The Death Knell

Chapter 2251 Fanatic Holy Group

At first, Paul stood there with a mop in his hand and listened to the priest telling stories, but as he listened, he was moved by the great ideals of his ancestors and the heroes of the order, and he knelt down on one knee.

Look at the dark and crazy Gotham today! God is right! The Order was right too!

Purify the world with light and fire? What a great goal! If the Wayne family had complied with the agreement, everyone would be living a better life now, right? Gotham will become heaven on earth, right?

Just listening to it makes people fascinated, as if all the pain in the body has gone away.

Yes, it was so magical, he couldn't feel the pain in his body anymore, and his whole body was sublimated.

At this moment, he finally felt the warmth of the Holy Light. It turned out that God allowed him to live and suffer, not because his atonement was not enough, but because he had killed hundreds of thousands of heretics before and had not completed the work at all!

In the past, he always felt that it was a mistake. During the purification mission, he was wasted for decades. His cancer must be the Lord's urging to him.

Now, he is awake and understands, so the pain is gone, that must be it.

In fact, he still suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated. Otherwise, with a little common sense, he would have known that this was just excessive excitement that caused adrenaline secretion and temporarily blocked the pain.

But the priest nodded seriously and put his hand on his old friend's shoulder:

"Yes, Jean, you finally understand your responsibilities and see our Lord's intentions. Are you still willing to fight for His glory? Purify all the heretics and degenerates and take back the city that belongs to us. ?”

Jean Paul nodded solemnly. He felt the heavy responsibility weighing on his shoulders. Naturally, he had to follow the path of his ancestors and continue to serve the Order.

Because when he was homeless and hungry, this church gave him shelter, and in his ears, the previous stories were no longer told to him by the priest, but came from God's will.

Well, in fact, the cancer cells spread and invaded the brain from the bones. After adding some supplementary information, he believed in that story because it was an oracle.

"I will do my best for the glory of the Lord!"

Paul stood up, his eyes were red and his nostrils were breathing, as if he wanted to crush the despicable Wayne family into powder right away.

However, he also knew that with his bare hands, it would be difficult to deal with Gotham's richest man, which would require a rigorous plan.

So he forced himself to calm down again, but God's urging came again, and he felt that his body began to hurt. He could only kneel down and pray to the cross, praying that the master could give him some more time.

"Please wait for me."

The priest chuckled lightly. He had been observing Jean Paul for several years. He had watched his paranoia and cancer become more and more serious, so that now his faith in religion overcame everything. He knew that in today's half-city frozen , in a doomsday environment, this old man will only rely more on God.

As the special envoy of the cult, he was well prepared.

I saw him walking back to the preparation room in fluttering black clothes, and soon brought a sharp sword and some old people.

Those people were both men and women, but the youngest ones were at least sixty years old. They were fully armed, holding automatic rifles and various weapons in their hands, and they also looked at Paul with fanatical eyes.

"Our knights came all the way from Sardinia." The priest introduced these 'paladins' with a smile, his tone full of pride: "They have experienced hundreds of battles and have extremely firm beliefs. They have massacred countless pagans in the Middle East. , they will be under your command from today on, and they will not frown even if you launch a suicide mission."

Paul looked at the knight team with admiration, and the old men and women also smiled and nodded, proving that the priest was right.

Among them, a handsome old man with a general belly stood out. He patted his chest and shouted excitedly: "For the glory of the Lord! I...cough! Hiccup!"

Maybe he slapped her too hard. His face instantly turned pale, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his legs weakened and he fell down.

When the people around him came to help him, Paul found that the respectable knight had run out of energy.

But the silence only lasted for a short while, and soon everyone except Paul clapped. They patted the corpses of their comrades with envious expressions. The priest also said with a moved face:

"This is great! Your piety has been recognized by the Lord. Our Lord has led this holy warrior to his kingdom. As long as you complete his mission, everyone will ascend to heaven!"

The old men and women suddenly burst out with strong fighting spirit, and the sound of weapons being loaded was heard. They shouted war cries containing the holy name, poured holy water on their heads, and were always ready to go to the battlefield. Purify evil.

Paul's mind was not very clear to begin with, and he was quickly affected by this environment, and he was moved to tears. He stood up and took the sword from the priest's hand, waiting for further instructions.

"This sword is the sword of your ancestor Bakar. Saint John personally blessed it. I hope you can complete his unfinished mission."

The priest had a serious face, as if he was holding some rare treasure, and placed the ordinary steel assembly line cold weapon in Paul's hand. Except for the golden icon sword jaw, the cost should probably be about five US dollars.

But crazy people don't care about that.

Paul solemnly took the sword. Although as a modern soldier he prefers to use firearms, how can a paladin not have a sword?

He took the weapon out of its scabbard. Although he couldn't quite understand it, he put it back in and praised:

"What a sword!"

An imperceptible smile appeared on the priest's face, but it flashed away. He just coughed and nodded: "We must first eradicate the source of evil in Gotham, damn Bruce Wayne, the descendant of that traitor and usurper. .”

"Kill Wayne! Kill Wayne!"

The old people raised their weapons and cheered, and the shouts of killing echoed back and forth in the church.

"Kill Bruce Wayne." Paul moved his neck. He picked up an automatic rifle brought by the old people and loaded it: "Follow the will of our Lord. The despicable traitor will be punished by the fire of hell. punish."

The priests who have achieved their goals are ready to leave, and the paladins are good. They basically don't need any pre-war mobilization. Each of them has morale available.

However, in order to go through the process, I still have to say a few words, otherwise it will seem like I have no contribution, and it will be bad if the above knows:

"God says: 'I am come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me will not abide in darkness.' Our Lord has commanded us to purify Gotham, and His will will be done in Gotham, and His will will be done. The kingdom is like walking in heaven!”


Everyone responded with a roar, and the fanatical atmosphere reached a new level.

So it is, so it shall be, that is what the word ‘Amen’ means.

But at this time, an ignorant person coughed a few times, and a strange sound came from not far away.

"I never said these things, it's not me, don't talk nonsense, it's all nonsense!"

The believers present immediately raised their weapons and looked at the sound.

I saw God on the cross with his head drooped and his eyes closed in pain, but now he opened his eyes and looked at them impatiently...

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