The Death Knell

Chapter 2245 Mysterious Female Assassin

In fact, Bobo is all pretending. You must know that everyone around him has a way to get to the top of the tower. Even Sarah, who has no flying ability, her martial arts and equipment are enough to allow her to fly over walls and climb seven or eighty meters. The giant turret that is 100 meters high is not too troublesome.

But, over there is the stage for Deathstroke, and everyone just needs to watch the show.

"Jack, follow me."

As expected, Batman didn't think of anything. He just asked the pale knight beside him to follow him, and the two of them ran wildly under the turret.

He didn't know anything about the mysterious reinforcements. Without sufficient clues and intelligence, Bat was just a mortal.

There is ice and snow in the direction where the cannon fired before, but the other half of the island has no snow at all. If you look at Arkham Island from a high altitude now, you will find that it is like a half-black and half-white clock, with that long The barrel of the gun is the pointer.

Now the pointer is moving, moving towards the black half, and there is already a vague white light gathering at the exit, which is the energy accumulation phenomenon before firing.

If it fires again, I'm afraid the entire Gotham will be destroyed, and even everyone present will not be able to survive.

Jack was running a little slowly, so Batman simply picked him up like a log and ran wildly. When he came under the turret, he shot a bat hook into the sky and quickly hoisted the two of them up through the small motor on his belt.

"Hold me tight." The black knight in the sky said.

"I know, but I can only stabilize that crazy woman by laughing. Give me some time to adjust my emotions!" the pale knight replied.

But the little bat motor would not wait. With the sizzling sound of the cable being quickly tightened, the two of them rose quickly, like tuna on the hook.

In the blink of an eye, they reached the top of the cannon and came face to face with the Mad Hatter and the Clown.

"Don't come close! Batman!" The female clown held a big red button in her hand. She opened her eyes hysterically: "Joker, dear, is that you?"

"Hahaha, oops, I was caught by Batman again! This reminds me of a joke." Jack entered the scene for a second, recalling the clown's past appearance, and acted in a pretentious manner, on Batman's shoulders He raised his arm and said hello: "I'll tell you when you save me, Harley?"

"I will, I will! Little Pumpkin!" The female clown smiled with satisfaction. She took out a gun and pointed it at the bat: "Put him down, you bad guy, put him down gently, and then from here Jump down! I want to watch you fall to death. If you don’t die, I will destroy Gotham! Make your choice!”

Batman put down Jack, raised his hands in surrender, and retreated to the edge of the large platform where the cannon was parked.

According to the plan, even if the Harley Quinn didn't make this request, she would pretend to be knocked down from the sky by Jack, take the opportunity to hide in the blind spot under the platform through the bat suction cup, and wait for Jack to disarm Harley Quinn and the Mad Hatter.

At that time, he would roll up and knock down two people, and then the Freezeman would come up, reverse the giant cannon, and thaw half of Gotham.

But before he could say anything to buy Jack time to get closer to the crazy woman, he saw a horrifying scene.

Just behind the female clown, under the edge of the other side of the platform, a woman wearing a strange mask floated up silently amidst the falling snowflakes. She was wearing an eighteenth-century men's dress with lace on the cuffs and collar. , with a wing-like cloak on her back, and a mask on her face that made her look like an owl.

Behind the huge lenses of those eyes, there is a cold and dead silence. Just by looking at it, you can know that the darkness inside is bottomless.

The other party came like a ghost behind the female clown holding a gun. She turned her palm and transformed into a short dagger. Batman could clearly see an owl head carved on the jaw of the knife, and black light flowed on the blade.

What followed was a stab in the back like a poisonous snake preying on prey.

The female clown's eyes widened instantly, and the smile froze on her face. Perhaps the assassin used too much force, and the soles of her feet lifted off the ground.


She wanted to say something, but nothing came out. She only let out meaningless breaths.

Almost as soon as the dagger pierced her back, black liquid flowed out of her seven orifices, and her body quickly withered, as if she should have been a mummy from a thousand years ago.

From the appearance of the mysterious man to the death of the female clown, the whole thing happened in less than a second, and Batman didn't even have time to issue a warning.

The Mad Hatter standing next to the female clown was completely unaware at this time and was still smiling triumphantly.

Until the assassin who seemed to come from ancient times turned his dagger, severed the aorta and pulmonary artery, damaged the wound beyond recognition, and threw the woman's body aside.

The female clown's withered head made a collision sound with the steel platform under her feet, and everyone woke up as if from a dream.

A mysterious murderer, a woman I have never seen before, a professional and efficient hunt.

And after she killed someone, she made a bird call of "coo", which sounded like a night owl laughing in the forest at night.


The Dark Knight shouted loudly, and his batarang flew in front of the assassin, but the opponent was so flexible that he seemed to have no bones. He raised his leg and kicked up, then used the heel of his high heel to hit the dart back and insert it accurately into the bat. Xia's boots were in front of him, preventing him from getting any closer.


The mysterious woman tilted her head, looked at Batman, and then casually reached out and grabbed the Mad Hatter who was about to escape.

The Mad Hatter is a dwarf. All his abilities come from technological equipment and hypnosis. Frontal combat is his weakest aspect.

In fact, just think about it and you will know. He is only 60 centimeters tall. How can he fight with people with these small arms and legs?

"Put him down and calm down, friends. There's no need to kill anyone." Jack didn't care about pretending to be a clown anymore. He tentatively raised his hands and pressed them in front of him, hoping that the mysterious man would calm down: "I don't know what your position is, but We can save Gotham, and none of these people will die."

While Batman was making small movements with his hands in his cloak, he also said:

"Yes, we can talk, do you speak English?"


The mysterious woman let out an owl-like laugh. She came to the edge of the platform, stretched out her arms, and raised her chin at the two knights, as if asking: 'Are you sure you want me to let go? ’

The Mad Hatter, who was held in her hand, glanced down, his face instantly turned pale, and the altitude of dozens of meters made him dizzy.

He stretched out his hands and grabbed the woman's sleeves, trying to crawl back along his arms.

But he is a homebody. He usually squats at home and has tea parties with his dolls. He never exercises. Now even with the blessing of adrenaline, he still can't finish a pull-up.

By the way, his dolls are all living people, little girls he tricked through mind control or hypnosis. He has low self-esteem and is arrogant, and is afraid to deal with tall adults, so he targets children.

It's not that cruel, at least it's much simpler than Two-Face's complicated criminal motives. He thinks he's living in a fairy tale and just wants to find his own 'Alice'.

"Don't let go! Don't!"

Jack felt the killer's bad taste, and the applause in his own mind also rang. He gritted his teeth and insisted not to laugh, while trying to communicate verbally again.

But he clearly saw a trace of ridicule flashing through the eyes behind the owl mask, as if mocking his innocence.

Is there a problem in Gotham that can be solved with just your mouth?

So the next second, the mysterious assassin threw the Mad Hatter out of his hand, letting the miserable dwarf fall freely.

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