The Death Knell

Chapter 2227 Dispel the God of Death

Barry is quite good at choosing. He knows the Speed ​​Force plane better than most speedsters.

The chosen one is a tributary of time that is about to be destroyed. There is no trace of human beings here. It feels a bit like Marvel's The End of Time next door, a dilapidated apocalyptic world.

The air is full of radioactive dust, and suspicious green liquid can be seen everywhere on the ground. Looking at it, there is nothing except the dark horizon, a standard radiation finale.

Even so, when the golden and black lights ran across the land one after another, they still set off billowing smoke and dust behind them.

"Barry, look for terrain advantages. Canyons, trenches, and mountains are all fine. I can fly but none of you can. This is a tactical advantage. I can't stop Black Lightning on the plains."

"I'm looking, I'm working hard." Barry's legs have turned into a blurry afterimage, but his voice is very stable: "This future should be ended by a nuclear war, so I want to be on earth Find new terrain and past geographical knowledge doesn’t work.”

Su Ming took out the Night Sword from his pocket and answered him: "Run to the northern hemisphere, use your electricity to feel the earth's magnetic field, and then go around the latitude lines, you can always find the Himalayas. It is impossible for human weapons to destroy them." Mountain."

As soon as he finished speaking, Barry ran hundreds of thousands of kilometers and came under a mountain range where a slight shape could still be seen.

The holy snow-capped mountains in the past are now only black and twisted, like chocolate decorations on a cake.


Su Ming directly pointed out a terrain similar to a thin line of sky. I don't know who was so busy bombing the Himalayas with nuclear bombs, but the appearance of a nuclear explosion crater just made a perfect slit open in the mountains.

As long as Barry runs in and drops Deathstroke halfway, he will be able to block the Black Lightning that follows.

Maybe there was only a moment to draw the sword, but Su Ming only used the X metal for defense when he took out the big sword. The real attack was the light of creation, which came from the power of ten light rings.

There are many ways to attack speedsters. Using low temperature or electricity to block movement is a common tactic. If you want to have a head-on confrontation, the attack method must reach the speed of light or above to have a chance of hitting.

The naturally closed terrain greatly improves the hit rate.

Su Ming is not a speedster, so he doesn't have to worry about being touched by the DC God of Death. In other words, with Miss Death standing behind him, being touched twice by the God of Speed ​​is not a big deal.

Can it kill the symbiote from Marvel?

"be careful."

Barry made the right decision in a short period of time. Carrying Deathstroke's arm, he seduced Black Lightning into the chosen battlefield.

All Black Lightning can think about is killing the speedster. It will just run without thinking about tactical issues, because it didn't need any tactics in the past. It just wanted to chase. When the speedster is exhausted, it will naturally will catch them.

So it followed without hesitation.

Today was different. It obviously didn't expect the colorful glow coming towards it.

That beam of light was like the Milky Way flowing backwards, and the huge movement could even be described as groundbreaking. The narrow gap was completely unable to accommodate this powerful force, and the entire mountain range was turned into ashes under this blow.

The light of creation is the power of creation, and destruction is just the beginning of new life. The Himalayas in Su Ming's impression are slowly turning from virtual to real on the flat ground, being realized.

You can even see the Kama Taj in the shape of a building on a certain hilltop.

This is the power of thoughts and emotions. The combat power they can unleash in DC is considered to be the top of the multiverse. Just like that, the black lightning submerged in the colorful light has disappeared.

"Kill it?" Barry ran back with a look of disbelief on his face, sliding out two long skid marks next to Deathstroke.

Su Ming pulled him up to the sky, looked down at the mountains taking shape, and shook his head: "No, it jumped away in the last billionth of a second and directly integrated into the Speed ​​Force. My time gem is available here. No."

"What is the time stone?" Barry tilted his head, looking curious.

"A small toy, specially used to deal with people who mess with the timeline." Su Ming let Strangler cover the ring on his finger, and he led the people back to the top of the snow-capped snow mountain: "At least Black Lightning won't come for a short time. Sorry to bother you, let’s go.”

"Time has no meaning in the speed force plane. Strictly speaking, we are all in the process of quantum state transfer." Barry wrote a few formulas on the snow with his toes, and then erased them with the soles of his shoes: "But for the situation we are in In terms of time, your words are correct, after Death fails to pursue you once, it will indeed pursue the next person on the list."

"No, have you also watched 'Death Comes'?" Deathstroke's arm naturally put its arm on Barry's shoulder.

The Flash shrugged, stuffed a piece of chocolate into his mouth and mumbled:

"Of course, it's a classic movie, isn't it? And that movie did say something right. If I escape this round of Black Lightning's pursuit, it will go find another speedster. This is its time management philosophy. , do the easier tasks first and save the difficult ones for the next round.”

"It sounds a little weird, but this is good news. The life and death of other people is none of my business." Su Ming patted Barry's butt and said with a smile, "Come on, let's go to Earth 15. I want to find someone."

Xiao Shen swallowed the chocolate speechlessly, moved his ankles and started jogging, at a rate of dozens of kilometers per second.

"I'm not a horse, and your speed won't be significantly improved if you slap me. Also, Earth 15 is a dead place now. It's like a small stone suspended in the multiverse, without any living things."

Su Ming put away the giant sword. If Black Lightning rushed over at that time, it could still be used as a defensive horse, but in the end it was useless.

"If it hadn't exploded into powder, I would have asked Sepulk to teleport me there. It was just because it was hard to find that I asked you to send it to me. You have experienced the great collision between heaven and earth, so you should know where Earth 15 is, right?"

"I know, I know, but its largest fragment now may only be the size of a basketball. The life and will in it in the past have been condensed into the 'Cosmic Holy Grail'. If you want to find the Holy Grail and make a wish to curse the Laughing Bat to death, I hope It’s too slim, no one knows where that thing is, so we might as well go find the wishing machine.”

Although he was talking about bad news, Barry was back on track, carrying the death knell and entering the speed force plane, running wildly.

If you want to travel to other parallel universes, super-light speed is only one of the conditions that must be met. At the same time, you must find the 'pore' where the Sky Blood Layer and the Speed ​​Force Plane are connected, and then travel through it.

"The wish-making machine is limited to granting wishes within a single universe, but the Holy Grail of the Universe is not. I suspect that it has authority in all places except Earth 33, because it represents the last truth, goodness and beauty of human nature."

At this point, Su Ming suddenly smiled and shook his head. This was a cosmic cold joke.

Want to find ‘truth, goodness and beauty’ in the DC multiverse? Haha, it’s only natural that the Holy Grail of the Universe cannot be found.

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