The Death Knell

Chapter 2404 The Founding of the Mutant Nation

Everyone was sitting in the living room, and almost all the X-Men members were here. The replay of the press conference was still playing on the TV, and everyone seemed to have a bad look on their face.

Wolverine and Cyclops were both adjusting their clothes. Judging from the way they stared at each other fiercely, they must have had a fight before Deathstroke arrived.

Behind Deathstroke, Wade also stared at Cyclops and whispered into the air: "Viewers, I should be the opponent of Little Wolf, but pinkeye robbed me of the scene. Do you think you should kill him secretly?" , should I ask my cousin to give me a bionic man to replace him?"

As he spoke, he made a knife gesture in the air with a fierce look on his face.

It has been more than a day or two since Deadpool suddenly became ill. Although Daisy next to him heard whispers, she simply ignored him.

She walked directly towards Jean Gray in the crowd, and the two women, who were considered acquaintances, soon started chatting warmly.

Jean Gray seemed to be used to the dispute between Wolverine and Cyclops, and acted as if she hadn't seen it. Instead, she squeezed Daisy's arm and talked about muscles and subcutaneous fat.

Wanda's eyes were always looking at the stairs, where a thin-faced girl with green hair was lying on the handrail.

The girl caught her attention.

She didn't know why, even though it was definitely someone she had never seen before, she always felt a strange sense of familiarity.

The communication between Charles and Deathstroke continued. He put his hands on the blanket on his knees, his bald head reflected the light, and smiled:

"The military has not launched an attack on us yet, so Hank is still making a last-ditch effort, and maybe things can be turned around. Because the creature accused of being a mutant is not a mutant, and even I can't find him. Brainwaves.”

Cyclops wiped his nosebleed and interjected: "Who knows? Maybe it's people from other mutant organizations."

He stared at Wanda, obviously meaning something.

Not to be outdone, Wolverine snorted coldly, kicked off his short legs and stretched his neck:

"Fart, if you ask me, it must be some new sentry robot created by the US military. They want to put the blame on us and make the people hate us even more. Just like I said, we should just rush in White House, talk to that 'cowboy' face to face."

"Are you an idiot?" Cyclops looked away. Because he was wearing glasses, I don't know if he rolled his eyes: "You want to go to war with the United States?"

Logan patted the heart-protecting hair on his chest and popped out his claws: "So what? I'm Canadian!"

"Stop arguing, sit down!" Charles lowered his face and solemnly ordered the two of them to sit down. He shook his head and said to Deathstroke with some shame: "I'm sorry for letting you see this scene. Both of them are not clear-headed. . But uncle, if you come to me at this time, you should already have a plan, right?"

Su Ming smiled. He touched Charles' bald head. From the corner of his eye, he saw the mysterious guest in the corner winking at him covertly, and then nodded:

"Yes, you don't want to go to war with the military, and you don't want to be used as part of the alien invasion plan. If you can't afford to offend but can still afford to hide, I'm going to send you all out to sea to hide."

Charles thought for a moment and nodded. Last time, he hid in Kama Taj. This time, he hid in the sea and treated it as a trip.

This is indeed a way to avoid war to a certain extent.

"Just, where are we going?" He was a little confused.

Deathstroke took a puff of cigarette and looked at the electric light above his head, but he answered the question incorrectly: "Charles, have you and Eric thought about the founding of a mutant nation?"

"He once told me about this crazy plan." Professor Agreeing with this plan and cutting off US territory will only make the contradiction more acute."

Su Ming nodded, as if he agreed, or simply expressed that he heard it, and then asked again:

"If I can give you a piece of unclaimed land, enough for you to build a city that only belongs to mutants, [] can you manage this country well?"

"I don't know, but if I don't hurt anyone, I'm willing to give it a try." Although Charles loves peace too much, fortunately he still has some courage as a leader, but he quickly frowned: "It's just The founding of a mutant nation may not be recognized by the United Nations, especially at this time."

"No, this is the time." Deathstroke sat back on the sofa and crossed his legs: "I have a plan that can perfectly throw the blame back to the US military, so I need you and Magneto to join forces. , announcing the founding of a mutant nation to the world."

Seeing the jump in the topic, Storm quickly interrupted: "Wait, Mr. Wilson, although we also want to seek a utopia where we are no longer oppressed and threatened, we have nothing, no money, and no diplomatic channels. There are no resources.”

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have people, I will give you a piece of land big enough, right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean." Su Ming looked at the black girl with a smile, her white hair looked quite dazzling.

"But we still don't have the support of other countries." Ororo covered her forehead and rubbed it hard with her little hands: "If we don't get the support of other countries, the U.S. military will definitely find any reason to drop nuclear bombs on us. In other words, our departure from the United States will make it easier for them to attack."

how to say? Storm is indeed the queen of Wakanda in the comics, and she considers issues much more thoughtfully than others.

But none of what she said was a problem for Deathstroke.

"Just want to gain international recognition and support? Your vision is still too short-sighted. Wouldn't it be better to get the support of the universe?" Su Ming gave his plan: "As long as your country is established, I will trust the heaven to support you." Let them first recognize the legitimacy of your existence. Then, Queen Lilandra, immediately build a Shi'ar Empire embassy on the island..."

The queen took a deep breath. She basically understood that after the Zerg invasion of New York, the existence of aliens was no longer a secret, so she might as well use the deterrent power of the Shi'ar Empire.

Even if the mutant country doesn't have any defenses, even if there is just a Shi'ar embassy, ​​the US military will have to consider whether it can withstand the wrath of the space fleet if it wants to drop a nuclear bomb.

"But American soldiers don't know how powerful the Shi'ar Empire is, and this deterrent may not be effective."

The Queen sat next to Charles, touching Charles' handsome bald head lovingly, while telling her savior Deathstroke's difficulties:

"Even if I contact Du Jian now and have the fleet start immediately, it will take at least a few days to get here. The larger the battleship, the more energy it requires to jump. This must be planned in advance, and Shi'a is not without enemies. The Skrulls and Kree have always coveted our territory."

"Again, this is not a problem. Your fleet is indeed not in the solar system, but mine is..."

Su Ming smiled and asked Wanda to open the door to teleport, while pushing the professor's wheelchair:

"Anyway, the US military doesn't know. They can't tell whether the fleet in low-Earth orbit is a Shi'ar battleship, can they? As long as the ship is big enough and there are enough turrets, they can just shoot a target."

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