The Death Knell

Chapter 2405 Identity exposed?

"Teleport to where?"

Staring at the green-haired girl endlessly, she was even identified as a 'Ji Lao'. Wanda, who didn't give a good look, was in a daze. Fortunately, she still saw the death knell gesture.

To put it simply, draw a circle.

All mages who are related to Kama Taj know that the Supreme Mage himself cannot open the portal. He can only draw circles in the air with his fingers and make blind gestures.

But whenever this happens, as a junior and subordinate, you have to serve the Supreme Mage.

"I'll give you the coordinates. It's 800 nautical miles south of Hawaii. It's summer there all year round. It stands to reason that there will be a lot of fruits that can be grown in the future." Su Ming took out a piece of paper from his pocket with a string written on it. The latitude and longitude, and looking at the yellowed and curled edges of the piece of paper, it should have been written long ago.

Wanda took the note and memorized the coordinates, then directly pinched a ball of red light with one hand, like sprinkling seasoning on a flatbread, tossed it in a large circle in the air, and then pushed it out with a palm.

As the space made a slight cracking sound, a portal was instantly formed, and the sound and smell of the waves on the opposite side came to my face.

"Well done, let's go, little Charles." Su Ming encouraged Scarlet Witch, then pushed her bald head towards the portal.

Under the huge force of the death knell, the little bald man couldn't resist even if the wheels of the wheelchair were locked, but he was still pushed out of two black marks on the ground and moved towards the portal.

Opposite the red portal, you can see the vast ocean. At night, it is a mysterious area that is dark but glowing with a faint silver light.

"Wait, let the children go first." The little bald man struggled, as if he was about to roll out of the wheelchair: "The teachers and I are standing behind. Maybe the sentry robot is already on its way."

Su Ming tore off his cloak and threw it through the portal, turning it into a huge platform. He held down Charles again:

"If your students don't know that the disabled principal should be the first to evacuate, I will suspect that there is something wrong with your education policy. Now shut up and listen to me."

After saying that, he raised his arms and threw the wheelchair and the person over it. The chair still drifted on the platform made of the cloak, and almost slipped into the sea water. The Queen quickly got in and supported him.

After all, Lilandra is from the royal family of Shi'ar. Although her fighting ability is not as good as that of sword fighting, she is at least on the level of her younger sister Death Bird. Good eyesight and quick hands are the basic qualities of a warrior.

Looking at some of the mutants who were unable to recover, Su Ming clapped his hands again and urged: "Don't be stunned, everyone should go over, students and teachers alike."

"But our things haven't been packed yet." Jean Gray sighed, but still walked towards the portal honestly.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is not as simple as it looks on the surface. There are also facilities such as brainwave controllers, blackbird hangars, and crisis training rooms underground.

You have to lock the door and cover it up before leaving, right? Otherwise, once everyone leaves and the military takes over, everyone's blood samples or information will be leaked.

"Where else do you think Jianguo's land comes from?" Su Ming asked in return, and asked Strangler to throw her into the portal: "Cyclops, Storm, and Colossus, you guys should follow."

"Don't touch me, I'll do it myself!" Logan approached the portal warily: "MD, just thinking about being entangled by tentacles makes me feel sick. You also let it parasitize on your body. What a monster."

"If you feel itchy, just tell me. If it wasn't for Natasha's sake, I would have asked my cousin to burst your asshole."

Su Ming kicked Wolverine into the portal and rolled his eyes.

Wade came over, drew out the two knives from his back, and said with a mean smile:

"Cousin, I can do it. Suck it, put the long knife in first, then turn it three times to the left and three times to the right. Wolverine and I will do some exercises together."

"No, I can't. Even imagining that scene suddenly felt impossible." Su Ming's eyes turned into dead fish shapes, and he retched: "I just said it casually, don't really do that. Ah, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to explain it to Natasha.”

The white eyes on Wade's mask narrowed, and then nodded:


"That's right, he is just a dwarf after all. If there is a scene of abusing a dwarf in my plot, I'm afraid the movie rating will be affected... But it's okay if I go over and talk to him first? Audiences in the live broadcast room I also want to see him, and he also said that he will die miserably when he gets old in the future, and I want to interview him."

"...Go ahead, but we agreed not to blow his flowers." Su Ming rubbed his face and felt a little tired. After sending Deadpool over, he greeted the rest of the people: "Okay. Now, will the remaining students teleport themselves? Or will they use Wanda’s teleportation portal?”

Deathstroke is much gentler when it comes to his students.

The secret guest, who was originally an undercover agent, pretended to be unfamiliar with Deathstroke, walked up to Wanda, glanced at the string of coordinates, and then raised his hand to cast a spell.

In the blink of an eye, a portal covered with dense black tentacles, constantly squirming and changing, appeared next to the crimson aperture...

"Uh... I'll go this way." The little naughty shuddered and got into Wanda's teleporters without looking back.

"Sorry, Liana, you know I love you." Katie hugged Mysterio, and then got into the aperture.

"Liana, I'm a little afraid of tentacles. I will definitely use your portal next time." Twinkle smiled at Mysterio, then rubbed her arm and walked to Wanda's side.

The students all chose Scarlet Witch. Although Wanda was a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants and an old enemy of everyone, compared with Mysterio's tentacle teleportation, the door to see the situation on the other side was more practical.

Mysterio looked a little sad on the surface, but actually he was smiling in his heart.

It's so pitiful that the silly children don't realize it when they fall for the teacher's tricks.

Just a simple sentence, a seemingly unproblematic choice, changed the matter from students' 'do you want to go with me?' to 'how to go, which door to choose? ’

Aren't we still at the same place?

This is Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters. The students are the main body. The X-Men are just a force to protect the children. As long as the students are taken care of, the adults will have no objections.

I learned something again today.

The students left one by one, and in the end only the green-haired Polaris was left. She had no intention of leaving. On the contrary, she seemed to want to stay.

"Why don't you leave?"

Su Ming crossed his arms and asked. After all, even Daisy had already passed there first.

Lorna's world-weary little face showed an expression of memories, she tilted her head to look at the death knell, and suddenly her eyes widened: "Is it you?"

"What am I?"

Deathstroke-style pretending to be confused is expressionless.

Polaris approached him, sniffed and smelled it again, raised his hand and touched his neck: "It's you, I remember you, even though I was having a fever and feeling dizzy at the time, I know it was you who took off my inhibitions." Collar, you saved me, why?"

Su Ming shook his head at the mysterious guest who was about to cast a spell secretly. He nodded to Lorna: "I saved you, and I asked the mysterious guest to send you here. Don't ask why for some things. Just ask because I am happy."

"That reason sounds cool, thanks."

The ice and snow on Lorna's face melted, revealing a bright smile. Then she chose a cooler passage and jumped directly to the Mysterio's portal. She was caught by the tentacle bush and rolled in at one go.

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