The Death Knell

Chapter 2278 Killing Toy

The bald man is now the leader of the American branch of the Knights of the Holy Grail, and he is indeed a figure.

He was originally just a mediocre ordinary person, working as a security guard in a company that didn't even have a brand name. But one night, a group of strong men who escaped from prison broke into his security room, robbed the property, and took turns destroying it. Got him.

When we parted the next day, the villains didn't kill him because everyone praised him for being so coquettish and he was very satisfied with his service, so they couldn't kill him.

Since then, he has awakened and realized that he actually likes men and that he does not need to hide his ambitions.

So he read the advertisement in the newspaper, signed up for the Knights of the Holy Grail, and participated in the knight selection.

After killing all the candidates in the same batch, he was successfully selected. After that, he found an opportunity to kill the boss of the American branch and took that position himself.

Now, according to the Pope's order, he personally came to find the host of creation. The disappearance of God is a secret known to all major religious groups, and they want to take the opportunity to 'create' a new God.

The target is the host of Creation, another Messiah in their eyes.

The power that commands all can bring all to the Order, and the Son is the Father, and that is the rule.

He was not worried at all that the new Messiah would not cooperate. You must know that becoming a god means endless wealth, endless power and glory.

And he is also very confident, confident in his eloquence and skills. Even if the Messiah wants to blow his anus, he will definitely satisfy him. He is so sincere!

According to reliable information, the Messiah is now in this humble hotel.

Although the place was shabby and smelly, he still appeared here wearing a custom-made suit and holding a handkerchief with his orchid fingers to cover his nose, knocking on the door.

Someone came closer and the lock was unscrewed. He had a standard business smile on his face and put his hand on the belt.

Just one word, just one word from the Messiah, and he would be taken off immediately.

But he never expected that before he could say anything, he would be greeted by a large cluster of black greasy tentacles, which directly broke his neck and then penetrated through his ears.

He didn't know if it was true, but he heard a hissing sound, which was the monster sucking his brain, and a squeaking sound, which was it screaming for joy.

His eyes rolled unconsciously, and a big smile stayed on his face. He felt happiness that he had never experienced before, and that kind of out-of-body suction feeling brought him to the top.

Before smiling at Jiuquan, he heard a man's voice coming from inside the door: "Well, we got the information, let's start taking action."


Everyone left the town, and the magic floating cloak took them to a seaside city. There was a high-rise building here, which was the American branch of the Knights.

Satisfied, the Holy Killer opened fire on anything that moved in the building, because Deathstroke said these people deserved to die.

The angel duo did not dare to provoke such a vicious person. They could not stop the saint's killing and could only tremble.

According to the memory in Guang's mind, after confirming that everyone in the building was dead, the group came to the basement downstairs.

The environment here is much more retro. It is not a reinforced concrete structure. The dark tunnel is made of masonry and soil, with only a few torches as lighting.

The spiraling stairs and the gloomy and damp corridors, but these monotonous scenery did not last long, everyone saw a door in the camera.

The armor on Deathstroke's body glowed, and the red eyepiece suddenly lit up. He raised his hand and pushed open the door.

In this spacious underground space, there was a ragged man with long hair that had not been washed for an unknown period of time. The whole person exuded a strange stench.

When everyone came in, he was licking a piece of shit on the ground, and judging from the wisps of heat, he should have made it himself not long ago.

When he heard someone coming in, he grinned with his brown teeth and started dancing on the spot. He threw aside the dirty cloth like an old sheet and started twisting wildly naked.

"This is the Messiah? The Chosen One? The Son of God?" Bobo squatted on Harley's shoulder with an expressionless expression. He was already numb.

There was something wrong with the world from the beginning.

"Congratulations on your correct answer, but no points will be awarded." Su Ming took out the night sword from his pocket, and the stars made of X metal quickly flowed towards the blade: "That prostitute took too many drugs when she was pregnant, and the child died In this way, not having deformities is already considered good luck, so what more brains are needed? By the way, God has a plan to destroy the world, that is, when his stupid son goes to participate in the "Youth Dance" reality show, he will destroy the entire world at the same time. world."

Harley tilted her lips and shook her head disapprovingly: "Even if you fish out a rat from the sewers of Gotham, it can dance better than him. Are you sure that such a dance can be on TV?"

"If God says it can, then it can. You used to live in a city with simple folk customs, and you don't know what rights the second generation has."

Su Ming answered the question while holding the weapon and walking towards the real Holy Son.

Things can't be that simple. God can't just let mortals protect his son.

Sure enough, just when he raised the weapon in his hand and released his killing intent, a burning flaming sword flashed out of the void. Although the golden weapon was cut off when it collided with the Night Sword, the sword was cut off. The figure that emerged picked up the dancing Holy Son and fled towards the ventilation duct.

It was an angel, an angel with snow-white wings. In this world, he was one of the seven high-ranking ones in heaven.

But this is a basement, and there are tunnels outside. This is Deathstroke's home terrain, not to mention that he has already expected this.

"Holy Killer?"


There was a gunshot, and the angel not far away who was still flapping his wings and flying desperately turned into a sack and fell to the ground with a thud.

The revolver flipped over and was firmly inserted back into the holster. The killer saint's eyes were unwavering. Killing a high-ranking angel was as easy as killing a chicken.

The Holy Son also fell down next to the corpse, but he didn't feel any danger at all, but [Country Novel] happily took off the clothes and pants of the angel's corpse, and hummed while it was hot... ....that something.

In fact, the moment they walked into this house, the fat and thin angels behind them had their views shattered. What they saw was a dungeon full of all kinds of depravity and filth. Many human corpses that had been played to death were piled in the corners. Let them rot.

And the son of God is a mentally retarded idiot addicted to beast-like instincts, and now that guy's actions make everything become like a nightmare.

Both the fat and thin people vomited, and muffled curses came from their mouths.

No matter how loyal he was in the past, he now recognizes the reality. God does not regard the angels as his subordinates. They are not even weapons. They are just playthings that can be played with by his son.

Even if the two of them could get to the Seraph level, they would still be toys, so what was the point of climbing up?

This paradise...don't wait!

Seeing their painful expressions and the strong resentment on their bodies being sucked away by the Holy Killer's revolver, Su Ming patted the angels' backs with compassion and took out mineral water to rinse their mouths until they calmed down. After coming down.

The death knell said to the holy killer:

"Don't be stunned. The work is not finished yet. Kill his son first. God may come to see us."


Gunshots rang out again in the sealed underground space. Not far away, the idiot Holy Son, who was still drooling at the corner of his mouth and incontinent of urine and urine, fell down and never got up again.

"This is for my daughter."

The killer saint took away God's son, just like God took away his daughter. He felt so good that one corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

He used to be able to laugh, but the world before didn't allow him to laugh.

But the appearance of Deathstroke brought a smile back to him, and everything became relaxed and easy, which was great.

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