The Death Knell

Chapter 2246 Done and call it a day

Batman's reaction speed caught up this time. When the Mad Hatter was thrown away, he jumped down without hesitation.

The agile figure shot a hook in the air to catch the dwarf, and then used the bat cloak to glide, slowly falling like a black snowflake.

Of course, the time he stayed in the air and climbed back to the fort was the opportunity Su Ming wanted to fight for.

Why? Of course it was because he wanted to talk to Jack alone away from Batman, leaving him with a mystery, a mystery that only Deathstroke could solve.

The Pale Knight will get a riddle from the 'mysterious assassin', and then learn that the leader of another group of mysterious people, 'Deathstroke', may have the answer. Isn't this a legitimate reason for traveling?

The Pale Knight is both the Joker and not, but his curiosity for the unknown and love for Gotham are both exploitable.

Now it can be said that the frozen Gotham happened because of him. It was he who first thought of using the Mad Hatter's mind-controlling ring. The female clown was also inspired by him and amplified the situation.

So strictly speaking, Batman and Gordon are wiping Jack's butt now. He owes everyone and the city, and threatening him with Gotham's future destiny will definitely work.

Of course, if that doesn't work, Su Ming has a dirtier way. Didn't Harry also hold Jack's girlfriend hostage? Oh, that Dr. Quinzel looks like he still has a baby in his belly.

Kidnap Dr. Quinzel to Earth 0 to manufacture drugs, and then give Jack a chance to visit his relatives. He should cherish it, right?

This is Plan A and Plan B. If neither works, come up with Plan C. It’s not difficult if you do it mentally or not.


The mysterious female assassin spoke, her voice sounding like a demon's scream.

"It's Jack! Not the Joker!"

While retorting, the Pale Knight boldly dragged away the female clown's corpse on the ground and checked her injuries. There was no doubt that she was dead. Some kind of mysterious black liquid completely destroyed the human body structure, making the entire corpse fall into pieces. As crunchy as popcorn.

The one-piece clown suit she was able to drag on the steel platform was transformed into a body bag.

"I don't care what your name is, as long as you remember, Gotham belongs to us. This is the final warning to you and Batman. Next time, it will be you who die, Gu!" Su disguised as a female claw Ming buried the suspense in the shortest possible time, and then imitated another bird call in order to fit the character.

Jack sighed as he placed the body back on the platform and stood up straight again.

His purple suit seemed to be non-existent in the cold night wind, and the chill spread to the bottom of his heart.

However, he was not afraid. Instead, he walked closer to the other person and generously remembered every detail, such as the murder weapon, the other person's eyes, height and body shape, etc.

"Who are you? Why do you say Gotham is yours?"

"You'll all be shivering under your wings as we travel through Gotham, don't try to find out what's in the dark, gurgling."

The woman quickly said a bunch of incomprehensible words, then smiled, turned around, jumped, and disappeared into the snowy night.

Jack didn't have any equipment that could be used for flying or gliding, and the mysterious man was incredibly fast. All he could do was watch the man leave, with a look of injustice on his face.

This is obviously another serious threat. If there really is such a mysterious organization lurking in the darkness of Gotham, and even he and Batman are unaware of their existence, how powerful a force it would be?

But now, when half of Gotham City was frozen, the other party appeared and killed the main culprit neatly. One look showed that she usually kills people a lot.

So who was stabbed to death with a dagger in secret? Could the truth behind those who died in the past be related to this mysterious organization?

The Pale Knight was filled with doubts.

"Where did she go?"

At this time, Batman had returned behind him, examining the body and asking questions. He had just jumped down to save the Mad Hatter's life, then knocked the dwarf unconscious, and then climbed back up. The whole process took less than five seconds.

But the mysterious assassin has disappeared, leaving Jack alone in a daze.

Hearing Batman's question, Jack turns around and narrates the final dialogue, which again, Bat has no idea about, leaving only the mystery.

"That's it for now. Our first task is to reverse this giant cannon and thaw the city." The Dark Knight is still reasonable. He has a clear judgment on his goal: "Is Mr. Freeze here?"

"Here, there." Jack pointed to the man below who was climbing up the fort. The diamond-and-metal hard uniform was really not suitable for climbing.

"I'll do it, I can do it." At this time, the chimpanzee mysteriously appeared next to the two of them. No one even saw how he climbed up. Bobo jumped on the console while talking and started to act like Operate it in a decent manner: "Let me see, what is the principle of rapid freezing? It does not use the moisture in the human body and the environment, it is more like freeze-drying technology."

"Are you sure?" Jack saw that Batman had no intention of stopping him, so he didn't stop either. He just watched the monkey jumping around with some worry.

"Grasp? What do I need that kind of thing for?" Bobo banged on the keyboard frantically to modify the program: "This kind of thing is dead, it is rigorous science, it does not need to pay attention to probability, but follows 100% accurate logic. "

As he spoke, he pressed the last button, jumped down, took out the remote control from the dead body, and started the cannon.

As bright and warm yellow light gathered at the muzzle, a beam of light quickly swept across the frozen city. The ice and snow on the streets melted, and the people frozen on the streets also regained their freedom. Flowers, plants and trees once again stretched their wings. The leaves swayed in the light comparable to the sun.

Of course, some unlucky people may have stopped in a position where they were about to fall when they were frozen. They were inevitably injured when thawing. Low temperature thawing syndrome is also a problem, but it should be good enough to be alive.

"Done!" Bobo threw the remote control into Batman's hand coolly and patted the non-existent dust in his hand: "As for the post-disaster reconstruction in the city, it will definitely be no problem to leave it to you, right?"

Batman put away the starter without nodding or shaking his head: "Is that mysterious assassin just now one of yours?"

"What assassin?" Bobo scratched his head with an innocent face. Batman can read human micro-expressions but not those of orangutans. This is why Monkey Head dares to come over and contact them: "I didn't see anything just now. You want to I know that the eyesight of orangutans is similar to that of humans, and their eyes are also located in front of their faces, so they just went to climb the fort."

The Dark Knight was silent for a moment. His eyes under the hood used the telescope function to look at the extra man in the crowd in the distance. The other man seemed to be talking to Director Gordon.

He was a very strong and tall man wearing black and yellow armor, completely inconsistent with the assassin who disappeared before.

Batman agreed with the orangutan's statement, and he began to install explosives on the cannon: "Please go down and wait for a while. After we deal with the matter here, I want to talk to you."

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