The Death Knell

Chapter 2324 The blind rage of sleepwalking

"Ghost, I'm here to negotiate terms!"

Su Ming, who was halfway through chopping someone up, stopped what he was doing, kicked Scylla down, turned around, looked at the figure in a green cloak, and shouted his name loudly.

"Ghosts live freely in human society, and revenge belongs to you!" The ghost did not even look towards Deathstroke. His eyes were spraying green light, and the eyeballs could not be seen, but Su Ming always felt that his eyes were distracted. Saying the lines as if sleepwalking: "Wrath, revenge, judgment!"

So Deathstroke turned the weapon in his hand into a loudspeaker and shouted again: "Ghost! Where is Corrigan?!"

Arthur on the flying carpet shook off the blood on his body and turned to look at Bobo: "Who is Corrigan?"

The orangutan, who wanted to prove that he was more human than human but was treated as a joke, sighed, filled his pipe with new tobacco leaves, and answered the question.

"A ghost cannot move freely in the human world. He must parasitize in a human host. Detective Jim Corrigan is the first generation host. His soul is bound to the ghost." The orangutan's black fur claws pinched it skillfully. Pick up a handful of tobacco leaves and gently roll it into a small ball: "Detective Corrigan's identity as a host is not enviable at all. The wrath of God... is quite crazy."

"Yes, Corrigan used to be a detective in the Gotham Police Department. I call him Little Jim because he has the same name as Commissioner Gordon, hehe."

Harley interrupted. She shook her head and recalled the past. Her little hands had no place to rub Raven's shoulders and massaged the little girl. After all, she was casting spells along the way:

"He originally died once because when he was investigating a drug case, he got into trouble with a group of ignorant young men. The group just arrived in Gotham and didn't understand the rules of the game, so they burned his whole family to death. I heard that The screams from the flames could be heard from several streets away.”

Donna also joined the conversation: "No one knows how he was resurrected. After resurrecting from the dead, he became the host of the ghost."

"So is he still working as a police officer in Gotham? If we want to find the ghost's host, shouldn't we go to that city?"

After the ghost appeared, the crazy monsters around him never came closer. They dispersed and retreated into their respective caves in the darkness. Arthur was relaxed enough to think about problems and ask questions.

"That's true at first, but once the ghost is released, the sentence is death."

Harley stopped the mage's massage, because Raven was very resistant to physical contact with others, saying that she was not tired at all, so Harley took out a small mirror and applied lip gloss, pursed her lips, and looked away. The back of the death knell:

"Bat doesn't allow murderous vigilantes in his city, so he chases Little Jim and the Ghost away? The last time I saw Detective Corrigan was in New York, he was killed in an alley by some homeless guys. The Han people are beating me violently.”

Arthur is even more confused? The Justice League has fought against the ghost more than once? Everyone knows what level of existence it is.

But as strong as a ghost, why would his host be knocked over by a few homeless people?

Bobo answered quickly this time. He jumped directly into Neptune's arms and covered Arthur's ears. He turned his head and looked at Harley and Donna warily. Not letting them take away his opportunity to answer questions, he quickly let go and said:

"That's why I said he was unlucky, because the ghost has its own set of standards for judging who can take revenge. He didn't listen to Corrigan at all. He really needed the detective's permission to come out, but he didn't want to come out. Time? Corrigan can't get him."

This is what Bobo said. At first, the ghost used the excuse that he was acting according to the will of God? He had no authority to judge anyone.

But then Hal served as a ghost host for a period of time, and the ghost had a showdown with him? He said that there was actually no will of God at all, and that he himself was the wrath of God? He would take revenge on whoever he wanted to take revenge on? Have I been lying to you all this time? Are you angry?

After finishing the answer, Bobo felt happy. He jumped off Arthur's body, lit his pipe and smoked the cigarette afterwards.


His information is so well-informed!

"Everyone, come close to me. Come here." Deathstroke also greeted them at this time. The mercenary was already floating side by side with the ghost, and even poked the ghost's nostrils with his fingers: "Donna, your condom Please let me use it."

"Is this okay?" The flying carpet flew over with several people, and Donna flew faster. She threw out her own lasso of persuasion.

Deathstroke caught the noose, tied it with a loop skillfully, put it around the ghost's neck, and replied with a smile: "No problem, he seemed to be sleepwalking after leaving the host. He was simply absent-minded. Look at me. He’s spicy.”

Su Ming said so and did the same. He took out a pack of spicy strips with 12 chili pepper logos from his pocket, tore open the package, pinched open the ghost's mouth, and poured out all the spicy oil inside the strips. Go in.

He then held the ghost's chin to help him chew, elbowed the ghost's Adam's apple to help him swallow, and then used a combination of punches on the ghost's belly to help him promote gastrointestinal motility.

The green figure still didn't react at all, still floating there, looking distractedly into the distance, but his face seemed a little rosier.

"Hehe, I want to play too." Harley jumped from the flying carpet to the ghost's shoulder, bent down and painted a big smile on him with lipstick, and then hit his head under the cloak: "Really, he seems He’s a vegetative person, does anyone have women’s clothing for him to try on?”

"Let's land first. It's not a good place to play in mid-air." Bobo glanced down. Those sharp stalagmites stood upright like animal traps. He didn't want the ghost to suddenly come back to his senses. Shoot everyone down there.

Su Ming held the noose around the ghost's neck, and it felt like pulling a light green balloon, slowly landing on the ground.

"Revenge, vent your anger, and the final justice will come." The ghost was still chanting during the landing, like a repeater.

"What should we do?" Donna didn't want to play ghost, let alone be remembered by the wrath of God. She knew clearly that all gods were petty.

Deathstroke handed the other end of the lasso into her hand. He did not let go of his hand, but tightened the rope together: "Your Lasso of Persuasion has the same effect as the Lasso of Truth. You can activate this artifact and try it." , interrogate him and tell the truth.”

"But my willpower cannot be stronger than a concept aggregate, the lasso will not work, and we are likely to suffer backlash and be controlled by his concept of 'revenge'."

Donna took a deep breath, her voice filled with uncertainty.

"So we need to add all of us." Su Ming turned to look behind him and motioned with his eyes for everyone to put their hands on each other: "Corrigan must be still having a spiritual battle with ghosts somewhere. If we have such willpower, If we can’t win the tug-of-war against a wandering conceptual incarnation, then everyone should just retire and let the earth be destroyed.”

"This is not possible. The Laughing Bat is not dead yet, so I can't let the earth be destroyed." Bobo jumped up first and hung his entire monkey on the lasso: "Although I am not a superhero, My will must be as strong as steel!”

"The orangutan dares, so it doesn't matter to me." Harley took her hand and carefully avoided her own nail polish to avoid being scratched: "But in the end, did I still participate in the animal tug-of-war competition? If I had known that, I should go there the next time the TV station offers me money to hire me..."

"..." The three-no girl Raven stretched out her hand without saying a word. She didn't say anything, but she would always advance and retreat with Donna.

Arthur patted his chest, thrust the pentadent into the rocky ground next to him, rubbed his hands together to warm them up and stretched them out: "Ha, of course I am indispensable for adventure. I am the King of the Seven Seas. Come! For the Earth!"

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