The Death Knell

Chapter 2243 He is electricity, he is light

"The primary goal is to use all means to capture the cannon and prevent it from being damaged at all costs."

Batman's voice came from the walkie-talkie. While the vehicle was driving, he was giving orders to his teammates who were divided into seven groups through the radio:

"Apprehending the female clown is a secondary goal. I know you want to kill her, but don't do it."

"Keep radio silence until enemy contact is made, and remember that these tunnels have been underwater for decades. Avoid hitting walls, load-bearing beams, pipes, or anything else that could result in you being buried alive while traveling or fighting. "

"Put the bat oxygen tanks I gave you in the most convenient places on your body in case of emergency. If the female clown discovers us, she may blow up the tunnel network, so you must be careful."

"Hold the gas pedal, straight to the island."

There was no inspiring speech or loud slogans. Batman simply explained all the precautions and hung up the communication.

The seven Batmobiles are driving on different roads, with different faces in the cabs, but they are undoubtedly ready.

Prepare to die if discovered.

Because once discovered, it may be buried alive by tens of thousands of tons of rocks and a mixture of ice and water, and the hope of survival is slim.

Within a few seconds, vehicles entered different tunnels. The entrances of these tunnels were well concealed. Some of them looked like a main sewer outlet, some looked like a frozen waterfall, and some looked like a waterfall. Piles of weeds.

"Are you sure this plan is okay?" Jack was a little unconfident now. Even if he was the one who proposed the plan, when someone really risked his life for it, he felt a trust he had never felt before from Batman. .

This made him very uncomfortable.

"I only know that we have no choice." Batman replied calmly, the vehicle speeding through the dark tunnel, and the wet road ahead was illuminated white by the headlights: "The Mad Hatter's brain control equipment must be in the female In the hands of the Joker, she will keep herself away from the front line of the battlefield, so I think she may be waiting for you at the top of the cannon, and you should think about how to lure her away."

Jack began to put makeup on his face to make himself more like the 'Joker' of the past, but before he could answer anything, a voice came from the intercom.

"This is Nightwing. My car has been spotted. It's now engaged by the enemy. Killer Croc and Bane are blocking me!"

Batman found the tunnel where Nightwing was in his mind and made a cross in it. That road must be impassable. Now he can only hope that Dick will not lose.

"That doesn't sound good."

Jack sighed, and he scratched his hair hard, and the originally shiny hairstyle became messy.

"Yes, but I have confidence in Nightwing." Batman replied coldly, and then added: "Whether Barbara's car can arrive smoothly is more worthy of attention. My energy is limited and it is impossible to guide everyone at the same time. fighting."

Bad news came again at this time, it was Commissioner Gordon. The Batmobile he was driving was blocked in the tunnel by Poison Ivy, and the woman wanted to hang him.

Fortunately, the quality of the Batmobile is excellent, so it can be delayed for a while. As long as the mind control is released as soon as possible, Gordon can be saved.

Batman didn't answer, just drew another cross on the map in his mind.

But just as he was waiting for more bad news, an unexpected communication came from the director, and he heard Gordon say in an incredible tone:

"I was saved. I don't know what saved me, but...Poison Ivy was knocked unconscious and put on the side of the road. The vines blocking the road were also cut off. A chain was placed outside my car. Saws and several empty oil drums, the car was refueled, and the broken glass was replaced..."

"It's the same on my side. Someone pulled out Bane's tube and put a rope on Killer Croc. They were all knocked unconscious. By the way, my car was also repaired." This is Nightwing's side, he He spoke only a second or two later than Gordon.

But what you need to know is that Gordon took the south tunnel and Nightwing took the north. They were almost fifty kilometers apart.

Batman would have almost picked up the walkie-talkie and asked if it weren't for radio silence.

What kind of mysterious event is this? Could it be that the city of Gotham is alive and is it helping me and others?

Next, strange news came one after another from the radio station. It was just that someone was blocked by someone, and then they got help inexplicably. Some of them were even rescued at the same time, and they didn't know what happened.

Batman and Jack looked at each other. This was a brand new version that they had never played before, so the two people who were resourceful in the past didn't know how to react.

"What's going on?" Jack asked the bat with a big grin on the clown's face.

"Harley didn't show up on time before. Maybe she found some helper." Batman could only make a guess, because no one in the team saw clearly who came to help, and all they were left with was the knocked out villain. .

"The other six vehicles have all been intercepted. I think we should be fast." Jack looked back at the dark distance in the tunnel, which seemed to extend to the center of the earth: "Maybe we have a chance to observe."

"Yes, the radar has detected the roadblock ahead. Judging from the style, it should be that Penguin and his men have built an anti-tank position in front..."

Before he finished speaking, the position was just illuminated by the headlights of the car, and the ugly face of Penguin holding an umbrella and giving orders was seen.

Suddenly the position disappeared.

Sandbags, steel barricades, and nail boards were removed from the road and placed against the walls on both sides of the tunnel.

Anti-tank guns and rocket launchers were dismantled into parts and piled in a pile aside.

As for Penguin and his men, they were all unconscious, tied up and handcuffed, and placed in a row against the wall.

The two knights in the car were just like their friends before. They didn't even see ghosts. This was really weird.

Next, the vehicle drove in silence, as if an invisible ghost had been protecting them along the way.

The dozens of roadblocks blocking the way in the seven tunnels, and the hundreds of named former villains did not pose any threat. All those who appeared in everyone's field of vision were knocked down.

The invisible reinforcements were very measured. At first, Batman was worried that the other party had killed someone, but he didn't. It was a standard police arrest.

The prisoners lay face down on the ground, with their hands cuffed behind their backs. In order to prevent anyone from waking up and breaking free, the mysterious man also wrapped them with ropes like spools, making everyone look like a cocoon.

"Okay, I didn't see anything." Jack laughed. He hadn't laughed for a long time and was afraid of bringing out the clown in his heart. But now, with Batman looking confused, he really I couldn't help it anymore: "What about you? Do you have any bat props that I can use?"

Don't tell me, Batman really has such a toy. It can't be seen by the naked eye, but it doesn't mean that the on-board equipment can't see it.

He answered Jack's question with action, fiddled with the center console a few times with his right hand, and brought up the picture of the rear of the car captured by the camera on the display. After the computer processed the picture and slowed it down three hundred times, the two finally looked at it. There was a flash of red lightning.

A flash of lightning in the dark is so bright...

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