sprite in my left hand and Coke in my right hand. Suddenly! I felt a little itchy on the back of my head. I felt that I needed an assistant, an assistant. Someone who could help me scratch my head when my hands were full, so I found her.”

As he spoke, he pointed at the woman not far away who was making an order on the phone, and she pouted and blew a kiss in return.

"What's her name? Harley Quinn? The female clown?" Luther looked at that woman for the first time. Anyone who can be favored by the clown is not simple.

"You are still like that, you have no imagination at all." The clown sighed, as if he was disappointed: "Her previous name is no longer important. In short, when I saw her, she was killing people and still crying. . That’s not good, obviously killing people is something that should be happy and should be laughed at, so I helped her and named her ‘Laughing Point’ because she can always make me laugh.”

The dust had settled in the living room, and only a pool of blood on the floor still exuded a faint fishy smell.

"This information does not have much reference value for me. Apart from proving that your existence is an anomaly in the world, it does not represent anything more." Luther put his fist on his chin, and the expression on his face seemed slightly Disappointed, he thought the clown would discover more in these days.

Is there really no other progress? Or is he deliberately hiding something?

"Then let's take action. Before I came, you were planning to deal with the Laughing Bat, right? Ah, that funny second-rate imitator, he doesn't look like anyone else." The clown started shaking again, and his flowered shirt was ripped off by him. He pulled it back and forth and wrapped it tightly around his body, even revealing the shape of the ribs below: "You want Superman, I want Bat, we agree to kill the laughter first, and I happen to have a new way to play, I want to try it Try it?"

Luther did not answer directly. He just stood up calmly, which represented his attitude.

No matter how much you talk, it’s better to act now

At the same time as a Joker walks into Luthor's secretary's apartment, Gotham, Arkham Asylum.

Although the sound of firecracker-like gunfire gradually subsided in the city, the residents here were not affected much.

In a cell deep underground, a scrawny man was banging his head against the wall with dull eyes.

"Boom, boom, boom"

He didn't hit hard, but it was very regular, as if he was counting the passage of time.

A little light from the corridor came through from outside the iron gate, which was rare in the darkness, but the various cries and howls in the corridor still made this fellow obviously mentally disturbed.

Suddenly, he stopped suddenly, his eyes widening when his head was still millimeters from the wall.

He seemed to have heard something, or perhaps suddenly woke up. He suddenly crawled up from the ground with all four limbs, trying to get out of the room.

Unfortunately, it was already too late. Before his dirty hands could touch the cold metal, he suddenly retched, coughing violently, and sprayed blood from his mouth and nose.

He fell to his knees and scratched his chest with both hands. The chest of the hospital gown was torn to pieces by him. He could vaguely see something alive moving in his chest, even pushing the bones to the point of deformation.

The meat bag went all the way up and appeared in the mouth. It was a sarcoma, a very huge sarcoma. It was obviously alive and wanted to get out of the patient's mouth.

A situation that did not conform to common sense appeared in the next second. The patient was like a python, opening his upper and lower jaws to an extremely exaggerated degree, allowing the sarcoma, which was larger than a basketball, to spurt out of his mouth.

After the patient vomited it out, he fell weakly in the corner of the cell as if he was relieved.

Despite this, he seemed to know what it was, and his whole body was shaking violently, and he huddled as close to the wall as possible.

"No, no"

He said this.

But the blood-stained sarcoma was not obedient. It was like a small rubber ball, jumping on the ground and spinning rapidly, throwing blood everywhere.

Ten seconds later, it suddenly stopped and gradually melted into a pile of red mud. A strange figure slowly stood up from the mud, as if it had emerged from under the floor.

The weirdo's body was covered with a film. He was tearing the film off from the inside and pushing it with his face. He looked like a person with stockings on his head, with funny features, but what happened here made it look eerie.

With a soft popping sound, he came out and immediately performed a bare-butt tap dance happily.

“Ta-ta-da, ta-da, ta-ta!”

He spun, jumped, closed his eyes, and at the end of the ditty he sang to himself, he even added the curtain call with great care.

Then, his eyes fell on the patient in the corner: "Oh, isn't this that so-and-so! Is my meat delicious? I know, my meat makes you smile every day and forget your sorrow, hehe!"

It was obvious that he had forgotten the person's name, but that didn't matter. He moved his neck, raised his hand to smooth a handful of his still wet and sticky green hair, and took out a simple little spoon from somewhere. .

"Now it's time for you to pay the bill. Chenghui saves his life. I also want your clothes." The figure walked towards the patient in the corner with tango-like steps, pounced on him like a mad dog, and put a spoon on the patient's chest. A violent stab in the abdomen, blood spurting out: "Shh, shh, don't move, you will feel relaxed soon, I just slept for too long and wanted to warm up, hahaha"

A few minutes later, the mysterious man put on a hospital gown and threw the broken body aside.

Then, he picked up the dull spoon and poked the corners of his mouth, dipped his palms into the blood on the ground, and painted himself a big smile.

He moved his shoulders, lifted up his pants, strolled to the door, and whistled outside.

Sharp whistles echoed in the corridor, and the screaming patients outside suddenly became silent. Soon, a guard came and took the initiative to open the door, releasing the guy who had just killed a person.

Not only did the guard not express any opinion on the killing, but the guard put a smile on his face, nodded and bowed and asked:

"Mr. J, did you sleep well?"

The clown looked at the fool speechlessly, then stabbed his chin with a spoon from his backhand, ignoring the other person's struggle like a fish, and messed up his mind:

"I ask questions knowingly. I hate you losers who have brains but don't use them. If I don't sleep well, can I be happy enough to kill someone?"

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