The Death Knell

Chapter 2242 respective plans

Mr. Freeze had not taken sides before, nor was he controlled.

Whether it's Jack or the Joker, the way they use the mind control ring is to first control Clayface, and then use him as a catalyst to get into everyone's body, and then transmit and control the brain waves over a long distance.

Mr. Freeze's armor has a full-coverage helmet and is made of diamond, which is very strong.

However, during a series of changes in the city, the large jar he used to freeze his wife shattered, and her life became in danger.

If he himself is fearless of life and death, then his wife is his absolute weakness.

Batman is good at exploiting the weaknesses of others, even if it seems disgraceful or even despicable.

Despite this, after the two knights found Mr. Freeze, he used the medical services of a final machine as a bargaining chip in exchange for Mr. Freeze's intelligence and help.

Ultimately the machine could not cure the wife's terminal illness, but it could keep her physically active for a few weeks, but that also meant the patient had to lie on it and receive constant maintenance.

Promethium metal is very precious. According to the black market price on Earth 0, the raw materials of the final machine alone are worth about hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention the smart equipment and medical diagnostic procedures on it.

It's like Batman directly gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Mr. Freeze, only to come to his rescue once in a while.

Fortunately, he has the ability to make money.

"Thank God, her heart rate has recovered. Thank you for everything you have done." In a secret warehouse, there is a temporarily isolated sterile ward, in which is the final machine that has just been assembled, and the metal is still there. Shining with cold light.

A woman was lying quietly on the machine with an oxygen mask on her face. Judging from the monitoring equipment on the side, except for the absence of brain waves, her condition was relatively stable.

Mr. Freeze looked at his wife through the glass, then turned to thank Batman.

His tone was sincere, because he was a simple man.

"This is not a long-term solution. At present, our technology does not have a way to reverse brain death, and using external devices to adjust the body's neurological skills can only be regarded as a last resort." Bat did not mean to hide it, he said the current situation The disadvantage of this method, at least compared to cryogenic technology, is that the final machine does not have an antiseptic function: "After solving the troubles in Gotham, you need to rebuild your own laboratory."

Jack behind him also nodded towards the blue-skinned man and cast a sympathetic look, indicating that he was helpless.

"Thank you again, Bruce." Mr. Freeze walked aside, took out a spare uniform from a cabinet, put it on, and poured a few diamonds into it: "Let's set off now. If we want to reverse the freezing of the cannon, As a result, we have to do a lot of things.”

"You also know my real name."

This is Batman's question, and he always expresses it as a statement.

The back of the Mermaid Tank helmet was filled with white cold air. The inside of the armor must have been cooling down rapidly. This made his face look a little stiff, but he seemed to be able to squeeze out a smile:

"Who doesn't know?"

"I actually knew it already. When I came out of the hospital and checked that all the companies responsible for the reconstruction of Gotham buildings were all owned by a foundation under the Wayne Group, I knew you were Bruce Wayne."

The Pale Knight also shrugged, indicating that this was not news.

It’s too obvious that every time Batman causes damage while chasing down villains, it’s the rebuilding companies that are responsible for wiping the mess.

Batman didn't say much: "Then do you know information that is more valuable to us now? The giant cannon is built on Arkham Island. Anyone other than Jack who passes on the road will become a living target. In the sky, It’s also impossible to get through. You have disappeared mysteriously in Arkham many times..."

"Yes, I know about a huge underground network in Gotham, which was built by your father Thomas. I once obtained the blueprint by accident." Mr. Freeze didn't tell anyone about it, but directly obtained it from the underground secret compartment. He took out a roll of drawings and spread it on the table for the two knights to look at.

This map does not have any above-ground facilities, but only records Gotham's huge three-layer sewer network, as well as another layer of unknown mysterious tunnel system. The tunnel connects various urban areas and several states on the other side of the river. The construction quality is excellent and it can even allow vehicles to pass.

Jack bit his phalanges, took out the medicine bottle from his pocket, poured a handful of medicine into his mouth, and nodded:

"There are seven tunnels in total, and we have exactly seven cars, so we can play the guessing game."

"Victor, you take Batwoman's car. The other cars will protect you when you reach the cannon and find a way to reverse the freezing effect. Jack and I will drag the other villains on the ground, hoping that if he pretends to be the Joker, he can delay it long enough. "

Mr. Freeze put away the map. He knew that Batman's helmet must have a camera and playback function. Even if it didn't, the opponent's brain power was enough to memorize every passage.

He told a cold joke that fit the situation perfectly: "Isn't he just a clown? Look at this purple suit, pale face, and biting his fingers nervously. How can he pretend to be?"

"I have said it so many times, I am the Pale Knight, Jack Napier, not the Joker." Jack showed a tired look and seriously emphasized his identity again.


On a street corner in Gotham, another group of people from the Waverider were hiding in an empty basement.

"They have found Mr. Freeze and are working on a plan to break into the island and reverse the freezing effect."

With a flash of red light, Barry, who had just been sent out to inquire for information, returned to the orangutan, who was holding a map stolen from a roadside newsstand, smoking a pipe and thinking about something.

"Have you seen their route?" Sarah rubbed her arm. She had never been to such a cold Gotham.

"Give me a pen." Barry smiled and knocked on his head, and the little lightning wings next to his ears swayed a few times: "I remember it very clearly, and when I ran past them, no one noticed me. "

The Atom is a scientist. He always carries a pen with him. After giving it to Barry, he didn't even see anything when he heard the Flash say:

"The painting is done."

At this time, the tourist map in Bobo's hand had completely changed. Barry had completely reproduced the entire Gotham's underground facilities to scale on it, and then began to talk about the Pale Knight's bean exchange plan.

There are seven vehicles in total, but only one has Mr. Freeze inside. Even if his underground infiltration plan is discovered, it may not be able to prevent him from cracking the cannon.

"Well, judging from the map, it's almost the same as Gotham on Earth 0, except that there's no such thing as the 'Final Plan'." Bobo squinted his eyes and said, the pipe making his voice sound a little vague: "But there are also Good news, we don't need Mr. Freeze, I can reverse the cannon and remove the mind control effects."

"Are you sure you can do it?" The little black man from Firestorm raised his hand and asked.

He always felt that it was unreliable to entrust the most important task to an orangutan...

Bobo is not angry. He has been discriminated against for more than a day or two. Of course, it may not be as long as black people have been discriminated against, but the degree is definitely higher.

He blew out the smoke, which made the young black man back away again and again before he said:

"You all lack some knowledge. Do you know the Anti-Surveillance King? I am the gorilla who cracked the system of his ship. Do you want to know about the Qiongji? A cannon made of garbage is a piece of cake."

Sarah raised her hand to stop Firestorm who was about to say anything. After all, Bobo was the leader named by Deathstroke. No matter what the action was, it was most taboo to have two voices in one team.

Even if the orangutan fails by then and everyone falls into a bitter fight, it will be better than quarreling without taking action now.

"Then our main task is to defeat all the villains. If there is a Flash, this shouldn't be difficult to do."

She said, telling Firestorm to back off with her eyes.

Barry was leaning against the wall and eating chocolate, constantly moving his feet to keep himself warm: "I have never touched Batman's good friends before. I hope this Batman will not be like the one in the main world, who will not allow us justice at all. The League is meddling in Gotham.”

Bobo put away the map and carefully stuffed it back into his pocket: "Don't worry, this Batman doesn't even know what the Justice League is. Deathstroke is right, as long as the bat doesn't know it was you, then you are worse than Everyone is clean.”

Barry's mouth tilted to one side and whispered: "Dark, too dark."

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