The Death Knell

Chapter 2269 The pain of not being able to die

The light ball sank into the ground silently, just like a trainee's basketball, so insignificant.

But the next second, the ruins of the previous fast food restaurant were completely destroyed, and together with the ground below, it turned into a bottomless hole.

There was a roar from below the cave entrance, and immediately, a giant brown dragon soared into the sky.

It resembles rain, fog, and wind, but is essentially thick smoke filled with indescribable suspended particulate matter.

The presence of hydrogen sulfide in untreated biogas made the gas stink terribly, and the angels on the ground were knocked to the ground by the substantial stench, and they screamed for the first time in their lives.

"If you want to blame it, blame God for giving you noses..."

Deathstroke looked at the angels on the ground indifferently, and used the green light ring to create an umbrella to cover himself, Bobo and Harley. At the same time, he let the manifestations of the yellow light ring catch the angels and let them bathe in the filthy water. Under rainfall.

"Ugh!" Bobo kept retching. He really couldn't stand this.

The two angels were obviously not much better than him. When the death knell stopped killing them and instead captured them and let the yellow-glow monsters carry them to the sinkhole, they felt strong fear. .

Their feet were off the ground, hanging above the big hole, and the gas still pouring out from below was so irritating that the two of them could only see darkness when they lowered their heads.

"Can we negotiate terms now?"

The sound of the death knell came from high in the sky. He looked down at the angel, like God in the past, like looking at two ants.

"We will not give in, the Lord is with us, we are...ah!!!!!!"

Before the fat angel finished speaking, Su Ming controlled the yellow lamp and loosened his claws, causing the fat angel to fall freely.

With a pop, he fell into the thick, stinky quagmire, and struggled for a while before being gradually submerged.

But he did not die. When he was about to choke to death after swimming in the cesspit for a long time, an energy rope fished him out and hung him in the air, while a trickle of unknown substance flowed down from his body.

Harley also turned her head away. It wasn't cruel, but mainly because it was disgusting. Such a scene should be mosaicd.

Deathstroke tilted his head, the red eyepieces on his mask shone brightly, and there was no emotion in his tone as he spoke loudly:

"What now? I'll give you another chance to organize your language. By the way, this time the thin man will answer. If I'm not satisfied with the answer, I'll throw your friend away."

The pressure came to the thin man's side and he fell silent.

If it was a threat to himself, there was no doubt that the angel would not yield to man.

But now it is his friend who is being used as a bargaining chip. One of the core of the angel's responsibilities is to 'save'. Do you have the ability to save your friends? have. Is it okay to watch your friends suffer? cannot.

It's just that these humans want to be transported to the underworld through the arrival of heaven, which is likely to cause greater chaos.

This is the reason for the hesitation.

Of course, he can think as much as he wants. Deathstroke is not so overbearing and doesn't allow others to think about things.

It's just that he threw the fat man into the water again, and after hearing the sound of entering the water, he showed more patience than the thin angel.

After a while, Xiaopang was fished out. His eyes were dull, he kept vomiting, and kept saying:

"Kill me, kill me..."

In fact, this plan was originally used to prevent the little cousin from being disobedient, but you can try it when encountering most enemies with immortality.

Angels often have mysophobia and like to be clean. Using this trick and using one of them as a bargaining chip is enough to break the other person's psychological defense.

"You angels still don't understand humans." The suspicious rain stopped falling from the sky. Su Ming put away his green umbrella and shook his head: "Death is the easiest, but living is the hardest. That thin man, think Are you ready?"

"..." Xiaoshou looked at his friend in pain and clenched his fists.

My friend seemed to have gone crazy and only wanted to die. He called out the name of God in his heart, but God did not take care of his tools.

Silence, Slim Man has never encountered such a situation, only silence.

"I just like fanatical believers like you. You deny your relatives and have no mercy or mercy. You see your friends and partners being tortured, but you still stick to your principles." The death knell in the night clapped, his tone full of fun and joy. Mocking: "Forget it, today I will let you witness how the world's first dung sea crazy maggot was born. This maggot is still your friend."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to remove the energy of the yellow light and let Fat Angel enter the water again.

"Stop, I agree to your terms."

The thin man finally couldn't stand it any longer. Faced with the rules and regulations of heaven, he still chose friends.

Scenes from the past appeared before his eyes, and he thought a lot.

Thinking of him and Fatty being born together from the pool of incarnation, they went to school happily together and went to work together.

We eat together every day, sleep together, hold hands with big hands, and jump to perform tasks.

Facing the cruel performance appraisal, they cheered each other up and encouraged each other. It was only through mutual help that they got to where they are today.

If the managers of outsourcing companies are heartless monsters, then if they are angels who don’t care about their companions... aren’t they even worse than monsters? !

Even if you have to die, you must die as a good angel, for your best friend.

Privately transporting mortals to the underworld is a serious crime that is enough to execute them, but it is better than living in shame.

In just a few seconds, he seemed to be enlightened, understanding the truth that he had not learned in the past thousands of years.

Living is indeed the most difficult thing.

Then his eyes became relaxed, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Angels cannot smile, but they can use two fingers to open the corners of their mouths and imitate human expressions, which is a sign of goodwill to the people in heaven.


Gunshots rang out, and the fat man who was seeking death was accurately shot in the head by a bullet, and the still bleeding corpse was annihilated by a burst of bright light.

The black and yellow demon slowly lowered some height from the air, held the cookie box with a light ring and floated in front of Xiaoshou, while he affirmed from a distance:

"Wise choice. If you make a good deal from the beginning, I will give you the box and you will accompany us to the underworld to find someone. How could there be so many things later? Your arrogance is a sin, weakness is a sin, and ignorance is also a sin. .”

"You are right, we are guilty." The thin man saw the resurrected fat man coming from a distance. He was obviously relieved, and then his eyes fell on the tattered cookie box: "I will listen to you in everything." , don’t hurt my friends.”

He was still picking at the corners of his mouth to keep smiling for Deathstroke, just because he was afraid that he would be angry.

"Let them go, they're so pathetic, it's no longer fun."

Harley poked Su Ming's waist, leaned her head and whispered, it was true that she used to be a villain, but she was never a sadist.

"This world is indeed sad. The darkness you see now is just the tip of the iceberg." Su Ming never likes others to kneel down to him, nor does he like to see people always groveling: "I listen to you, but when I go to the underworld , we still have to take a hostage."

Although an angel is not a human being, Xiaoshou now behaves too much like a human being, as if he had undergone some evolution just now.

All ten light rings were displayed, and the surrounding environment was cleared up with a flash of white light. Even the air was purified, and the death knell fell to the ground.

He asked the lamp ring genmon to place the thin angel on a safe flat ground, and threw the biscuit box into his arms: "Swear to God, our deal is established."

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