The Death Knell

Chapter 2252 God comes?

God was alive, and their Lord actually rebuked them?

This shocking fact made everyone present stunned, and there were large blanks in their brains.

This church has a cult behind the scenes, so it has plenty of funds. Although the cross is made of wood, the icon nailed to it is gold. The fact that it can be preserved in Gotham is enough to prove the background behind it. .

Otherwise, do you think the surrounding community can be so quiet? No one came out to party?

But now, the golden icon was moving its hands and feet. His nailed palm suddenly broke away from the cross, and then the other hand. Jesus Christ jumped down from the altar lightly and came to the high altar. under the candlestick.

The face of the man wearing the thorn ring was full of compassion and pain, as if he was distressed about something. As soon as he raised his hand, a white sheet suddenly appeared on his body, which made him look extremely holy.

It’s just that God’s words don’t sound very nice.

I saw Jesus raised his finger and pointed at the priest and cursed: "I hate you the most, you are a magician who wants to make trouble all day long. When did I issue an oracle to tell you to do this? I will take you to heaven right now. Let's Have a good talk about how many sins you have committed.”

The priest joined the order not because of any belief, but because of the benefits. After a brief surprise, he came to his senses.

There is no God in the world, so how could there be such a thing as God descending to earth? There must be someone pretending to be a ghost?

But when did this weirdo replace his original statue? How did he become a statue and hang there all the time? How much of the conversation did this guy listen to?

All in all, this person must not be allowed to stay!

"He is a fake, he dares to pretend to be a god!" the priest screamed, like a wild duck being strangled by the neck, and he did not forget to shake his butt when shouting: "Knights open fire! Destroy the blasphemers!"

But other people are different from him. They have faith. When they see someone who seems to be God, they can't make up their mind to attack.

Even though this is not the real God, he is exactly the same as the icon on the cross! How could I open fire on such a being?

So the priest's order is of no use. The old people are busy taking heart medicine now. The appearance of Jesus is really exciting, and they can't stand it at their age.

However, as a retired soldier, Paul keenly discovered some problems, that is, the white cloth just now covered the upper body of the living icon in front of him?

Fake, no matter who he is, he deserves to die for such behavior.

Because the Order of St. Dumas is the continuation of the Knights Templar, and the Knights Templar are Catholic believers, there is an icon on the Catholic cross, and it is correct for the icon to be wrapped in a piece of cloth around its waist.

But what does it mean if you pulled the sheet up and covered one shoulder?

It should be noted that all the Lords on the cross have their chests exposed. This man has a white cloth draped over his shoulders... He is Zeus of Olympus! That’s right!

What a blasphemy? How dare a pagan god pretend to be God? This is intolerable!

"He is a pagan evil god! Knights open fire!"

Paul shouted an order, raised his gun and fired a long burst, hitting the mysterious man in the head.

The distance between the two sides was only five meters. According to common sense, it was indeed impossible to hit the target empty. After receiving his reminder, the old people began to fire wildly.

For a time, gunpowder smoke filled the air and bullet casings flew.

Various decorations behind the altar, including the beautiful stained glass, were smashed into pieces.

The surroundings were in a mess, not because their shots were inaccurate. These old men had indeed experienced hundreds of battles, had excellent marksmanship, and were full of murderous intent.

The main cause of damage to the surrounding environment is ricochet.

When they were firing wildly, this Jesus stood there with a faint smile on his face and let them shoot at him with his hands behind his back, but the bullets couldn't even penetrate the white cloth on his body, let alone damage his golden body.

When the bullet is hit, it will fly around and make a "chirp" sound. Along with the rhythm of the gunshot, it is like beautiful music.

When people emptied all the magazines they were carrying and looked at the fake Jesus with an uncertain expression, an exaggerated smile appeared on one corner of the living icon's mouth, like a '√'.

"You suspect that I am a fake? You haven't given me a chance to prove my identity? How unfilial." The golden statue of Jesus pulled out a bright white ball of light from behind as if by magic: "But I still Let me prove it to you, cough! Listen carefully... I say, there must be light!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body seemed to turn into a pale and cold sun. The strong light suddenly lit up in the dark night and penetrated the night through all the windows of the church.

It's just that it's different from the warm and soft golden holy light in the legend. This brilliance is a colorful ray of light, which looks more like a rainbow.

For the residents who accidentally look here, maybe this is indeed a beautiful sight or a miracle. But for the believers present, the light suddenly became thousands of times brighter, making them unable to see anything.

There was a vast expanse of white in front of me, followed by a bone-chilling breath, and then everything went dark, and my whole body became light and comfortable.

The light only lasted for three to five seconds before dissipating without a trace. Several dark tentacles were caught by the sight of the tail, and just returned to the body of the 'god'.

As for the other people in the church, they have now become corpses with empty heads, lying neatly in a row in front of the altar. Blood gurgled down the steps, mixing with the remaining water on the floor, more like It's red wine.

The 'Living Holy Idol' twisted his neck and sighed slowly: "These people's memories are full of dirty things. Don't share such useless things with me in the future. It will be annoying."


Strangler protested. It was unwilling to hide things from its host. It was a good symbiote, unlike a bitch like Black Sword.

"These things are far inferior to the Owl Court in the main world. This extreme sect is just a bit of a mess, so there is no need to send this kind of useless information to my mind and close the church door. I need to arrange the scene."

The golden statue's skin began to change color, and together with the 'sheet' it turned into black and yellow armor:

"Sure enough, the inertia of the world still caused the Angel of Death to appear. Fortunately, I had expected it. Now it is not enough to eliminate this threat to Gotham's future. I have to leave a riddle for Batman to prevent him from going to the main world with Jack. "

The symbiote stretched out a tentacle to push the huge wooden door shut, and at the same time, it formed more tentacles to form a dense network, blocking all windows where peeping could be possible, destroying all monitoring equipment, and destroying records.

This church is so big that it is completely within the attack range of the symbiote.


It means it's over. Does the host really want to continue with the next step?

"Well, Batman's core is darkness. He likes all cases related to mental patients. If you want to keep him on this earth, you have to get him a mysterious killer and a perverted murderer at the crime scene."

Su Ming took out two ordinary kitchen knives. He didn't know when he put them in his bag, and began to bend down to handle the corpse on the ground:

"I just happened to watch all three seasons of "Hannibal" before I traveled through time. Now there are some classic scenes that can be recreated. Can you help me get a bench on one side and carve out a few pairs of antlers?"


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