The Death Knell

Chapter 2226 Being hunted

"You call this a 'little' time management problem?"

Entering the Speed ​​Force plane to exercise vigorously right after eating is obviously not good for the body, but for Barry, this seems to be a normal thing.

When he goes out on a mission, he is basically in a special cycle, that is, he runs around doing heroic things, takes the time to eat some high-calorie food to replenish his strength, and then continues running wildly.

Users of the Speed ​​Force are basically like this. They do not have unlimited physical strength, but they replenish their energy quickly, digest food quickly, and absorb energy quickly.

In the comics, there was a time when the Joker poisoned Barry. This 'hamster virus' made him have to run very fast. If he stopped, he would die suddenly. At that time, Batman told everyone in Zhenglian a secret. intelligence.

That is, Barry can only run for eight hours at a stretch at most, and then he must stop to eat and drink to replenish his energy.

As for him, an outsider without the Speed ​​Force, how did he know the secret of the speedster?

Because he is Batman!

Anyway, it took him seven hours to find and defeat the Joker, another fifty-nine minutes to create the antidote, and save the Flash at the last moment. He was as steady as ever and complied with the eight-hour work system.

That was the longest time Barry had run continuously. When he stopped after detoxification, his whole body lost weight, like a skeleton.

Other speedsters are not as durable as Barry. Flash generates the Speed ​​Force every time he steps, and everyone else is a user. The gap is too big.

In the final analysis, the Speed ​​Force is still a kind of energy. Although it cannot be recognized by existing human technology, it is just like magic. The source of magic and other customers who use magic energy are not of the same class at all.

"It was really just a little bit at first." Barry held one of Deathstroke's arms on his shoulders and smiled sheepishly while running wildly: "I didn't expect it to have such a big impact on the Speed ​​Force plane. It was probably a butterfly. Effect or something added?”

"You have also experienced the Flashpoint incident and retained the memory. When Wally wanted to play with the timeline, you should have stopped him." Su Ming sighed silently, and his quality increased infinitely under the wrap of the Speed ​​Force. It's close to zero, but it won't affect Barry's running.

Little Twinkle blinked, with a pitiful look on his face, golden electricity lingered on his red tights, and he said standard superhero lines:

"Wally finally escaped from the Speed ​​Force maze. He was lost in it for ten years. I even thought I had lost him forever. He finally came home. I just wanted to be nice to him."

"Alas, Wally can't even play with the old Deathstroke in the main world. He is far worse than you." Su Ming sighed, turned to look at the black shadow chasing the two people behind him: "If you want to be nice to him, you can give him Buy a car, introduce a girlfriend, etc., but you shouldn't let him wander around in the Speed ​​Force plane. He has been trapped here for so long, even the most open-minded person will be afraid when he returns here, and there is something wrong with his mentality. , it’s unreliable to do things.”

The speed force plane can trap people. The combination of time and speed is the top maze. If a person gets lost in the flow of time, it will be very fatal no matter which universe he is in.

Let alone ten years, if an ordinary person is trapped alone in a maze full of strange statues for one night, he will probably have a mental breakdown.

Nowadays, Barry's runway is more like a tunnel, surrounded by mottled light spots up, down, left and right. They fly past quickly and form a floating light, which is the afterimage of the images at various points in time dragged out by the high-speed movement.

Entering that scene is equivalent to entering a time stream, and the images are distorted and floating. Except for the speedsters, no one else can see clearly. Once you enter a time stream that is about to be destroyed and cannot leave, what happens next? What happens will be horrific.

Of course, no matter how scary it is, it's not as scary as the black figure chasing Barry behind him. That is Black Lightning, which represents the embodiment of the concept of "death of speedsters" for all speedsters.

The black electric light enveloped the undead body. Even though the face under the black uniform was rotten to the point where the mouth could not be closed, and the appearance was as crisp as a mummy, he ran very fast and kept hanging on to Barry.

Little Flash nodded. He thought about Deathstroke's words carefully and said briskly:

"You're right, I should give Wally a car. He's always wanted his own Lightning car."

"He caused Black Lightning to come out and hunt you down, and you still want to buy him a car as a reward? You should send him to a psychiatrist for treatment. Maybe you should also go to a psychiatrist other than Harley. A consultation.”

Su Ming shook his head speechlessly. Barry was such a good man, especially to those in the Lightning family who were always too kind.

Little Flash thinks Deathstroke is telling a joke. Batman hasn't even seen a psychiatrist, and Wally isn't that good yet.

This death knell joke is as cold as ever, but let’s laugh along with it.

Then he sped up a little, and the electric current in his body became more intensive: "Don't worry, I am often chased by Black Lightning, and he has never outrun me."

"If he catches up with you, even if he just taps you with a finger like a dead branch, you will die immediately and turn into the speed force current and merge into this plane." Su Ming also smiled. If Barry had ever been chased by Black Lightning, I've been dead since I went there, how can I still be here?

But Barry is right. Although Black Lightning is difficult to destroy, it is not invincible.

DC has a lot of speedsters, and many of them wear black uniforms. Many people can't tell the difference between Black Lightning, Black Runner, and Black Bolt because the names are so similar.

In fact, it’s easy to tell with just a few words. Black Flash is the God of Death with the Speed ​​Force. His origin is unknown, but he may be Barry himself at the end of a certain time, or he may be Bart from the future, or he may even be the inverse after his death. Lightning mummy.

As long as you know that it has no humanity and is a simple death walker, its mission is to end the lives of the speed heroes and villains in the DC universe, pull them back to the Speed ​​Force, and become the component energy of the Speed ​​Force plane.

Black Runner (Blak Breast Ner) is a new god of the Genesis Star. He was unremarkable at first because he was a character created as a tribute to the Silver Glider next door, so he was a guy dressed in black and wearing two skis.

Later, during the Darkseid War, the new god possessed Barry. After the two of them worked together, they almost kicked the cosmic tyrant to death. That was his most glorious moment. Of course, he later returned to the Speed ​​Force, which is what the saying goes. Lost.

As for Black Bolt (BlakLigh), he is more like the black version of "Electric Man", and he can be regarded as a third-line hero of the Justice League, but his "Pierce Family" and the Lightning Family have a so-so relationship.

Because he is not a speedster, but his uniform is embroidered with golden lightning bolts, this is suspected of false advertising.

"Being chased all the time is not an option. Find a timeline to enter, and I will find a chance to fight him off." Deathstroke whispered to Barry. He accelerated, and the black lightning behind him also accelerated. The relative distance did not widen. There was only about five meters between the two sides.

This won't work. Barry's physical strength has its limits, and Death will not tire. The best way is to try pick-and-roll tactics.

"Okay, let's choose a future timeline with less impact." Barry is the most obedient. Now, he will not question any of Deathstroke's decisions.

After hearing the tactics, he turned his feet, and the electric light swished into a floating light spot.

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