The Death Knell

Chapter 2241 The fear of trust

The Batmobile is like a ghost in the dark. It drives quickly across the road covered with ice and snow. Its wide tires and sharp front make it look like an icebreaker, and fragments of ice and snow foam are blown up by it. Sprinkled behind him, it was then melted by the flames ejected from the thrusters.

The temperature outside is about minus 30 degrees, and the same is true inside the Batmobile. Its owner needs a chariot rather than luxury, so there is no heating, no lights, only coldness in the car.

It's like the Batcave, mobile version.

Amid the roar, Batman looked at the road through the narrow front window and asked Jack beside him. His voice was like a ghost emerging from hell.

"Tell me what happened to my Robin, you know who I'm talking about."

Yes, Jack knew that what the bat wanted to ask was Robin Jason, who was suspected of dying at the hands of the Joker.

This is the knot in Bat's heart, a nightmare, a thought that seems to be forever difficult to calm down.

Because Harley wanted to stop the Joker at that time, she went to find Batman, but when the two rushed back to the basement, Jason had disappeared, leaving only the Joker and a large pool of blood.

There was no one around Jason alive and no body after death, as if he had disappeared from the world.

Batman has asked the Joker numerous times, only to receive nothing but laughter and aroused anger.

He had thought about many possibilities. Did the clown eat him? Or was his body sunk into the sewer? Or was it that the corpse was dissolved by some kind of chemical?

All in all, these are bad inferences.

Because Batman feels that if Jason is still alive, he will definitely come back to find him. The child will always come home, right?

If he didn't come back, then he must have encountered misfortune.

And now, maybe we can get an answer from Jack. Regardless of whether Jason is dead or alive, after so many years, Batman just wants to know one answer.

"I want to tell you, really, but the clown has been isolating me from those memories in his heart, so as to continue to get the pleasure of teasing me." Jack sighed, his hands trembling and grabbed his suit, although He looks like a clown now, but he's not: "I swear I'm telling the truth, I don't know what to do."


Batman in the darkness was silent, and the corners of his mouth curved downwards. Only the mechanical sound of the moving vehicle reached their ears, and the scenery on the roadside passed quickly.

After a moment, he spoke again: "Tell him that if he wants to continue the game, he must tell me the answer. Otherwise, I will become your closest friend in the future, Jack."

This is the weakness of the Joker. He always thinks that he is closest to Batman and wants to play games forever.

Now if the Bat and the Pale Rider get along, the Joker will become the most defeated bystander, suffering even more than those losers who are 'under the car' or 'under the bed'.

Every Batman is good at inflicting pain on others, even if the pain sometimes goes both ways.

In fact, without Jack's need to convey it, Bat's plan had already been successful, and the Pale Knight could feel a large number of memories resurrecting in his mind.

The scene from that year reappeared in front of him, and he was like a bystander, watching the clown torture Jason who was tied to the chair.

"It worked, I remembered it!" Jack closed his eyes and tried his best not to be affected by the outside scenery: "The clown is jealous of Jason. He is jealous that the child is closer to you and hates him for knowing more about you. matter."

Batman said expressionlessly: "Continue."

"Harley ran to find you, and the clown put a dagger at Jason's throat. He asked Jason what his last words were." Jack's eyes suddenly opened, and he seemed to be shocked: "Yes, The Joker wants to know your true identity from Jason! He wants a secret!"

The man driving the car trembled unnoticeably. He closed his eyes in pain, but his voice remained calm: "What were Jason's last words?"

"I'm afraid it's not what you think." Jack sighed. He didn't know how to tell that fact, but when facing Batman, it was best to tell the truth: "What Jason said was, 'I really wish I had never Meet Bruce Wayne'."

Yes, the Jason of this Earth betrayed Batman and survived because of it.

The Joker got what he wanted, and it wasn't Batman's identity. He already knew that. What he wanted was Jason's betrayal.

In the eyes of Batman, the betrayal of the person closest to him.

Therefore, the Joker's goal was achieved, and he was very satisfied. He also wanted to see how Bat would deal with the traitor next, so he generously released Jason, and then waited leisurely for Batman to find him.

Things get more interesting.

The vehicle was still traveling at high speed. Under the black pointed-eared hood, Batman's eyes were obviously widened. He did not expect this possibility.

It's not that he didn't think that Jason would survive, and it wasn't that he didn't think that Jason would betray him. He had plans for everything, including a substitute plan and a series of solutions.

It can be remedied if the clown's identity is known, and there is also a backup plan.

Batman was surprised that since Jason was alive, why didn't he go home?

"Why?" he asked the thin man in the passenger seat.

Jack understood what the question was about, and also knew how confused Batman was at this moment. He looked at the Dark Knight beside him with sympathy and whispered:

"Because Jason thinks it was you who caused him severe physical and mental damage, and it was your closeness to him that made the clown jealous. He hates you for not rushing to the rescue in time like before, so he wants you to think he is dead. and suffer from it”

Batman was silent again. The frozen pedestrians on the roadside could no longer attract his attention. Those eyes seemed to have briefly lost focus.

"It shouldn't be like this."

He finally said this, and Jack could only shake his head. He was the last person to comment on this matter.

The wheels were speeding, but the scenery remained the same. Gordon and their cars were following behind. There was still one problem that remained unsolved, so Jack used this topic as a means of diverting attention.

"How do we save these frozen people?"

He raised his fingers to tap on the glass. The hand was only skin and bones, like a pale dead branch.

The bat in the dark may be waiting for questions, because he is the one who most urgently needs to escape. To escape from the fear of losing trust, his emotions are like bats flying in the sky.

At this time, you need help from others. You don't need to stand in front of him. You just need to call his name and tell him another important thing.

"We have to find Mr. Freeze first. After all, he is the expert in controlling temperature."

After saying that, the Batmobile accelerated again, and the huge tail nozzle left a long wet trail on the road, but it froze again in the cold wind.

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