The Death Knell

Chapter 2325 Talking to oneself

When everyone held their hands on the noose, a green beam of light suddenly rose from the ghost's body, and the howling wind blew on everyone's face, as if something huge had crashed close at hand.

At this moment, Su Ming seemed to have seen the scene of Super Saiyan transformation. It could be said that it was exactly the same except that it was a little too sad and green.

"Is this explosive energy? The visual effect is pretty good..."

The complaints in his heart were not over yet. Suddenly, a large number of images were filtered into his mind through the filter of strangulation, and all kinds of revenge stories were displayed in front of him.

For example, after going through all kinds of hardships to kill the enemy who killed his father, only to find out that the enemy is his biological father.

There is also someone who has been working hard for more than ten years, but when he launched a revenge plan, he found that his enemy had long since died in bed with a smile on his face.

In addition to those, there are also all kinds of vulgar plots, such as someone who was so cautious that he spent his whole life accumulating the strength for revenge but died unexpectedly; someone was shot to death by the police because he was holding a gun without a license and was a black man on the way to revenge; there was also a teenager who harbored hatred but was killed. After being hit by a car and losing his memory, he was transformed into a cyborg by his enemy, etc...

If the past is really like smoke, then the smoke is indeed so thick that you can't even see your fingers.

Su Ming probably discovered something. He and others saw some truth from the ghost. What this cuckold showed everyone was all kinds of tragedies, tragedies spawned by revenge.

The funnier the story seems to others, the more pathetic it is to the protagonist of the incident. The ghost's current trance is likely to be addicted to these stories after leaving the host.

It seems like a long time has passed since the revenge stories were revealed, but in fact, time only passed for a moment. The next second, everyone let go of their hands in unison, and the trapped ghost exploded into a green light. .

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to react for a while.

"Have you seen any valuable information?" Bobo first touched his head and asked the question. He seemed a little confused: "I just saw various scenes of animal abuse, and it made me angry. .”

Arthur spread his hands and pulled out the harpoon next to him: "I saw people discharging sewage into the sea and catching whales and sharks indiscriminately, but that was all a long time ago, right? Since I joined the Justice League, this situation has changed They are almost extinct, and Atlantis has an agreement with the United Nations, so I’m not too angry.”

Donna looked at the raven beside her. The girl now looked like she was gritting her teeth. One look showed that she must have seen what her father Sannomiya did to her in the past.

The Amazon princess herself acted very indifferent, because the scene shown to her by the ghost was far worse than the dream created by the Laughing Bat. She touched the small bag around her waist and felt calm.

Su Ming's eyes drifted across everyone's faces. He also guessed that the others, like him, had not seen anything of value. The only difference was Harley. Her chin was raised now, with a look on her face. Smiling evilly and looking like "Come and ask me now".

"Harry, did you see anything?" Bobo knew how to read people's emotions. It seemed to be an animal's instinct. He didn't even wait for Deathstroke to speak. As a secretary, he asked on behalf of his boss.

"Hehe, it seems that only beauties like me get preferential treatment." Harley raised her eyebrows and grinned widely: "At first, the ghost showed me something about clowns, but I have already forgotten it. The guy was cut into dozens of pieces and had stopped being angry a long time ago. I told him not to show me that shit. Deathstroke is looking for Corrigan. Hand him over. He didn't tell me, but I had already learned from the narrator. The box knows where little Jim is."

Bobo frowned, he felt that Harley's condition seemed to be getting worse again.

What narration box? Why does it sound like a cartoon?

But Deathstroke behaved even more strangely. Not only did he not think that Harley was going crazy, he actually took out a lollipop from his pocket to reward Harley, and happily let her lead the way.

Could it be that... it wasn't that simple for Harley and Superboy-Prime to join the team? Does the so-called dimensionality of consciousness really exist...

The orangutan detective suddenly felt a headache. He seemed to have discovered something terrible.


"Observe, feel, take revenge."

In a vast dark space, Detective Corrigan was surrounded by countless monsters with glowing green eyes, but these guys did not attack him, even though he was talking to another voice in his heart.

"I feel nothing, ghost, come back to my body, I am your seal, God's wrath should not be spilled on everyone."

"James Corrigan, wherever you go the eyes of God are upon you, the wrath should not be concealed, the thunder of heaven is calling you."

Corrigan looked up at the sky, but it was pitch black above and he couldn't see anything. The monsters around him formed a wall. Another voice in his heart just spoke like this, and it also had its own echo.

"Stop talking about God, I know the truth. You just want to kill people and make more use of your kind, ancient, God-given subjective initiative." The police officer wearing a green windbreaker with messy hair and beard sneered: " There has never been a savior, you are just the bloodlust separated by God, using 'God's will' as an excuse."

The inner voice immediately sounded, and there was a strong sarcasm in the plain tone:

"You are just a mortal, do you think you can understand what God is?"

"I've seen enough blood for millions of lives. I've had enough of your madness. If you want to leave me, then go ahead. I will only stay in this abyss forever."

The detective roared loudly, and he pulled at his chest, as if he was trying to pull the ghost out of his heart. Unfortunately, the host of the ghost is chosen by the real God, and the two cannot be separated if they want to.

The inner voice was silent for a while and then said:

"Those are the blood of sin, and everyone deserves divine judgment."

"Blood is blood. When the earth is in crisis, I only see humans wearing tights to protect the earth. What about you?"

Corrigan scratched blood marks under his shirt in vain and gasped:

"You will only urge me to take you to kill people everywhere after the earth is safe, because they got weapons and power from Luther, completed their own revenge, and robbed you of your fun, so you have to convict them. I I won’t let you get what you want, and I won’t take you out to cause chaos to the Justice League.”

"This world will definitely be reshaped. This is the revenge of the plurality of darkness against the diversity of light. It is the revenge of the origin on the pluralistic world shaped by the traitors." The voice in the heart said so, and the ghost was very calm: "This is God's will, I I guarantee you we will all get a fair trial."

Jim Corrigan smiled. He simply sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a cigarette from his green windbreaker and lit it:

"I have served the Gotham Police Department for fifteen years. I may not know other things, but I know one thing, that is, there is no such thing as a 'fair' trial in this world. You can't lie to me!"

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