The Death Knell

Chapter 2247 The glorious outsider

At that time, Jack thought that the mysterious man had flown away, but that was not entirely true.

Su Ming just flew out of his sight, got into the sewer, then changed out of his claws costume, restored his body shape, and emerged from another tunnel.

He is currently communicating happily with Gordon. After the problem is solved, it can be seen that the director is in a good mood and has a friendly attitude towards the group of weirdos in tights around him.

Talking orangutans are a bit strange, but when wild animals appear in the city, that's something the fire department needs to worry about, not the police.

"In short, that's it. We are willing to work with all parties to carry out constructive dialogue and cooperation based on the principles of equality and mutual respect, jointly promote the healthy development of the multiverse human rights cause, and provide Gotham with the necessary help and humanitarian assistance it needs for its development. Savior.”

Deathstroke spoke diplomatically in an official tone, and his big hands were tightly clasped with the director's.

He can use this identity to contact Batman and the Pale Knight first, but that may make the already suspicious Batman suspicious, so the best way to communicate is through an official person, that is, Commissioner Gordon who appears here on behalf of the Gotham government. .

If there is anyone that Batman trusts, probably the one who ranks behind the butler is Gordon. Several Robins have various teenage rebellious issues, but Gordon is different. He has an extremely firm belief in justice. And thus earned Batman's trust and respect.

Now that Ah Fu on this earth is dead, the director in front of him, who has messy hair and looks several years older than his counterpart in the main world, has to take over the position in Batman's heart.

After getting rid of Gordon and gaining his trust, it means that you can influence the attitudes of Barbara and Batman.

"I never thought things would go so smoothly. Thank you. At least today I don't have to go to any good guy's house to inform their family of any sad news."

The director shook his hands up and down with some emotion. He could feel that the man who called himself Deathstroke was sincere and real. He really wanted Gotham to change for the better.

That's enough. As for why they appeared at this time and why they came here, is it important? Superheroes all have secrets. These people don't wear masks, which means their secrets are hidden deep in their hearts.

But as long as the outcome is good, Gotham will be saved, and people will be saved. After working with Batman for so many years, Gordon, who is used to pretending to be deaf and dumb, will not delve into those issues.

"Sacrifice is always inevitable, but the sacrifices of the past have paved the way for those who come after." Deathstroke released his hand, took out cigarettes and wine from his pocket to entertain the surrounding police officers, his smile was full of warmth and contagion : "As long as there is hope in the heart, nothing will be an obstacle to mankind. Hope can incubate love, trust, and light. As long as the citizens of Gotham work together, a better future will be within reach."

Not far behind him, Sarah squatted down and pretended to tie her shoes. She lowered her head and let her blond hair cover her face. She felt like vomiting.

It’s because there is no Superman on this earth and Director Gordon doesn’t know anything, so you just copy Superman’s lines here?

This acting is really creepy.

But before arriving here, Deathstroke had a special conversation with her when he picked her up at the Rock of Eternity. He had to get a few people to go to the main world to deal with the Laughing Bat. He might have to take some extraordinary measures during the operation, but they were all for the sake of saving The multiverse, for the greater good.

He hoped that Sarah would take care of the people on her ship and not talk or make random faces, otherwise everyone's getting along might become... unpleasant.

There is a death knell on White Canary's own earth. Their whole family, relatives and friends have suffered from that death knell, and the death knell in front of them, who claims to be from the earth of origin, is even more powerful.

Exposing his drama would destroy the plan to save the multiverse and anger a terrifying monster, and Sarah is not stupid.

Of course, she is professionally trained and can usually maintain a perfect poker face unless she can't help it.

When Deathstroke imitated Superman's words, there were too many flaws for people familiar with the matter. She could only squat down and lower her head to hide her distorted face, because her expression management was completely out of control.

Not only her, but the crew members behind her also dispersed, each looking for something to do to distract themselves.

They really can't stand this kind of trick, and it's the limit of what they can do without exposing it.

Gordon's heart was racing as he listened to Deathstroke reciting his lines. For him, who had never tasted Superman Chicken Soup, the gentle man in front of him was undoubtedly the embodiment of a beautiful personality.

Can one gain another person's trust in a short period of time?

Others may not be able to do it, but Superman can definitely do it. He has a special temperament, and his words bring light and hope.

People with kind hearts always want to unite with kinder people, because this dark world is so unfair to good people, and they need to stick together for warmth in order to survive.

Of course, this Gordon didn't need to know that much. He was still nodding excitedly at this time.

Hope, yes, what Gotham needs has never been a superhero, but hope in everyone's heart.

When everyone wants this city to become better and works hard for it, who will do bad things?

"What you said is great! Mr. Deathstroke, although your code name has the word death in it, you are a warm-hearted and friendly good man."

Su Ming smiled and handed the director a cigarette, and took one himself. He blew out a smoke ring with a smile on his face: "Just call me Slade. Don't be polite. I have seen many people in the world." You and them are all very good friends, I believe Director you wouldn’t mind having more good friends, wouldn’t you?”

Or is it undoubtedly a lie, Director Gordon from other parallel worlds? Almost everyone knows about fire prevention, theft prevention and death knell...

At this time, a car drove over, and two women got out of the car. Naturally, they were the two Harleys from Earth 0 and this world.

Deathstroke's eyes moved to his Harley, and she immediately responded with a smile, secretly making an 'OK' gesture, and the matter was done.

A combination of empathy and coercion, coupled with a lot of madness and acting out, Dr. Quinzel becomes Harley's new friend. It's so easy to communicate between madmen.

In this world, Harley, who is called Dr. Quinzel by Deathstroke, is not crazy, she just suppresses the madness in her heart.

Just think about it, who is a serious person raising hyenas at home?

That kind of animal always seems to be laughing, and at night it makes a howling sound that sounds like a ghost laugh. They like to bite out the internal organs of their prey from the anus, and eat until the corners of their mouths are red, like a clown's face. Same.

However, Doctor Quinzel, who was looking at the world, flew towards Jack, who had just been carried off the turret by Batman. The two held hands and looked at each other with tears in their eyes. Su Ming still showed a happy smile.

Plan through...

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