The Death Knell

Chapter 2270 Killer Saint

The agreement was established, Xiaopang returned to Xiaoshou, and they hugged each other tightly. The former's eyes were filled with gratitude, but there was no expression on his face.

They are like dolls and tools, and tools should not have emotions. Maybe this is also sin.

But the thin man still pinched the fat man's face, trying to make his friend smile, but because there was too much meat, it was really difficult to control, and in the end he only made an expression that looked like crying.

"The box is given to you. As long as you send us to the underworld, when you come back, I can teach you how to get promoted and get a raise, become a chief executive, become a Seraph, and reach the pinnacle of envoys."

Su Ming couldn't stand the gay mime of the two angels. Although this victory was expected, it was not pleasant at all.

But many times there is no choice, the world is such a virtue.

"How can we achieve those things?" Ah Shao turned around and began to pry the corners of his mouth with his hands, humbly asking the man who called himself Deathstroke for advice.

Although the two sides were far apart, the other party seemed to dislike them.

"I know how to help you get creation from Jesse, and I also know where your missing God is. Is this enough credit?" Su Ming took off his mask, took out a cigarette, lit it, and gave it to Bobo as well. Lost one.

The orangutan kept sticking out its tongue, the wild beast's stomach was a little shallow, and it was still feeling nauseous in waves.

"That's enough, let's go to the underworld now, and I'll be your hostage." The thin man agreed, and he saw this glimmer of hope.

If we can really complete those two tasks and send humans to the underworld privately, it will be nothing more than a trivial problem.


The dim sky, the dim world, everything here seems to be covered with dust, and this is the environment of the underworld.

This is another dream of the immortal, an endless cycle of painful dreams. The person blessed by God is also cursed by God. He is trapped in the most painful memory.

A soul full of sin, but also the final verdict. The world is always full of such contradictions, very dramatic.

Deathstroke and his party came to a wilderness, which was like an old western movie. In the distance there were earth-shaped mountains that looked like sky pillars, and there was also an endless wilderness.

It's just that all the scenery is gray, as if a retro filter has been put on before the eyes.

He deliberately kept a distance from the angel, while the thin man stood there very sensibly.

"Here we are, the person you are looking for is here. This is both the underworld, hell, and even Limbo. It is his nightmare, and it is also the blessing given to him by our Lord."

The angel gave an explanation, and Deathstroke just nodded to show that he understood.

"Actually, I don't really like your attitude. My relationship with Odin is better." Su Ming said a cold joke. He roughly identified the direction. There was a road in the distance, and the tall gray cactus on the roadside looked like... Same as telephone poles: "I personally think that God is only responsible for loving the world. It is up to humans to decide how to punish humans."

Faced with such blasphemy, the thin angel could only pretend that he had not heard it. He raised his finger and pointed in one direction: "This is Texas in 1880. The town of Ritterwater is right where the sun sets." direction, and the person you are looking for, the killer saint, will always appear there again and again."

Su Ming nodded. He knew that he came to this miserable world to find the Holy Killer.

"Bobo, come with me. Harley, guard this thin angel. If he dares to leave us, break all his bones."

"Don't worry, I think he will cooperate with us. After all, you see..." Harley shook her waist nonchalantly as she hammered her hammer, and raised her finger to point at the angel's face: "He has learned to laugh. But the fat one doesn't know how to do it. If he wants to get more for his friends, he won't regret it."

Sure enough, the thin man had learned to curl up the corners of his mouth. He didn't know what kind of medicine Harley gave him. She might have stolen it from another Dr. Quinzel's house.


The Saint of Killers, also known as the Saint of killers, was originally just an ordinary person. He participated in the American Civil War and fought for the Confederacy. He was one of the craziest and bloodthirsty soldiers on the battlefield. He even became famous for his killings. Lincoln knew his horror.

The Confederate Army was finally defeated, and he, who only knew how to kill, returned to his hometown in Texas to engage in "pioneering" work, which was to kill Indians, occupy their land, and cut off their scalps to collect bounties. He was considered a mercenary. A sort of.

During a raid against Native Americans, he overslept and missed the time agreed upon with his troops. On the way to the battle site, he accidentally picked up a young Apache girl.

The girl was injured and her tribe had been wiped out by the large army. She thanked the killer for saving her, otherwise she might have died on the roadside after being seriously injured.

The killer insisted that he was also one of the murderers and that his intention was not to save her, but that she happened to be on the road. However, he still took the girl home and took care of her secretly.

Even the most ruthless hunter will sometimes let go of injured prey, not to mention that everyone is of the same species.

Therefore, the girl thinks that he is a kind-hearted person, but his kindness is not obvious. She thinks that it is her mission to awaken the kindness in him.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect? So they fell in love for a long time and finally got together.

Because the union of white people and aborigines was definitely a social taboo at that time, they lived in a canyon far away from human habitation and were self-sufficient. They lived like this for more than ten years and had a daughter.

Life was happy and stable. For the first time in his life, the killer felt satisfied and realized that his life should not only be about death and killing.

But this is a dark world, and nothing good lasts.

One day more than ten years later, his wife and daughter suffered from malaria fever, alternated between hot and cold, and were bedridden. The medicine for the treatment could only be bought in a white town, and it took a week to ride a horse.

That town is Redwater, where the nightmare begins.

The killer hitched his horse and hit the road with his gun and money. He promised to bring the medicine back in time, but his journey was delayed by a heroic attempt to stop a group of desperadoes in the town.

Due to the gang's delay, he returned home to find his wife and daughter dead. His grief drove him crazy, and he returned to the town of Ritterwater and began a killing spree, hunting down every gang member.

Except for the outlaw leader Mike, all the gang members were killed by him. When the killer continued to pull the trigger, he found that the bullets were out.

Mike killed him with a shovel or a pitchfork-like farm implement.

The Saint Killer died like this. Because of his sins during his lifetime, his soul went to hell, but even in hell, he was still full of resentment.

I resent that my innocent wife and daughter were taken away by God, and I also resent that I have one less bullet.

Remiel, the angel of death who was responsible for guarding Hell at the time, was shocked by this resentment. After examining the memory of the soul, he had an idea.

He took off his own wings, melted them with "Grudge" and "Curse" into a pair of pistols, gave them to the killer, and allowed the killer to kill his enemies unlimited times in his dream to vent his resentment.

By the way, he can also work for himself for free, go out and kill some ignorant guys, and hunt down some fugitives.

It's a pleasure to use it as a tool.

But as Su Ming said, who can be killed for hundreds of years without getting tired of it? Even if the Angel of Death occasionally sends him out to assassinate people like a vacation, he will always return to Hell.

Repeating that journey again and again was more like repeating a nightmare infinitely. Even the name of the killer saint was erased from all "knowns", and he began to resent the God who tortured him so much.

He wanted revenge, and the two cursed revolvers responded. As long as they are in the hands of the Holy Killer, they can even kill God and erase them forever.

And Su Ming took a fancy to the 'sure kill' aspect, so he came here to negotiate terms with the Holy Killer. If possible, he would experiment with the God here first to see if he could get some extra gains.

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