The Death Knell

Chapter 2279 Happy Hometown

While talking to his teammates, Su Ming kept holding the Night Sword tightly in his hand. It was not until Bobo finished checking the bodies in the basement for five minutes that the mercenary put away his weapon.

"It seems that God is worse than I thought. He didn't even care about his own son being killed." There was a little regret in Deathstroke's tone.

Bobo took off his disposable medical gloves and threw them aside, then took out some liquor to wash his hands and disinfect his hands with a look of displeasure on his face:

"This place is so disgusting. It has officially replaced McGeeken's Sex Dungeon and occupied the first place in my heart as the most filthy and unclean place. The corpses of these women have been dead for at least three months, and they are still subjected to that one after death. What an idiotic insult, you let him die so easily.”

"Oh, I can't see that you, a little gorilla, still have such a side, are you filled with righteous indignation?" After Bobo finished speaking, his feet left the ground, and Harley caught him like a doll: "What? You want it too?" Do you want to be a vigilante? May I introduce you to Gotham?"

"No, I don't want to go to the lunatic asylum!" the little detective struggled.

With Harley's interruption, Su Ming no longer had to appease the orangutan's sudden mood. He put away his weapon and looked at the two angels beside him.

"What do you think now?"

The thin man stopped laughing at this time. He took his friend's fat hand and said seriously: "Maybe we should go to hell, because the paradise we have now is no longer the paradise in our hearts. It is full of filth and corruption. There’s not a shred of kindness in sight.”

"Yes, we have stopped wanting to do this since the cold performance appraisal began." Fatty gritted his teeth and said viciously: "If we hadn't been afraid of being destroyed in the past, we would have..."

"Very good, you have finally seen the rottenness of class, then the next thing will be much easier to handle." Su Ming smiled and put his arm on their shoulders, and put the heads of the big one and the small one close to his face: "Originally, I considered whether to knock you out, but it seems that I don't have to, so let me tell you straight away, we are going to kill God next."

"Is it because of his plan to destroy the world?"

The thin man seems to have become smarter.

Ever since he had emotions and expressions, it was as if he had opened a genetic lock and evolved.

Deathstroke looked at the Holy Killer, who also looked at him calmly. Both mercenaries chuckled, but only the outsider answered:

"Yes, it is true. I also know why God wants to destroy the world. Because he feels that the world today is too bland and meaningless, so he wants to blow up the universe and reshape it himself."

"Restart the world again?" Bobo didn't know why he was tortured by Harley, but now he calmed down. He didn't struggle when he was held in his hand. Instead, he took out his pipe and thought: "Why do we always think about it?" Are you meeting such a madman? Barbatos is the same, Perpetua is the same, and now there is a crazy clone of God. Is it so fun to restart the world? "

The torches on the wall made a burning crackling sound, and some ashes fell on the pile of corpses in the corner. Su Ming simply took out an incendiary bomb and threw it over to help cremate those poor women. This was free help from mercenaries. The limit.

He looked at the burning flame and shook his head slightly:

"You also missed the Laughing Bat. If my guess is correct, the Laughing Bat also plans to restart the multiverse, but I don't know the specific conspiracy."

"We don't understand what you are saying, but we..." The fat and thin angels looked at each other again and said in unison: "We don't want this world to be destroyed!"

Deathstroke patted them on the shoulders and said happily: "You are becoming more and more human, which is good. My goals coincide with your wishes, so I can help you. The human world has never been perfect. Yes, but this is the place we live in. It should not be controlled by any god. Human beings should decide on their own."

The Holy Killer cast an appreciative look after hearing this, but Harley rolled her eyes covertly, knowing that Deathstroke had begun to lie again.

They say everything is left to humans to solve, but in fact the ‘ordinary humans’ mentioned here are him.

"Stop talking so much, where is the damn God?" The Holy Killer coughed and pressed his revolver: "Your trap failed, he did not come."

"My entire plan is progressive. Although the attempt to skip some of the steps failed, it will not affect the overall strategy." Su Ming let go of the two angels, threw each of them a cigar as a reward, and turned around Walking towards the body of the Holy Son over there: "Strangled!"

The black sea of ​​tentacles erupted from his body again, swimming toward the body of the Holy Son like thousands of poisonous snakes. It did not want to read the idiot's memory. This time, it wanted to obtain some bones and flesh.

The scene looked like the slaughter of livestock. After a few seconds of strangulation, the head of the Holy Son was taken back. He was very happy when he died, with his stupid smile still there.

Su Ming asked the angel again for the biscuit jar, held it in his arms, unscrewed the lid and threw the Holy Son's head in.

Now that he had assembled two messianic concepts, except God himself at the end, it was time to make use of the trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

As long as you tap the flesh and blood of the Holy Son with Creation, and feel it carefully, you should be able to feel the vague resonance, as if someone in a distant place is gently touching his nerves through invisible threads, and the X metal skeleton is magnified This kind of rhythm...

"I found it, come with me."

He threw the can towards the thin man, took off the magic floating cloak behind him, and signaled everyone to set off again.


West Coast, Los Angeles.

It can be said that this is the most developed place in the entertainment industry in the United States. Many people dream of entering Hollywood. Every year, no one knows how many men and women arrive in the City of Angels with their dreams in mind.

But there are very few people who can realize their dream of being an actor, and many of them end up going to the San Fernando Valley, next door to Hollywood.

It is a well-known base for "emotional action films" in the United States. Many "teachers" known to people around the world appear here. Therefore, there is also competition here that is no less than that of the film industry.

Some people want to be porn stars, but they can't become popular. Due to livelihood constraints, they can only do simpler businesses, that is, going to a store with red lights at night and lying down to make money.

Customers have different tastes. Some people like to look down on others, while others like to be looked down upon.

At this moment, in a store decorated like a dungeon, in a room with various torture instruments hanging on the wall, there was a man dressed as a Dalmatian, who got into a cloth bag and lay on his back. On the ground, he was wagging his tail to the queen, begging for mercy, and licking the shiny black leather boots desperately.

"Woof woof! Please punish the bitch from the Queen!"

He made a humble and perverted plea, and whimpered like a real dog, drooling eagerly.

The woman in the room wearing a tight leather jacket smiled contemptuously, kicked him hard on the head, and then pretended to pinch her throat and said: "Is this what you can ask for? How cheap! Who asked you to speak human words?"

"Woof! Woo!" The man in the dog suit slumped.

But this is just a difference in gameplay. After all, he is a consumer, and women are just playing along. He knows that he will get what he wants. This is why he feels that the world is meaningless!

Even being abused is meaningless... Let’s just destroy this world.

But as soon as this idea came to his mind, something unexpected happened the next second. The steel door of the dungeon was kicked off and hit the wall. A red light spot shone in the smoke and dust at the door. glow.

At the same time, a hoarse and gloomy male voice sounded: "LAPD! Lie down with your head in your hands, Jesus lies on the left, the dog lies on the right, and everyone who is neither a man nor a woman lies in the middle!"

What about a man in a Dalmatian tights who feels he's being targeted because he's both Jesus and a dog?

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